Ayy what up, you've somehow found your way to a NEET's pit. Since you're here lemme tell you about myself.
About me
As you can probably read, my name's Jikai, I'm a fat, ugly, 20 year old mess of a human from good ol' England. All I really do is eat, sleep, watch anime and play games. You can thank Jetix and Shaman King for turning me into the disgusting weeb I am today.
I've also recently fell into Bandai's rabbit hole that is Gunpla. Started the addiction like 2 years ago and it's still going strong. I'm also very much into collecting static, or poseable, figures and physical releases of Anime and Manga.
Speaking of...

My god awful taste
It's usually standard for anime fans to have terrible taste, but I think mine tops most people honestly.
My top 5 genres are:
1. Mecha
2. Action
3. Drama
4. Adventure
5. Fantasy
Only the traditional Fantasy tho, get that Isekai trash outta here boio.
And my top 5 shows (In no particular order) are:
1. Cowboy Bebop
2. SSSS.Gridman
3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
4. Clannad
5. Berserk (97 + Golden Age trilogy)
I am literally incapable of ranking these so it's just a general list. Also a real big fan of stuff like Serial Experiments Lain, Evangelion, FLCL all that kinda jazz.
Feel free to recommend me literally anything. There's only a few exceptions tho. I refuse to watch anything Yuri, Yaoi, Shounen Ai and Shoujo Ai. As long as it's not one of those I'll give it a go.
As far as characters go, if they're short chick and or a tomboy then ya boi likes. I'm also really into the Neo-Noir / Cyberpunk aesthetic, as you can probably tell by my profile.
I'm really into games like I said earlier. So like the other list, here's my top 5 gaaames:
1. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
2. Persona 5
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 2
4. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
I also play a few online games like League of Legends and Final Fantasy XIV. So feel free to add me on here and if we get close enough I'll add you on Steam n stuff.
I'm also pretty big into music, ONE LAST TIME FOR THE ROAD.
1. Pink Floyd
2. Nine Inch Nails
3. Man with a Mission
4. David Bowie
5. Death Grips
Ok we're done with the lists, and I think we're done with talking about who I am. So if you ever wanna just chat about dumb shows or games or whatever, feel free to add me and hit me up.
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