I used to watch a lot of anime and now it seems like I'm doing it again, even got me into making this account. My favorites tell something about my tastes (duh). I've started to love scifi animes more and more, in addition to fantasy, eventhough they intertwine quite a lot too and are vast generalizations on top of that.
Freedom is a big theme for me and I've pondered the meaning of life and other nonsense quite a bit (somewhere beyond words is where I'd place "the truth"). Maybe I love to ponder animes from that perspective? I also love animes that are somewhat weird or emotion/mind-provoking.
We all go through our reality tunnels, yet we are also the whole ocean in a drop? Interconnectedness and immense potential, centralised and contained in the present moment, be it anime or anything else which is deemed worthwhile by an individual - without too much conflict inducing attachment I hope?
"Love & Peace"
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