Personally, I think it's the thought that counts.
And if he likes it, then that's all that matters!
When are you going to give it to him?
When is your last day of school?
Sorry for the late reply.
I loved it. The timing was fantastic, especially.
The only thing I didn't like was that the music and the scenes from Ouran didn't go together very well. That's the only thing I can complain about.
Right now, I haven't really been watching any anime or reading any manga; I've been busy.
But I've been re-reading the manga series, Solanin. It's one of my favourites.
(Laughs) No kidding!
My friend Hannah got a pair of new glasses that remind me of T.O.P.
I listen to their music, but I don't know much about them otherwise...
I think T.O.P is a really talented rapper, though.
Who do you like the most?
All Comments (74) Comments
Merry Christmas, by the way.
Any plans?
And if he likes it, then that's all that matters!
When are you going to give it to him?
When is your last day of school?
I hope things turn out well for you in the end, though!!
I'd still get him a gift though.
Maybe he'll be taken aback by how kind you are.
Make him cookies or something!!
Or does he like chocolates??
I'm sure he'll like anything, as long as it's from you.
What does he like?
I saw the pictures!!!
They're all really handsome boys.
Have fun!!!!
So I heard about you and Hana meeting some Oriental boys...
What's all that about?
Sorry for the late reply.
I loved it. The timing was fantastic, especially.
The only thing I didn't like was that the music and the scenes from Ouran didn't go together very well. That's the only thing I can complain about.
Right now, I haven't really been watching any anime or reading any manga; I've been busy.
But I've been re-reading the manga series, Solanin. It's one of my favourites.
So... Recently Hana got hooked on Naruto.... Have you read it?
Have you heard them?
I really like Lollipop Part 2, but I haven't heard Always.
What's your favourite song by them?
My friend Hannah got a pair of new glasses that remind me of T.O.P.
I listen to their music, but I don't know much about them otherwise...
I think T.O.P is a really talented rapper, though.
Who do you like the most?
I'm glad things are working out for you.
I recently saw Hana.
Now, she's obsessed with Big Bang.
Is she still into Vocaloids?
That's really terrible! I hope your teachers are okay, though.
You'll make it! I'll be here to cheer you on! (Laughs)