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★ Thank you for requesting from my debut + solo edition! ★ Ctrl+f to find your username.
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searching for them, especially if you've provided
me with a name other than your real username.
And I know that it's maybe troublesome dealing
with mass deliveries, and it's my fault for procr-
astinating. So I'm sorry but please bear with me.
Have any kind of problems? >>>>clicky<<<<
Thank you very, very much for requesting~ ♥ sorry for the super late delivery by the way
T_T was really busy sigh forgive me please :c
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We hope to see you again in the next edition
All Comments (54) Comments
✉_Carmine Sky_✉
➤ 1 yr Ann. || Cards
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☩ One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition ☩ || Cards (178)
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We hope to see you again in the next edition
Delivery for Carmine Sky ☩ The Dark Citadel ☩:
One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition || Cards (172)
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One Year Anniversary Celebration Edition ☩ Cards Here
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Touken Ranbu Solo Edition ✽ Cards Here
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✉_Carmine Sky_✉
➤ Divinity ME || Cards
➤ Assassin ME || Cards
➤ Paintings LE || Cards
Sorry for the lateness > < Please save within 2 weeks~ Thanks for requesting ^ ^
If there are any problems, do leave a comment HERE
Blueberry Eyes Game Edition
Father's Day Mini Event
Free! Theme Edition
Hori x Miyamura Pairing Edition
Kajo Birthday Edition
Spring Roll Limited Edition
600 Members Edition: Mangoes
1000+ Members Special Edition
Earrings Solo Edition
Beach Limited Edition
Donut Edition
|| Carmine Sky ||
Delivered by: Mochi
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Thank you for requesting~
Delivery for Carmine Sky ☩ The Dark Citadel ☩:
Natsume Yuujinchou Rare Edition || Cards
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We hope to see you again in the next edition
Carmine Sky
Natsume Yuujinchou RE >> Cards