10 - Arc-of-the-Covenant style face melting.
The pinnacle of artistic and literary expression in my eyes. Something that connects with me on a deep personal level and boasts a distinct sense of identity, whether that be through artistic direction, style, feel or (more commonly) a combination of the above.
9 - Personal favourites.
Things that I consider amongst the best of the medium. Personal connection is also required. May be marred by minor/largely inconsequential issues, but leaves a thoroughly pleasant taste in the mouth.
8 - Great.
Had a great time with it. May lack a particularly strong personal connection, but all in all a strong, well-realised product.
7 - Good
Worth your time, not worth raving about.
6 - Okay, I guess...
Things that I don't particularly regret watching, but wouldn't go through again. Can include 7s with moderate issues.
5 - Borderline.
Can include squandered premises and mixed good/bad elements. Can be fascinating in their mediocrity.
4 - Bad.
An overall bad taste, but not repulsive. Usually can be completed with some effort.
3 - Terrible.
A case study in what to avoid. Follows patterns/tropes that make the writing unintelligible or repulsive. Usually not worth completing.
2 - Fascinatingly awful.
Either something so terrible and repulsive it begs closer examination, or a betrayal (bad adaptation/sequel). Like a train wreck, in that you can't look away, and so is often completed.
1 - Scum of the earth.
Something that does not deserve to exist. Has to cause personal hatred in me enough to want all copies to be burned immediately and it permanently struck from all records of humanity. A cancerous blight.
Other MAL-style lists:
I try to keep my MAL and IMDB up to date, but the others are less consistent.
EDIT: At this stage, none of the below links should be considered up to date. One day I'll run around and try to clean them all up.
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