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Honey Lemon Soda
Honey Lemon Soda
Mar 1, 8:04 AM
Watching 8/12 · Scored -
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon 2nd Season
Mar 1, 12:55 AM
Watching 7/13 · Scored -
Dr. Stone: Science Future
Dr. Stone: Science Future
Feb 28, 11:33 PM
Watching 8/12 · Scored -
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Jan 19, 2019 3:38 AM
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Dec 13, 2016 7:22 AM
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Onanie Master Kurosawa: After the Juvenile
Onanie Master Kurosawa: After the Juvenile
Oct 7, 2016 5:11 PM
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Tensho Aug 18, 2015 6:28 AM

click here
Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!

This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.

That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.

About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!

Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!

Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!

What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!

So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.

- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.

purplewings Aug 13, 2012 1:14 PM
hey been a while since i spoke to ya so thought id swing by and drop ya nice big hello how are ya how ya been etc and all that jazz

hows the anime watching ?? watching anything decent ?
VioLink Oct 1, 2011 10:52 PM
"Listen up you lowlife that will never amount to anything!"

Razer Sep 24, 2011 9:22 AM
Haha fair enough.

My to watch list gets longer everytime airing anime finish (since the whole next season jumps on the end -_-)

Ahh I completely forgot about that anime. Is it good? Adding it to my list now.

I actually dislike it when something has ONLY the ecchi going for it. Which seems to be the case with Kira? Apparently it fails in every other respect? Though the out of place bit is probably the main problem.

Great, I still have another week before uni starts so I've just been lazing about as usual xD.
Ahh haha lol, good luck with all that then ^^. And yeah, half a page shouldn't be too much a problem.
Razer Sep 22, 2011 11:18 AM
Late reply again xD

Ahh lol, download it maybe? (photoshop)

I think it was Welcome to the NHK... but I don't remember much more than that myself.

I... think so? Well my list is now extremely long since I've finally got round to setting end dates to all of the summer anime so I doubt I'll get to KKN anytime this year xD

As mentioned above, I've got the end dates so now I know exactly when everything's finishing ^^

Regarding Fall '11, I have 18 anime lined up, with another four tentative (two are VN harems, and the other two are remakes/spinoffs). Still have Summer to get through though first anyway xD Oh, Idolm@ster (Summer) is a two season anime so that'll be going in the Fall list as well.

And haha, I have Kira queued up as well. Apparently it IS bad, it's completely different to the original Higurashis. Apparently just the typical ecchi extras.
Razer Sep 8, 2011 12:55 PM
This conversation about sleeping habits lasted for quite a while o_o...

Haha thanks ^ ^. Yeah that's one of the main reasons I chose it.
And yeah your profile pic IS dark. When you look it as just a thumbnail, it's practically completely black except for two lighter spots (which you only realise are your guys' heads upon clicking on your profile) xD
Lol you could probably just photoshop the picture (up brightness) and that'd solve the problem ^ ^.

The end was pretty dark (emotionally), when they're in the attic of some building that's minutes away from being demolished, wondering whether or not they should bother leaving it. Or something like that (no idea if that was in the anime though).

:o Just looked that anime up, is it good? Looks pretty interesting, albeit ridiculous xD.

I shall not be picking any up to follow. I'll just take note of the ones I'm interested in (about 80% of the season so far lol) and then download them all once they're all done airing. In the same way that I'm going to download the current season when it's finished in... however many weeks are left, should only be a month or so, right?
BinaryStar Sep 6, 2011 6:46 PM
Thank you :D
BinaryStar Sep 6, 2011 3:48 PM

Edit: Please.
Razer Aug 24, 2011 6:55 AM
Oh god how?! I've managed to miss out one night of sleep but then afterwards I was practically useless for the entire day and then just went and collapsed on my bed at the end.

Ahh the second season was longggg, they dragged out a situation for ages lol. Nice end though so was worth the watch. Liking it so far, I assume?

lol I have yet to find a better picture xD

Hmm the problem with Bokurano is that I started reading the manga knowing that the whole story was meant to be really sad and horrible (for the characters). As a result I kinda numbed myself to the whole thing pretty early on because I knew nothing good would happen.
Which for that matter is another reason why it's different to Higurashi. Bokurano doesn't have a happy ending, Higurashi does.

There are probably loads of series like that, though none come to mind right now.

Parents and friends of theirs. We've just moved house so I didn't know any of them lol. They had children around my age (14-21) so it was all good though.
Razer Aug 13, 2011 6:56 AM
Haha that's barely five and a half hours of sleep! How can you survive on that?! I'd find it impossible to get up in the morning with just that.
And lol I always watch anime before sleeping as well :D It's just part of my routine.

Ahh I have just Naruto and Bleach listed I think, simply because those are the most well known. But that's it, the moment I start putting something less known like AnoHana, I'll want to transfer my entire MAL account over xD
Ah I've just used the same profile pic for like 3 or 4 years now. I don't even live in the house where that pic was taken anymore ^^

There's different ways a series can be dark so it's also a matter of opinion to some extent. Like you said, Higurashi and Bokurano are both dark but in very different ways. Can't really say which is darker as a result.

Oh also I'm going on a mediterranean cruise for the next week so my next reply will probably late... then again you probably won't notice the difference xD
Razer Aug 8, 2011 9:32 AM
Here's your reply! As you can see I am indeed alive here xD

Haha I should probably try and bring back my sleeping times to around then as well. Right now it's all over the place. Especially when my parents plan some random event and I have to wake up early. Which means I have to sleep early the night before... but because I woke up late that day (having slept late the night before that).... xD

Ahh I always have me in my profile pic. I keep my facebook mostly away from anime. I have anime listed in my interests but other than that I keep my profile simple ^^ Especially since if I was to mention one anime I'd feel weird if I didn't put all the other anime I like with it (would feel incomplete)... and that's a tall task for me lol

Hmm I probably won't watch it. I like anime with a really good plot but anything too dark tends to turn me off before I can start watching it, even if I know it's absolutely amazing. Though I guess if there's no rape then it's automatically not as dark as some of the other stuff I've seen (e.g. Mnemosyne) so you never know ^^
Razer Jul 19, 2011 9:28 AM
Ahh lol 10 day late reply, sorry xD

I see, I see ^ ^

Ah k, I probably won't pick it up then since like you I'm not into any of those things either.

Haha yeah. Only on holidays though since I have no reason to stick to a schedule. Oh and I never stay up late for work. In fact, I usually just stop working if it reaches 10pm simply because I'd rather relax afterwards lol. As I never leave things to the day before, it usually works out fine.

Lol understandable :D And I was actually expecting the same. I generally find it hard to visualise a person before I've actually seen them so all I had in mind was "fair-skinned? brown hair or blonde?". Other than that I wasn't expecting anything in particular ^ ^
And nope you hadn't shown me a pic before adding me ^ ^

:o Is that anime good? I've checked it out a few times on wikipedia, MAL, etc. Sounds like a really depressing anime. Wiki: "Much of the series deals with serious moral issues relating to war, the consequences of war, rape, democide, human brutality and the exploitation of children." <-- That's some pretty serious stuff o_o
Razer Jul 9, 2011 8:38 AM
I never ask my parents anything with regards to school work or uni work. For the most part, they just never know the answer in the first place. While they probably will have learnt it before, it's been far too long for them to remember any of it. Also since my dad is a doctor and my mum runs an ad agency, neither of them will have done any of the subjects I did anyway.

I've made using incognito a habit. I no longer have to think about going through the menu to click on it ^ ^

Don't like starting anime and then dropping it though. I've done that a few times already and... somehow it just bothers me.

It's become 7am now. I think it's because I always find it hard to sleep at an earlier time to the previous day, especially if I have nothing to get up for the next morning anyway. I'll never go past 7 though that's for sure. Though that's simply because my parents WILL freak if they wake up and find I'm still up.

Ahh I prefer just real life friends, especially since I never talk to others anyway. For example I have like two online friends on Facebook apart from you, but other than having them on there, I've never spoken to them once. (I talk to them outside Facebook of course)
Razer Jun 30, 2011 2:50 PM
Hey, sorry for the late reply again lol

Hmm that said, I rarely have anything to ask my parents anyway. In general, I prefer figuring out the answer to something on my own. Programming is usually the only thing I ask for help with but even that's rare and only when I'm really stuck and know I can't figure this out on my own for some reason or another.

Ahh we have around 5, one of which is basement level. Computer labs are on ground.
Oh god what, that tower is massive! Well for something in a university anyway. Same with the library.
Also I'm not sure if it's just the pic but the library looks nice :)

Haha I still delete my history now and then. Though I've made a habit of using Chrome in incognito mode for any surfing besides my usual sites so I generally don't need to ever clear it.

Ahh chocolate society :D I'm pretty sure my uni has one of those. No idea how active it is though.
Wow, that's certainly taking things a little further. Well at least that wasn't as bad as using salt instead of sugar or something like that.

Ahh I read the manga, I dropped the anime a while back. Right after that rebellion arc in fact xD.
How's Moshidora by the way? I was planning to watch it but ending up scratching it off my list for some reason or another (I think just to lighten it). Worth the watch?

Haha, probably not a good thing, but I've pretty much made it my routine to sleep at 5.30am... and considering it's summer here, that usually means it's already bright outside xD.

(Lol I usually keep my FB to just real life but added anyway :) I'm Shravan so you know.)
(Another reason to proofwatch? xD)
Razer Jun 25, 2011 9:04 AM
It's nice having people that you can confide in though. More so if they're not family like Tash. Since they're not attached to the rest of your family, you can tell and ask them stuff you wouldn't want family to know.

:o were you born in Fiji? And haha, I get what you mean. My parents apparently went all over the place for holidays and stuff (I think they did a Europe tour) so I end up randomly finding out that I've been to place despite having no recollection.
Me: Hmm how about Paris? I've never been there.
Mum: [matter of fact] Yes you have.

Lol considering the insane amount of stairs, just how tall are your uni buildings? Or do you have stairs that go up and down, and upon reach your destination, you're still at the same height as before xD

Ah true, I've had friends bring in their laptops before (all playing Need for Speed World lol), something we definitely couldn't do on the lab computers since we can't install stuff. Chances are I will be taking my laptop in next year... though that's solely for downloading my 5gb a day lol xD (since I'll be in a flat further away next year).
:o That's the time it takes me to get home from uni as well. I usually just listen to music. Or read a book, a hacked psp is useful for random things like that xD

My parents know as well. In fact considering most of the stuff I do on the computer can probably be linked to anime, they know how much I like anime too. They also know anime isn't necessarily "childish". But they attempt to rant about it anyway, as they do for pretty much anything that I'm interested in that they're not xD

:o Iceland. And what club is this? Assuming, of course, that your uni does not randomly have two anime clubs lol xD

Ahhhh I meant "frilly" not "flowery"! pfft lol fail, should've proofread xD. And anything can be made badass if you got the right person lol..... well maybe not anything but most things.
I'm up to date with Bleach for that matter so I know what you mean.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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