Hi, there. I am an Otaku that enjoys all types of Anime and making new friends. So if you wanna be friends and chat with me then by all means go right on ahead and hit me up. I do not mind it at all. I usually just get busy a lot or have other things going on. So please do not take it the wrong way if I do not always respond on time. It does not mean that I dislike you or anything.
All Comments (66) Comments
Definitely try to find as much time to relax, it helps a lot. Always good to find other things to take your mind off of things.
I've been pretty good honestly. Just real busy with going back to school and work as usual but other than that I've been great.
I hope you've been alright! <3
What have you been up to??
Sorry for replying to this a bit late, I've been super busy with both school and work lately! My semester ends on May 22, so by then I should have more free time to reply regularly! But if I take a while to reply to your next messages, I apologize in advance!
Did you have a nice nap?~
Tough day at work.~
First off, I'm gonna try to clear up this misunderstanding because I definitely was not ignoring you. I know you're being friendly, and I appreciate that! And you definitely haven't done anything to me so no worries there.
I did get a notification for your comment, I just didn't respond right away, and I'm sorry about that. I normally try my best to respond to everyone as soon as I can, but sometimes I do get delayed for various reasons. #1 being the fact that life tends to get very busy. Normally when I'm very busy, I only have a small amount of time for replying which I usually use to send short and quick replies to people. But most times I don't like doing so because sometimes I feel like I'm not giving the person a proper reply, if that makes sense. Currently, there are many people who I haven't yet responded to, so you weren't the only one. There's only one person I've responded to recently, who happens to be one of my best friends. I rarely get a chance to speak to her often since we're both busy most of the time, so when I get a message I tend to just reply super quickly to her. Besides that, I haven't responded to my other messages, which is normal. There are times where I take much longer to reply to some people. Your message was posted less than 2 days ago, which isn't super long, but I'm still sorry for responding to you late and upsetting you. If you're ever waiting for a reply from me, feel free to just drop another comment reminding me or something, because I actually do tend to overlook some comments sometimes. But just know that most times when I reply late it's because I've been rather busy. I'm sorry again and I hope you're not super upset! <3
In response to your previous comment: I'm glad things have been better for you!! I'm happy to hear that. Things have been busy on my end as well, mostly with school. But my semester is over in a few weeks, so hopefully I won't be as stressed by then haha. And I had a pretty nice Thanksgiving, I hope yours was lovely! :)
I've been doing well, thank you so much for asking. I hope you've been great!
How was your day?
What's up?
I watch anime mainly to relax and have fun, and magical girls are great for that purpose. Its cuteness and lightheartedness is perfect for getting rid of your worries (even if temporarily) and lifting your mood. :D Yeah, I like most light bright colors, and magical girl animes are full of that. I like that each girl has her own hair and costume color, with the main character usually being pink.
Hmm I've never even heard of that anime before, so I'm not surprised that it's hard to find. :/
Haha, I used to be extreeeeemely shy. I remember when I first joined MAL, I would hesitate for hours before sending someone a message. @.@ But over time, I got over my fears, and tried talking to more people, and I also have more things to say, so now chatting is almost second nature to me. xD Practice makes perfect.