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Maker Hikoushiki Hatsune Mix
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Nov 19, 2010 4:29 AM
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Oosran Nov 8, 2010 8:26 AM
How is that even possible? : O
I'm impressed whenever I manage to sleep more than 8 hours >.>

And yeah, I was kind of hoping they'd end Bleach sometime soon. Even if that'd be about a 100 chapters too late. It already got ruined some time ago : <
Only reason for buying them (except for actually finishing reading it sometime) would be for a sense of completeness, since I already have the 32 first volumes shoved away somewhere. xD

I'll just refrain from packing more awesome into this. Soon enough it'd just look stupid anyway xD
And then I guess we're getting to the point where "introductions" are over and more casual conversations follow : p

It does somehow sound a bit sarcastic, yeah xD
Well anyway, I'll tell you when I'm picking it up again.
<insert omitted comment about Maid-sama vs. Special A here>

That's how it is for me, normally. It happens more often that I find a great manga after having watched its anime compared to reading an awesome manga and then finding out that they're planning an adaption into anime : p

See, even I can come up with great ideas! xD (Maybe I should try converting something to my phone next time? So far I've only converted to my iTouch, but it should be just as possible to watch stuff on an Android phone as well : p)
Oh and my little brother actually has a few volumes of manga too, like 13 volumes of Yugioh, 9 volumes of Ragnarok and 4 volumes of Rebirth... Or something, I don't know xD
Yeah I decided today that I'd buy those blurays. I'll order them in a few days or so : >
I'll be so happy when they finally arrive~
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 12:14 PM
Well good night then, I'll be expecting a nice reply sometime tomorrow then : >
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 11:51 AM
I'd probably do that too. There are some taglines that would just sound too awesome like that xD

I think 295 was the latest, so yeah, almost at 300 now. (As for the manga, latest was 425, and right now there's about as much happening in each chapter as in each episode of the anime xD...)
And I actually read Dragon Ball a few years ago. Or well, part of it, I didn't get long than to like volume 32 or something, for unknown reasons : p Maybe I should go buy the rest some time and read them? (Then again, buying 10 volumes out of the blue like that? >.>)

Let's put it this way then, you're bringing me some joy simply by replying : > As of right now, I'm still waiting for like 4-5 people to reply since a few days ago. : |
And the more awesomeness I pack into a comment bomb, the harder it gets to pack even more awesomeness into the next awesome comment bomb full of awesomeness >.<

I think I'm going to reinstall Clannad someday, import my saves and replay Fuuko's route again. And then I'll give you a full report on it, complete with screenshots : >

I saw a screenshot of the main character in Maid-sama and I was like "No, I'm not watching that, obvious ripoff is obvious : <". And besides, it's labelled as shoujo, so that should give me a valid reason not to watch it~ xD

Well basically, all Bones (when they made Brotherhood) had to do was follow Arakawa Hiromu's storyline to make an epic anime, which is what they did. When they did the original anime, they didn't have enough material from the manga to just make an adaption and they had to come up with an original story themselves.
And then that's how it was for me when I started reading Pandora Hearts after having watched the anime. The anime ended at like chapter 24-26 or something, and after that the manga got really good : > And the same goes for other anime/manga pairs, like Tegami Bachi or D.Gray-man : p
Then of course there are some that are the other way around, where I'm reading the manga and then suddenly they decide to make an anime adaption of it : p Like with Dance in the Vampire Bund or Omamori Himari. However, those two anime adaptions were pretty bad, at least for me having read both mangas : <

Well if you put it that way, anime is obvioulsy better : p (And then of course, it's possible to convert it to other formats and watch on the phone or the ipod while on the bus : D) I used to do that actually, having a 20min bus ride to school a few years ago. Perfect timing : p
I also prefer actually owning the stuff, makes me feel a little happy actually, at least if it's a really awesome anime/manga : p
I've been pondering whether or not to buy the bluray volumes of Legend of the Legendary Heroes, because I would so want those in my shelf ^^; (They're so expensive though : <)
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 10:46 AM
Oh yeah, I can totally see that now. Also, that gameshow voice, sounds awesome to this. xD

Ah, yeah. That part. Up to the last episode I watched, they hadn't even returned after saving Inoue yet =3= They did, however, finally manage to save her. =3= And then, of course, they're dragging the episodes out so much that there's hardly anything happening in each episode. But I already said that, didn't I? ^^;

Then I'll go ahead and feel both honoured and special. : D
At least I'm serving as some kind of positive influence to someone : p
And well a bomb is usually pretty dramatic, so a comment bomb might just be dramatic too, eh? : p Exploding awesomeness full of awesome awesomeness!

And school was never intended to be fun anyway. : p
There was actually a Fuuko route in the visual novel, so it would be possible to get an ova for her, but I doubt they'll make one anyway xD
Special A was really funny actually, now that I think about it : p
I'll just have to come up with more stuff that I think you'd find good and give you some more links them : D Also, personally I didn't find Umineko that impressive, it was rather bland actually : / They should be planning on making a second season to it which on the other hand will be really awesome.

Difference between the first FMA and Brotherhood is simply that Brotherhood was made to loyally follow the manga, while they made the original long before the manga finished, thus deviating pretty much. Up until episode 14 of Brotherhood, both anime are pretty much the same.
And the manga is really worth reading as well : >

As for anime vs. manga. I don't know really.
When it comes to sheer enjoyment, I guess it'd be anime, since I don't have to flip pages and stuff xD
On the downside however, I can't listen to music while watching anime, which is possible when reading manga : >
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 9:01 AM
Got any problems with brain washing facilities?
It's for the greater good, after all! : D

Well, you kind of put it on hold at a good time though. I've already put Bleach on hold several times : D (Currently on-hold since 8 episodes ago or so. xD)
That one usually ends up on-hold whenever a filler arc comes along, but right not it's there just because it grew too boring ^^; What with episodes consisting of 1/3 recap from previous episodes and the other 2/3 containing as little progression as possible.

Happy hunting then~ xD
I've from time to time been striking up these huge conversations with some people, but it's not as often as I'd want to, since most people who talk more than just the standard greetings reply so slowly ^^;
So should I feel honoured that you're taking your time talking to me then? : D
And recently, there've been more senseless spam on the boards than it used to be before. All the great intellectual threads are no more D:
I kind of cruise around every now and then too, see if I can find someone who seems interesting, and then drop a comment bomb or so. xD

I guess Kanon's kind of like Clannad, same producers and all, just that it's situated somewhere else and with other characters : p And it never got any after story : p
(Well I haven't seen Kanon yet, since at the time when I was about to watch it, I'd just finished Clannad and was advised to abstain from watching Kanon for a while.)
And then I've gotta start thinking of a new profile. More color, like... Colorful magic or something. Might pull something from Umineko no Naku Koro ni, since... Well yeah : p Got lots of stuff that I could use for something Umineko-themed. : >

If you liked FMA, you should totally watch FMA:Brotherhood. It's on a whole different level of awesome than the original, since it follows the manga until the end : D (FMA:B became one of my all-time favorite anime actually~)
Oh but I think you'll be able to memorize the name of it. It's not that hard actually ^^;
I mean, it's practically the same name twice. It's even kind of a palindrome : p If you just reverse the word order, it's the same.
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 5:11 AM
There should be something like "Education in popular culture for old-timers". xD

Whenever I'm not at the PC, I tend to regularly check my email on my iTouch, so that I won't miss stuff : p (Or on my phone if the iTouch is out of batteries.) Feels great whenever I manage to reply almost instantly xD (Now, "instantly" might be a bit optimistic, but quickly at least : D)

Well you should at least watch it some time, if not for the story, then at least for the sake of finishing it : > (I know I've finished some stuff simply for the sake of putting them on my completed anime list. >.>)
Speaking of names, yeah, a Kotomi would be nice. (Hmm... I wonder... I think I spied someone on MAL who's name was actually Kotomi, don't remember the user name though Dx)
There are some of those awesome names that are just... Well they're just great, in some way : D

It'll probably get 13 episodes, and then later an ova to follow up on some branching story or so. Pretty much all slightly less known visual novels end up getting short adaptions, unlike Clannad or Kanon : p

Oh yeah, like if someone just writes something like "Hi :)", that's bloody impossible to reply to D: Because just randomly replying "Hi!" or something just sounds lame ಠ_ಠ
"Keyboard magician". I like the sound of that : D I'll start calling myself a keyboard magician from now on then : > (Next time I make a new profile, I'll add keyboard magician in there in some way.)

Also, there's one recommendation that I'll give you regardless of what you might want to watch and what you might not.
Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu a.k.a. DYD a.k.a. Legend of the Legendary Heroes or just simply LoLHeroes
Despite the ridiculous name, I must say it is actually pretty legendary : D
At the very least, you should give it a try, watching a few episodes. And it pretty much gets better every single episode : D
(Tch, this reply took time to write : <)
Oosran Nov 6, 2010 4:00 AM
Ouch, that's probably even worse xD There's a clear difference between Japanese and Chinese after all D: (And Korean, Vietnamese and Philippine too for that matter.)
Then again, my dad can't even differentiate between manga and anime. He's like "What, you're watching manga again?" and I'm like "I'm watching anime again, yes. >.> I usually read manga instead of watching it. <.<"
Oh all these ignorant fools.

I tend to try and reply as soon as I see that I've gotten a new comment, since if I wait, I'll just forget about it xD. And it's not like I can blame you for replying this "late", since there's been a night and all in between, so it's perfectly understandable : p

Luckily for me, I saw After Story before seeing Tomoyo's ova, so it just got better instead : D (After Story is actually really good, it's touching even, though not near as good as Tomoyo's.) And yeah, Kotomi's great too, she deserves her own ova. (Kyou isn't too bad either, but that's because I'm biased having played the visual novel.)

Fortune Arterial is... I really don't know. xD I can't say that it's great, because it's got like... A so far very standard and average story, but there's something about it that makes it one of those shows that I anticipate the most every week o.O (And well, Lia making its OP is of course a huge plus.)
As for recommendations, name a genre and I'll pick something out for ya : D
And if you didn't notice, I have a slight tendency to write these very long comments and such. ^^; But I'm usually told that it's a good thing so yeah~
Oosran Nov 5, 2010 2:35 PM
Good choice. : p
That's probably the standard answer from anyone who isn't into anime/manga. And yeah, people imitating Japanese simply because they don't understand it and find the sounds funny, those people are annoying. (Best example probably being people going around saying "Dattebayo!", because they think it's perfectly normal to say in Japanese.)

Ah I'll just accept that and say 'thank you' then. Don't be sad~
Also, awesome, you're one of those who replies pretty fast : D
Oh and, I took a quick peek at your anime list, "Clannad: Another World, Tomoyo Chapter - 9/10" : D Tomoyo's ova really was the best part of Clannad, wasn't it? : >
Oosran Nov 5, 2010 1:49 PM
Well that might not be too far off actually. No use thinking too much about it though, you'll just get a headache. : p

Most of them are all like "but it's cartoons, that's for children! D:" and stuff, aren't they?

Wow, now that might be a bit too late xD 9th January 2009, wasn't really yesterday or so. xD
Oosran Nov 5, 2010 8:36 AM
Ho! ◔◡◔
Well I did actually come here for a reason. (Or more like, I got a reason after coming here.)
"6) Make lots of MAL friends because none of my rl friends like anime/manga! it breaks my heart!"
I know exactly how that feels D:
I've met like 2-3 people irl that actually watch anime, and they don't do that very often >.>
Some people just can't seem to understand something that's awesome when they see it xD

Oh and somewhat late by now, but welcome to MAL : p
Kuma-Kuma Oct 1, 2010 3:48 PM
you're welcome :D

so how do you like MAL so far?
Kuma-Kuma Oct 1, 2010 3:31 PM
SweetIchigo Sep 26, 2010 8:31 AM
ehh?? mizu isn't really that popular in MAL ~
that's what mizu thinks >< ~

etto.. mizu prefers to speak both at the same timee >< ~
or just plain english :)
SweetIchigo Sep 26, 2010 7:46 AM

^^ ~
heehee. :3
SweetIchigo Sep 22, 2010 8:59 PM
mizu-chan is fine, ne? ^^

haiihaii :3
its official then, ne? mizu and jayface-chan will be very good mal friends :)
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