All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 87.7
Mean Score:
- Watching50
- Completed230
- On-Hold31
- Dropped19
- Plan to Watch133
- Total Entries463
- Rewatched15
- Episodes5,662
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 209.7
Mean Score:
- Reading299
- Completed260
- On-Hold71
- Dropped22
- Plan to Read16
- Total Entries668
- Reread14
- Chapters28,880
- Volumes2,327
All Comments (30) Comments
And yes, maybe for you Naruto is not good, but objectively it is quite a good show. It has a lot of flaws, but other elements, or rather the emotions received from them, often cover these flaws. If not for the last arch, it would have been much better, of course, but that's another topic for conversation.
read , read , just read
write , write , just write
live , live , and then die
Now just have to wait for another year....