My name is James, I'm eleven years old (soon to turn twelve). I've personally seen more than five times the actual anime that I've watched on my own time. My favorite anime out of what I've watched would be: #1:Naruto Shippuden, #2:Naruto, #3:Inuyasha, #4:Space Dandy, #5:Blue Exorcist, #6:Bleach, and #7:Sword Art Online. That's basically all of the anime that I myself have watched, and some I've only seen a couple of episodes of, but others I've watched all of so....yeah.
I do play different consoles, of the following: Atari, Gamecube, N64, Wii, Wii U, Ps2, Ps3, Ps4, Xbox 360, Nintendo DsiXL, Nintendo 3Ds, and all of that good stuff. I've also played Gameboy games, but not with a Gameboy, I have this emulator on my device in which plays FREE Gameboy games as long as you have the emulator, Chorme, and the SEPERATE downloads for the games. (I'll leave links at the end of this paragraph if anyone's interested) So if anyone is to talk about a new game,(The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild) or game console,(The Nintendo Switch), then I'll be greatly interested to hop into the conversation and add on!
The GameBoy Emulator: [Link][Link]
The recommended Game/download site: [Link][Link]
None of this crap is updated so please ignore it all
All Comments (9) Comments
Here's a 58 letter, ridiculously hard to pronounce village from wales, called
Hahahaha, peace
I havent caught my own Mewtwo in X yet bcus certain legendaries are banned from VGC (Video Game Championships) and trying to gather my team is my priority at the moment
favorite pokemon?...ive always liked Pikachu but favorite pokemon to battle with probably lanturn
favorite legend? to use probably Latias....story wise Celebi because of the movie
I have Omegaruby and Pkmn X and play competitive VGC usually but been trying to gather my team for now