I tend to give almost all animes high scores... I'm usually quite positive and the scores reflect my feelings at the time of watching. My normal score is 7, anything higher than that I liked especially much and anything lower than that I disliked. I'm too lazy to go through my list to change all the scores to match a better format so I'll just continue using this format. Sorry.
All Comments (23) Comments
Or you wanna make the voice you were doing in ventrilo over and over again?:P
how come you dont enter online?
Lol. I'm talking crap right now ^^lll
Yup! Stick together! Let's hope we can find more MA mates here. Oh btw, BlubberNugget is MHCM 8D
I look forward to being your friend and hope you continue to have a good time at MA.
Glad to have you as my friend^^ MA mates should stick together, ne?
What was I getting at? Oh, right. Great taste in characters. *friended*