When i remember MAL exist i come back and update whatever i remember here :3
Slice of Life <3 + Isekai s2
Although i don't really have a right pattern to follow, my grades are basically like this:
10 - perfection, touched me / perfeito e me tocou
9 - loved it, probly rewatching a few times / amei, reassisto com frequência
8 - really liked it, had much fun watching, definitively worth it / adorei, muito divertido, valeu a pena ver
7 - cool, nice / legal, bom
6 - ok / ok
5 - meh / meh
4 - bad / ruim
3 - i'm not sure what to say about this, is just bad / n sei nem oq dizer
2 - appalling, nothing is right and have big problems in this show / péssimo, n acerta em nada, e tem problemas graves
1 - meme / meme
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