That's awesome to hear, I'm glad you watched it and saw a different point of view. And, if you did like it, id highly suggest the next 2 seasons, as they are generally better than the first (season 2 being the best, having some of the best animation I've ever seen, and much more poignant character moments). Unless you've already seen them, of course.
I know its an older review, but i wanted to say i really liked your mob psycho review. I (obviously, judging by my PFP) don't agree with it, however I completely understand where you are coming from. The fact that the story is boring is mainly because there isnt one at all. its a very character driven show that has characters evolve over time, all by interactions with mob. The only functional story is the fact that mob's self improvement journey acts as a base for everything that happens in the show. Its not really a deep and thought out story like code geass or Stiens: gate, as its just individual, self enclosed arcs that happen to push mob to be a better person/character. And, because of this, I think its a completely fair thing to think that the story is bad.
And the characters being cliché is completely true. the same goes for the villain's, although that's kind of how ONE writes. he did the same in OPM, where he has characters and villain's work as cliché and cringey pegs that are knocked down, usually by dialogue calling them out. This is the same in mob psycho 100, although not in the same way that OMP does it. Mob psycho has characters work as cliché's while mob, the cringey and meek kid that he is, just gives them a piece of sense that he usually learns from regien. the only non cringey, non-cliché character in the whole show that acts as a pivot for mob. Because of this, the whole series works as a long list of self improvement tactics and ideas that mob not only learns, but expresses to other people. Its not as in your face with its point like a movie like "a silent voice" or "i want to eat your pancreas," both of which have very similar themes and points. But it is slower, yet very fun and action packed.
This comment isnt to try and convince you, but rather reinforce what you said with explanations as to why those things are the way they are. And, more specifically, why I and another's enjoy the show.
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And the characters being cliché is completely true. the same goes for the villain's, although that's kind of how ONE writes. he did the same in OPM, where he has characters and villain's work as cliché and cringey pegs that are knocked down, usually by dialogue calling them out. This is the same in mob psycho 100, although not in the same way that OMP does it. Mob psycho has characters work as cliché's while mob, the cringey and meek kid that he is, just gives them a piece of sense that he usually learns from regien. the only non cringey, non-cliché character in the whole show that acts as a pivot for mob. Because of this, the whole series works as a long list of self improvement tactics and ideas that mob not only learns, but expresses to other people. Its not as in your face with its point like a movie like "a silent voice" or "i want to eat your pancreas," both of which have very similar themes and points. But it is slower, yet very fun and action packed.
This comment isnt to try and convince you, but rather reinforce what you said with explanations as to why those things are the way they are. And, more specifically, why I and another's enjoy the show.