Truth be told I don't have the energy to re-write a new profile right now. Besides I could use a change of pace from what I usually do in this section. Oh, I just got an idea (light-bulb moment)! How about making an all-time anime and or character list. But man when I think about it that's easier said than done. Plus it could take a long ass time -- trying to sort out my thoughts and feelings or whatnot. Okay scratch that. How about a top 50 list. That's sounds more reasonable or umm doable. Possibly... err maybe... right? Can you tell my motivation is dropping which each passing sentence. Well it does feel odd leaving this section practically naked so I'll give it a shot. Noooo! not at this exact moment. Later... why am I getting annoyed and better yet at who?! Especially since this isn't addressed to any specific person. Damn this is the kinda person I am huh? Ah well... Actually, this just might do for an about me section -- in a roundabout kinda way ya know. "I am the alias of destruction incarnate in accordance with the principles of creation. Let the hammer of eternity descend unto me! ... Burn to ashes within the crimson. exPLOsion!!!" - Megumin
My seasonal theme got delayed so I think I'll switch it up this season. How about anime, manga and webtoon series that had a significant impact on me. I'm thinking a superb narrative, powerful scenes and or characters that left a lasting impression.
The Harley Quinn animated TV Series had me laugh-crying tears of joy. It checks all the boxes, comedy, action, romance, obscene behavior, vulgarity, lewdness, political correctness insensitivity, bad ass main(s) -- No, it's not just Harley who's an absolute star but Ivy blew me away -- and the support characters. It's brilliant. No, check that... It's a benchmark.
"It was him all along, wasn't it? It's always been him. Joker never loved me. He only loves Batman."
--Harleen Quinzel
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso aka Your lie in April is most probably about inspiration and overcoming hardship. Some may disagree due to the nature of certain events that unfold but it's a matter of perspective and how you personally choose to interpret it's ending. Regardless, if you don't feel something heavy after watching this then you don't have a soul. You are lifeless and probably close to being an emotionless corpse. If it's possible for an anime to reach out and touch you at your very core (all up in your essence) then this is it.
The next entry on the list is my original bias. Nana is probably one of the few narratives where I will not let anyone convince me it's not a masterpiece. The characterization, the drama, and music... Strikes a trifecta of intensity in the coolest of ways. It's been over a decade since the manga went into hiatus status. Maybe it's time to give it up but as long as Ai Yazawa lives and breathes I'll hold unto that faint hope. I will not go gentle into that good night! Hopefully one day we can have a reunion @ #707. The place where Nana and Hachi lived.
AnoHana is a remarkable anime. You will go through a full course of emotions by the time it's done with you. Honestly I can't sit through this without getting a lumpy feeling in my throat during the final episode. Now hold on a second, there was no small formation, of the tiniest tear drop, in the corner of my eyelid. While I am a man of culture I am also too manly for that! Geezus, I'm getting kinda somber thinking about it though so best to move on. Once in a blue moon I find myself humming "Secret Base" at the most random moment. Admittedly, it's kinda catchy.
RWBY by the team over at Rooster Teeth always has a supporter in me. They turned a series of anime shorts into one of my favorite ongoing series over the past 7 years. While Volume 6 was a bit bumpy they totally redeemed themselves with Volume 7. While I love the main crew and they shine as usual, I've gotta give props to Penny and Neo. Penny maybe an android but has a bigger heart than most humans. Neo can't even speak but she is one bad biatch. I'm loving her unique character design. Makes me want to eat ice cream for some odd reason?!
Tower of God tops my list for favorite webtoon. It's a riveting adventure story with unique world-building, quirky characters, and fantastical moments. Here's to hoping the anime can live up to the Manhwa and do SIU's story justice. I don't know if you will find a harder working person who has improved at his craft over the last 10 years. His art has also become as amazing as the story.
This is more of a tribute and appreciation to what could have been another masterpiece. Fluttering Feelings does exactly what the title says. As far as webtoons go this will always hold a special place of remembrance and fondness. All I can say is thank you Ssamba for breathing life, with your pen, into two wonderful x beautiful characters in No-Rae & Seol-A. It's a tragedy you have been taken from this world so early but you're not forgotten and neither is your story -- RIP ssambasoul
I can’t make this list without The Legend of Korra. On a personal note, this is one of my favorite stories ever, period. Along with my all-time favorite heroine. It was an absolute pleasure to watch Korra’s journey. Inspirational, vulnerable, powerful, volatile, hilarious, badass, master of bending, there’s not enough adjectives to describe the feelings she portrayed. The story was such a unique combination of spiritual x political x technological all wrapped up in a fantasy setting. The artistic backgrounds and fight scene-choreography were stunning. Suffice to say this left its imprint and was nothing short of brilliant. I’m Team Avatar for life. ''Zhu Li Do The Thing.” — Varrick
We are so lucky that they confirmed a season 2 for Gotoubun no Hanayome so quickly. I’m happy to know we’ll have more quint shenanigans in the future , lol. Did you pick up the manga then after the series since you know there is enough material for a second cour?
I can see the shipping wars in Domestic na Kanojo getting out of hand, but Nisekoi levels?!! That's extremely toxic. Do people remember that this is fictional? Sure, I have my ships, and I root for them, but not going to be salty if it doesn’t happen (or look like its not happening). I’m sure you remember I was salty with Nisekoi in the beginning because I felt that Chitoge had a clear advantage in always stealing away Raku from Onodera (she doesn’t do it intentionally of course, but had her “damsel in distress” moments). But as the series went on and the characters were further fleshed out (especially Chitoge), I thought that Raku could choose either of them. The ending made sense to me, in that he didn’t let “destiny” decide his fate, but he took it in his own hands and confessed to the one that he really fell in love with over time.
Onodera had her own happy ending and has a child later on… so why are people still salty about this? Lol
At this point with Domestic na Kanajo, I am rooting for Rui (but haven't read the manga yet), but would it KILL me to see that he doesn't end up with her? No! Lol as long as the ending makes sense. You’re right that a lot of male readers probably identify with the protagonist a bit TOO much and expect the girls to behave a certain way… if not, UNACCEPTABLE!!
Do you remember yeaaaars ago when the show Kannagi came out, and there was a reference in the manga to the main girl either having had sex before, or had another boyfriend in the past and the fanbase just LOST it?! 90s kids remember…. Pepperidge farms remembers… XD
Japanese men in general don’t seem so emotionally fragile, but the NEET types certainly do. I can imagine them threatening to kill themselves (or others) due to bad outcomes in a relationship. Not sure if you have heard the term “incel” but its for men that are “involuntarily celibate” and usually carry a lot of pent up aggression (that's what I mean by harming others, there was a case in Toronto where an incel drove his van over a bunch of people, killing a dozen :( all because he couldn’t get laid….) Not all of them are murderous of course, but there is a significant community of men that are bitter over women.
If someone would commit suicide after being dumped, I wouldn’t blame the ex (unless there was a clear motive and evidence that they pushed them to do it). I get really upset when I read stories about relationships where one of them threatens to commit suicide if the other breaks up with them… how terrible it is to see someone hold another hostage all the while claiming to be a victim?
Wooo the unaired sex scene seems HOT :P Sometimes the answer is simple, in that Rui did just want to satiate her curiosity. I totally get her there! Haha
Sorry I took my time again to reply, we are already past the halfway point of the season! I can’t believe its almost time for the summer shows.
I actually fell down the stairs on my way to the pool to do aquafit and fractured my right ankle last Thurs. That’s what I get for trying to be more active huh?! Before that I was having issues with my fibro - mostly a lot of fatigue.
Right now my ankle is in a cast and I’m going to be home-bound for the next week and a half so I’ll have time to catch up on all my shows !
My top 5 is a little different than yours, but I’ll comment on what you said too
My #1 is tied between Fruits Basket (2019) and AoT. I can’t choose which one I like best. The only thing lacking in this version of FB is the comedy. Sure there are a few laughs here and there, but it’s not as funny as the first one. That being said, they have done well with the dramatic moments. I also think they did a terrific job with picking the new voice actors. Still getting used to this Tohru’s voice, but Kyou and Yuki have been done well!
AoT is stunning as usual. I’m actually a little bit fuzzy on what happened during this part. I remember the bigger events, but its cloudy in my memory. The action, animation, music, story, characters, everything is on another level with this show!!
#2 Kimetsu no Yaiba
This was the biggest surprise for me this season. I was almost going to skip it, thinking of how many shounen shows I have seen about demon slaying… but I thought one ep wouldn’t hurt… since then I have been hooked! This show is drawing me back into the shounen genre, and reminded me why I liked it in the first place! Tanjiro is an amazing protag, and I liked that they showed him REALLY struggle to be a fighter. Nezuko is such a kawaiiii (but vicious) heroine :) I love her, so adorable and she doesn’t even need to speak! The animation/music is stellar… yes ufotable are animation gods, they made this work so beautiful. I love the animations from Tanjiro’s sword. (also, LOL @ Tanjiro’s siscon moment last week… Nezuko is a cutie though, I would also defend her charm to the death)
#3 ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!!!
Yes, yes I agree Madhouse animated it better, but I don’t care. There were just small differences that I noticed between the two, and not enough to impact my enjoyment.
I also thought King would look different animated, than the way he was… To me he looked a lot more rough than in the manga. I also found the scenes with him to be funnier in the manga too, but maybe it's just because the jokes aren’t new to me? Lol Yes saving over someone’s gaming file on a shared console is FORBIDDEN! We grew up sharing consoles and luckily there was usually enough to save the game in 3 different slots. I do remember us each overwriting someone else's file by accident though. No one would do it on purpose… we all know the pain :(
I still find Saitama’s one punch K.O’s hilarious, and YES especially that moment with Garo. All this build up thinking that he will be Saitama’s match…. And nope! Lol I liked that we were introduced to more heroes this season, AND martial artists.
Can't wait to see the fight between Garo and Watchdog Man this week. I wonder how the latter fights!
#4 Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season
Remember when the first season aired of this show and I said it was a show that I “should” be into, but just wasn’t? It’s so weird, because a few months ago I felt like watching it out of the blue and marathoned it quickly before this season came out. Sometimes taste and interests change? It’s a fun supernatural/detective anime, but also fujoshi bait. All these beautiful men having love/hate feelings for one another… one is in the detective agency, the other in the mafia… sparks fly…. LOL
I am exaggerating, the show is nothing like that, but I can imagine people watching through fujoshi lenses thinking this way.
#5 Carole and Tuesday
The show definitely reminds me of Nana somewhat, with the two of them meeting randomly and becoming great friends. There’s less drama and more focus on the music in this one though. I loooove Tuesday’s gorgeous singing voice! Carol sounds good too, but not as unique as Tuesday. Also cool that its in this futuristic sci-fi setting, and there is a lot of attention to detail there, but it doesn’t interfere with the music storyline. I want a pet Owl alarm clock!!
I want to see these girls go far, and interested to see what Tao has planned for Angela. Is she only singing the songs that he’s generated for her, or has he done something to her vocal chords too? The OP and ED are so well done! I keep watching them before skipping, haha.
I also enjoyed seeing other performances by popular artists…. Ertegun (BLEGHHH, tho he is hilarious as a character), Crystal (someone commented that shes like a Beyonce/Christina Aguilera hybrid and I concur) and the other guy was Skip? I can’t remember his name right now, but I didn’t expect his voice to sound like that! I thought it would be much lower pitched… but such a sweet song and voice. So going by what he told Carole and Tuesday, he and Crystal may have had a falling out? Since he feels so guilty about it, I’m guessing that it was on his end…. *draaama*
Honorable mentions: Isekai Quartet - I would have put this one higher if it wasn’t a short, because they have done such an awesome job with the character interactions. Who would have thought that Ram and Cocytus would form a bond? Or Albedo with Rem?! Lol Well, who can resist Rem’s sweet/innocent personality (other than Barusu.. lol)
Mix - After Cross Game, would I miss the next Mitsuru Adachi anime?! I was surprised to learn it was a blended family in episode 2 and that the brothers weren’t twins, because they could pass for it lol. Not just because of their appearance, but their banter is very brotherly.
I also wondered if this his headed in a romantic direction for Otomi and Tou-chan? There have been tiny hints for that, but I TOO wondered if this is Domestic na Kanojo’s effect on me, haha. The new girl has been introduced and is a definite love interest for Sou, but not so sure about Tou (even though he was the one to open the bathroom door on her). Sou would definitely NOT be thrilled if he found out Tou was into Otomi, but he’s always throwing Tou at her for different reasons? Is he delegating responsibility or indirectly shipping? Hmmmm lol
I agree with you, that I like Adachi’s works because of the drama and comedy. I don’t mind baseball animes (in fact I think I’ve seen more baseball anime out of any other sport), but my enjoyment level doesn’t come from the old ball game :P It is cool to see the brothers overcome obstacles and hopefully make it to the Koshien!! Would be cool to see Tacchan and Minami make a cameo ;)
Wow the depiction of how your soul felt after reading the manga Kanojo Okarishimasu was terrifying. A rental girlfriend huh…. I can see the NEETs drooling over the mere idea. I’m actually curious to read it to see how terrible it is. I’m surprised it’s in Shounen Magazine Weekly, which is a higher quality manga publisher (Fairy Tail and Koe no Kotachi to name a few of their other mangas) is publishing it. Isn’t it funny how a scathing review tempts me to read something more than a glowing one? Lol
On the outset the other manga about the little sister being jealous of her brother’s old “friend” doesn’t pique my interest as much. But you saying that it gets more juicy later on does!
The other one being slice of life is a genre than I really love. Is it shoujo ai, because I stumbled on a site that hosts the manga and ppl keep begging for it to be listed as Shoujo ai, while others insist that it isn’t? Lol it doesn’t matter to me though
I haven’t read anything new manga wise in the past few weeks. I am reading 1984 right now and thinking of starting up Game of Thrones' books again. Did you see S8? If you have maybe we could discuss it as well ;)
Until then, take care and hope to read your reply soon!
I haven't read manga in a long time and the same somewhat applies to anime as well, like I always think that I want to go and watch or read something but I just never do it but it's the first time in a long time, I started d/l-ing the latest episodes of One Punch Man and I'm thinking of watching Kimetsu no Yaiba as well.
Most of my viewing goes towards Netflix and K-Drama but to be honest I haven't watched a lot this year, instead I'm gaming more. Played DMC 5, One Piece World Seeker, Mortal Kombat 11, Jump Force, etc. Enjoying the heck out of Mortal Kombat 11 and Warframe.
I have an Amazon Prime subscription for the past 5 or so years now and never really watched anything on the service apart from The Grand Tour and The Man in the High Castle, I found out Cloak and Dagger is on it (we don't have Hulu here in the UK) so I got to watch that at some point.
I'm going to start watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 2 actually before going to season 2 of One Punch Man, might watch an episode or so of both. Have you seen the Umbrella Academy? I love the show and was estatic to find out it got renewed for a second season.
Okay, now for the main course of last week, Endgame was fantastic and geez episode 3 of GoT, just wow.
I haven’t read Domestic na Kanojo, so I had no frame of reference to how the pacing was going. I was also wondering what the point was of introducing all the side characters if they were only going to be the focus for one episode, and then on the sidelines for the rest. I didn’t feel that they added anything to the plot. I definitely want to read the manga, I have a feeling it will be one of those that I devour in a few days. (I read your spoiler anyway…. Lol, because I have no willpower).
I didn’t understand what the purpose was in adding Alex to the cast, because he just randomly pops up, admits he crushes on Rui, but nothing happens after that.
Yikes, that almost rape scene must have been intense! Being under the influence is NO excuse ALEX.
Yeah that scene could have been drama just for the sake of it, or maybe a little character development with Alex? He seems too silly and lighthearted on the outside, maybe its a front? He was no doubt frustrated with Rui for rejecting him. I will have to read it myself of course to get a real idea of all the events
AND omg, highschool students drinking! SHOCKURU!!! Lol this series is so edgy - with SEX and alcohol!
Does the manga ever cover why Rui wanted to randomly have sex with him? It seemed like it was implying that it was due to Hina having the affair? Maybe she wanted to see what the fuss around sex was about?
I don’t know if I see Hina as end game yet, but keep in mind I haven’t read the manga. Yes she’s his first love and there is lots of lust and passion there… buuuut I felt like the connection between Natsuo and Rui is deeper. He did have his moments with Hina though, I liked the part when she was vulnerable and admitted that it’s hard for her to keep up the “smiling, happy” charade all the time, and that she's jealous that shes not “genuine” like Rui.
Hina is another character that has a lot of layers behind the smiley and cheerful persona. I think she is authentically happy sometimes, but she does try to hide her true feelings a lot, on that point I could relate to her.
I am curious which sister he will end up with. Or maybe they’ll throw a curve ball at us, and this becomes a “Sister Wives” situation, or he’ll end up with the flirty chick or bookworm girl. :D
I know I made that comment about being nauseous thinking of this type of situation in reality, but I can assure you that I have suspended reality while watching this. I’m not going to be one of those that compares a fictional story and setting to real world rules… like those guys who criticize fantasy shows because the magical powers the MC has doesn’t follow the rules of gravity… like come ON folks!! Haha I wanted to make that clear, because we often discuss how annoying it is when people act like the stories are REAL LIFE.
I also have to say the parents reaction at the end of the series was surprising to me. I don’t understand why they keep questioning if these events happened because they got remarried. -_- Usually that would have the opposite effect, no? Liking someone from afar, and then suddenly they become your step sibling… ehhh (ok, again comparing it to real life, haha)
I wanted to edit my post about Gotoubun no Hanayome after the last episode. They FINALLY showed a much more likable side of Itsuki, and explained why she was so cold to Fuutarou. She’s got DADDY issues, lmao! I had a strong feeling that it was her impersonating Ichika, but I couldn’t understand why until it was all revealed of course.
WHO the hell has enough time to make fake accounts just to up vote an anime character, and make her seem the most popular?!!
Yeah I suppose the opposite can be true too, I bet lots of those ppl created fake accounts to try and lower the scores for the popular shows like SAO, or AoT, because well…. “I want to look super smart and pretentious with my low scoring of everything “popular” - “This is my fight against the *MAN* ok” (not sure if you will get what I’m saying there, but to sum it all up, the youngin’ group of anime fans are way too salty)
I agree that the show was more fun when it wasn’t focused on Fuutarou running around trying to get everyone to study, lol. But, I feel your pain sisters! Lol
I have a few theories about the end of the show. It could conclude with a “sister wives” situation (again), and we were just seeing one of the brides, after all his little sister saw like 10 wedding dresses hung up in the hallway.
Or maybe its a much darker ending. Maybe it is just one person, who has a multiple personality disorder and Fuutarou is also in the delusion, by seeing them all as separate beings when it’s just one girl…………...she changes her hairstyle to fit the persona, and sometimes the personas talk to each other, but they don’t know they’re all in the same body…. :O :O :O
Aren’t I brilliant?! It ends up being a psychological thriller……!!!!!
OK my next theory is that all 5 sisters join together to become one SUPER Nakano girl, with qualities of each of the sisters…. :D Yes I have thought about this too much, I’ve gone to crazy town! In all seriousness, it does seem like it might be Itsuki, because there were a few scenes where she was singled out and the rest of the sisters were grouped up… hopefully in the manga things are more evened out and there’s a higher chance for each one of them.
I can relate to Ichika making sacrifices for her younger siblings. I hope she doesn’t pull back, but I can see that being the drama surrounding her. Yes, her blushing scenes were so great, and it’s fun that she is flirty and more open. (The irritated faces in this show were all too cute!)
I would love another season!! Let's keep our fingers crossed… miracles have been happening lately with Fruits Basket remake, Oregairu season 3, Re Zero s2 and Chihayafuru 3!! I honestly didn’t think the first two and Chihayafuru would happen. I wanted it to be continued, really badly… but there wasn’t any news for a long time. I had a hunch Re: Zero s2 would happen eventually, the series is so popular and a huge money maker I’m sure. But I was worried with the long silence after it aired…
Promised Neverland was a standout from last season for me too. I went into it not knowing anything about the series except that there was a lot of hype that is well deserved.
I remember you saying that you felt the suspense toned down a little after the first episode. I agree that there wasn’t as much thrill as there was in the last few eps, but I felt it was strong throughout.
Emma really impressed me too at the end. I knew she was in the top 3, the cream of the crop… but it seemed as if she relied heavily on Norman or Ray in the beginning. I love that she was able to pull off the plan so seamlessly by herself (well, Glinda and Don helped her out, but she was the driving force). She also finally realized that they couldn’t take all the young children at that time, which was a hard decision to make since she was so insistent on that earlier. I agreed with Ray in the beginning that it would be a liability at this time, because even if they do manage to escape with all the children, how would they take care of them in an unknown wilderness? I’m not even certain they will know how to take care of themselves since food and shelter was always provided for them.
Emma was bad-ass in the last few eps, loved her last moment with Isabella. Yes it was a huge F-U, burning down the place and doing what Isabella was never able to do, in a way surpassing her finally. Also, it seemed to me that Isabella cared more about Emma than her own child Ray. She seemed more affected by Emma making that leap, over all the rest. She also had that talk with Emma to try and convince her to become a “mother,” which seemed like an effort on her part to save Emma. I wonder if there is a role for the boys if they are not “harvested”? Maybe their sperm is taken and used to impregnate the “mothers,” for more children that they can control and farm.
I hope that Norman is still alive… he is such a brilliant and kind kid. I think it would be a waste for the monsters to eat him… somebody pass that sentiment along!!
The scene with Phil surprised me too. I actually thought he was going to stab Isabella, lol. But its amazing at such a young age he can comprehend what’s happening, and a part of me wonders if he knew all along… since he kept popping up at critical moments
Awww that poor guy that wrote such a long opinion piece on the show only to get tl;dr responses. I would be annoyed too, but millenials have short attention spans, what did he expect? lol
To get into why this show is not realistic… well in reality there are no monsters unless the show is making a point figuratively… Do people not understand the concept of fiction?!
I really enjoyed Love is War last season. Yes there were many repetitive gags, but some were big winners for me. I appreciated the plot development at the end, but you’re right that after all that it’s like, the Simpsons -where crazy things happen but they all restart again at the couch infront of the TV like nothing ever happened…. I liked Hayasaka as well for her biting remarks to Kaguya at times and how ridiculous she thought they were both being, lol. I loved when the technically challenged Kaguya tries to make a twitter account… but keeps messing things up. “I broke the internet, HAYASAKA HEEEEEEEEELP!!!” I sympathize with Hayasaka, how annoying would it be not to have any real breaks and be around this silly situation all the time, lol.
Chika’s scenes were my favourite overall. She was consistently funny and a surprise to me. I thought she would be more of a background character that was just happy and air headed…. But man she has so many layers!! The ramen master, who knew?!! Lol
I loved this show for the comedic aspect. The romance part would have been a 4/10 for me, because it is just going around in circles. You’re right that it’s more elementary or middle school like (at least back in our day… these days kids are doing it at 12-13 :O ).
I would also score Oregairu higher, because the show has some strong dramatic moments. The dialogue and events are more captivating. I’m still hoping that Yukinon is end game, but I actually don’t think I would mind Iroha or Yui either. I didn’t like Iroha at all when she was introduced, but there was a lot of growth on her end. I also like that she can let her guard down and be her true self (warts and all! lol) around Hachiman. I thought I watched the OVA, but it appears I imagined that since it’s not marked for me on MAL (and you know how meticulous I am about that) so I’ll have to remember to watch it at least before s3.
The last ep of Shield Hero gave me all the feeeels…. Made me see Raphtalia in a new light and admire her more. She faced her past in such a straight forward and brave way.
Yeah Motoyasu is a total creep. One of those guys that puts on a “goody-goody” facade, to cover up his dark desires…. Hello, Filo is not even a year old! And she has a child’s body…. So…. o_O
I do enjoy when Filo kicks him in the nuts, that will never get old!
I also wonder why the Queen is not with the King, why she is acting so far away when she has more power? Is it that cult church’s influence? Yes by choosing Melty as the next in line shows that she’s wise and has good sense. She also cared about the shield hero, more than the others and wanted to make sure he was being treated well. There is a mystery there…
Yes the Wave needs to be explained properly. The fact that there was a villain in there to beat that seemed to have consciousness (compared to the braindead monsters they were fighting before) is interesting. She declared herself as Naofumi’s enemy, and it makes me wonder if there is more like her. Maybe they are trying to conquer Melromarc? But what is with the time limit? Hmmm
I will probably watch the next season of Slime, and I hope there is more suspense and excitement to come. He still needs to find the demon lord that summoned Shizue and confront him. I also wonder if his existence will be explained, like why was he reborn in that world as a slime? Not as if every Japanese citizen was enjoying their afterlife in that world. How did that come to be, was he summoned as well?
Overlord has a stronger supporting cast around Ains which makes it more entertaining… as well as his inner thoughts and reactions to their behavior.
Are you watching Isekai Quartet? I am loving it!! I’ll have to rewatch it after I watch Youjo Senki to get all the jokes. The Aqua and Ains scene made me LOL. Her powers actually work in this universe?!! Nani!! Also love Ram’s roasting of Barusu “his jokes are not funny in this world either” lol It’s been too long… I love seeing all these characters again, even in chibi form!
I can’t remember if I own Fruits Basket or not. I think I was waiting for a remastered blu-ray release. The original will always be a classic, even if this version follows the manga more accurately (which is hard to say if it will, since it’s only the beginning). I do really enjoy the remake, but it’s still jarring to me whenever Yuki speaks and its actually a guy’s voice, lmao. I liked the original voice, but this does make him seem more masculine rather than so androgynous. The new VA for Tohru is doing a fantastic job, but to me Yui Horie’s performance was so integral to how much I enjoyed the first series. She played that gentle, loving, caring, sweet and airheaded part so so well.
But the cast in this version is terrific as well. Miyuki Sawashiro as Tohru’s mom - best choice ever! I also can’t wait to hear Rie Kugimiya as Kagura!!
I can’t wait for AoT 3 pt 2 (lol - such a long title, next we will get AoT s4 pt 1 out of 5 lol) Oooo the basement part…!! I have read the manga and know what we’re in for but I’ll keep quiet :X
I’m not upset that its only 10 eps, because I’m sure they will all be of the highest quality!
I wanted to talk a little about the new shows, but I haven’t seen them all and Chibi has been whining this whole time while I was writing to you, for attention. She is very spoiled and gets lots of attention, mommy needs her time too!! lol
I will watch Carole and Tuesday soon too, because it looks really good and seems like it has your approval already! I was just annoyed that its a Netflix show so the subs are a little harder to find :/ but I have the eps downloaded now!
Alright I gotta go. Hope you enjoyed my anime breakdown!! Talk to you soon!!Happy Easter again!
I wanted to be part of the cliques on TeamSpeak back in the day, but as you know I'm too damn shy! FTV was so fun back in the olden days... wow that was over a decade a go. It is a shame that the site died, but as I recall there were some admins that were not flexible or changing with the times? there were issues with the downloads too, which was the main reason for ppl to visit the site. Ah well, as the ole saying goes: Nothing lasts forever... So enjoy it while it lasts!! And we accomplished that part, since I remember the fun times more than the drama.
Ooooo Jason with his illegal anime sites.... the Anti-Pirating SWAT team will be breaking down your doors soon! I do the same with shows that aren't on Crunchyroll like Dororo. I had Amazon Prime, which was the other option, but I didn't renew it this year.. I figure I can find where the shows they stream are available ;)
Domestic na Kanojo was a surprise hit for me this season. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, like would it be very ecchi and smutty, but it's not. The show is waaaaaaay more risque than most anime (a masturbation scene, and ppl having SEX :O) but it doesn't feel cheap and empty because there's a lot of emotion happening between the characters.
I am Team Rui as well, because I like the Natsuo that comes out when he's around her. He seems to be more himself, just more genuine (but his character is boring either way... like the usual generic lead) I can feel the spark between them, where as with Hina he follows her around like a lost little puppy dog. Very incestuous too... because he's been inside both sisters... O_O
If Lily and I were sharing a guy... omg it makes me nauseous to think about it! Hina was unaware of Rui's feelings and obviously doesn't know that Natsuo has slept with her before.
What a tangled web they weave... I'm a few eps behind, but I know I'll catch up fast. This is one of those shows that I would marathon in a day (if I wasn't watching weekly), because its very addictive.
I wonder how their parents would react if they ever found out? They act naive and innocent about things, so such a revelation would probably shock them to the core haha
This winter season had some good and surprising hits for me, but nothing major. In a year's time I'm not sure which shows I would remember... probably Domestic na Kanojo, Kaguya sama, Neverland and Mob Psycho II (And Shield hero, but I won't count that yet since it's still on going) Oh and I did enjoy SAO: Alicization, despite the lack of Asuna. At times it felt slow paced, like its very repetitive to fight one knight after another.... and taking 10 eps to get to the top of that tower... also LOL @ Eugeo's lack of will power... he wanted the BOOBIEZ!
I have not finished the series yet - one episode to go. Sometimes I wonder if Kirito has forgotten he's inside a VR. He's had conversations with Cardinal about it, but otherwise.... does he not miss Asuna at all? is Alice a replacement? lol
I really enjoy Gotoubun no Hanayome as well. Another show that was a delightful surprise. After reading the synopsis, I thought it was going to be one of those goofy harem shows.... and it IS, but it has charm and fluffiness that captures my attention (very cute interactions).
I favour Miku > Ichika > Nino/Yotsuba (these two switch depending on the episode) and >>> Itsuki
Itsuki has not evolved or changed much since the beginning. I haven't seen the last episode yet, but I don't think my ranking will change. Yes she's stubborn, likes to eat and is scared of ghosts... thats it. A lot of MAL fans seem to like her best because she had the most faves (last time I checked) so I wonder if later on in the manga she becomes more interesting. I would also conk out during her parts or fast forward a bit. YEAH I GET IT - YOU ARE STILL UPSET BY WHAT HE SAID IN EP1, and DONT WANT HIS HELP.... get over it!! lol
I disliked Nino the most at first because she is such a cardboard cutout tsundere, but she's had some cute/funny moments as the show went on. Shallow that she likes Uesugi..... with BLOND HAIR lol of course she doesn't know.... or does she?! lol I wonder which one of the girls had an impact on his early life. Nino didn't recognize that it was him in the picture, so maybe we can rule her out. I'm guessing that it will be Itsuki since she's got this "main girl" factor, but how cool would it be if it were a little shy Miku or charming Ichika
Yotsuba is another one that's a very strong archetype - the GENKI / ENERGETIC /ATHLETIC girl. But the scene where she puts her forhead on his and says that she likes him was a sign to me that there might be some more going on there under the surface after all!
I love the Ichika *blushes*. So cute when such a cool, calm and flirty character is flustered! She's one of those characters that are easily likable - doesn't hurt that HanaKana is her voice actor :)
Miku is the best girl though. She's changed some since the start of the show, from being around Uesugi. She's begun to come out of her shell. She's also quiet and shy (I can relate!) I love the moments when she challenges herself or moves forward a little bit
Why can't Uesugi just dance with Ichika/Miku and then run behind the bushes, but the blonde wig on to dance with Nino. Solid plan right? Ohh the other two will be fine...
Its very silly when they try to pass things off as if they were really identical. When they are late for school and each one goes in separately, the teacher believes its the same student going in?! Really?! How could he not notice that they had different hairstyles and slightly different colored hair? When they wear their hair down without any accessories I could see that being confusing... like when Nino was drying her hair and Uesugi came in without her knowing. I knew it would be Nino rather than Miku, because it wouldn't be as funny the other way around lol
Neverland kept me on my toes all season.The show reminded me of Death Note with all their strategies and plans to outwit and outplay the enemy (in this case, Isabella). I have begun to read the manga too because I have read comments with people complaining that it's different than the manga. I have seen like maybe 2 or 3 scenes that weren't in the show, but they were all one panel, and not crucial. So psyched that a sequel will be coming, because I want to see how they survive that wilderness without knowing where to find shelter or where the other people might be. Sister was creepy AF! Felt sad for her though when they showed her history. Isabella was also trying to survive, but I felt less sorry for her. I believe a part of her did love the children, but not enough to save them.
Love is War made me laugh out loud a few times. Only 90s kids will remember calling a boy and their parent picking up the phone! That scene made me laugh so hard, because I didn't expect it at all. What kind of parent answers their kid's cell?! Poor Kaguya became even more flustered!
The dynamic between her and Chika is funny too.. Chika is so random, shes completely oblivious that she messes up their mind games. But I laughed at Kaguya's love/hate for Chika depending on what's happening with Shirogane. When someone is in your way to getting the guy you like, you hate them, but after talking to them they're really nice so you like them again...?! I can remember that as a teenager, actually moreso as a pre-teen lol. Not nearly as extreme as Kaguya though!!!
Chika was hilarious when she was helping Shirogane practice volleyball. Her reactions towards his poor athleticism had me in stitches! lol
The other great moment was when they were talking about "first times" and Kaguya didn't realize it was SEX they were talking about. Yes that's an old gag thats been done many times and I knew from the beginning she was oblivious. BUT, the reactions Chika and Shirogane had while she was talking about it were priceless!
I found the show to be quite a fun watch and worthy of rewatching later down the road. I found the treasurer to be lackluster in comparison to the others, but the gags about him fearing Kaguya were pretty good lol I do agree with you that the student council room background was kinda MEH, so it was fun to see them when they finally got together OUTSIDE!
I agree that Shield Hero isn't hitting the same heights that Re:Zero did, but I like it. I like Raphtalia (I wouldn't compare her to Rem, seems almost unfair :P ) but her personality hasn't developed much. She's sweet, good natured and likes Naofumi. So far that's all I'm getting, but I like her nonetheless, maybe its the raccoon/human aspect hehe. I enjoy the scenes where she's flustered or trying to get Naofumi to notice her feelings, but I also remember she said she's in an adult body but has the mind of a 10yr old? I want to ship them, but that makes me feel weird... lol
I enjoy seeing Filo kick the spear hero in the nuts every time! He's such an idiot and so obtuse about how he's being used to do horrible things around the country. The other two have made shitty mistakes as well, but I don't dislike them as much because at least they stood up for Naofumi that one time lol
Also hilarious that the SHIELD hero did more damage against that latest wave enemy than those 3 combined! Yes Malty and the spear hero are super annoying, but they are more of an annoyance than a real evil enemy. I was also confused by that lady that looks a lot like Malty, except has a good personality and interest in the shield hero. I suppose she's the queen? I can't remember right now if her role has been revealed or not so I'm just guessing based on her looks and that she has some power. Yessssssss get in that MALTY's way, bwaahahah!
I'm guessing whoever is behind the waves will be the real enemy, but not really sure at this point. I also wonder if the waves are a response to something the King is doing behind the scenes?
I am confused by Raphtalia's curse, because I had the impression she got it from Naofumi while he was in rage/curse mode and she was trying to bring him back. The people that were cursed by the dragon were healed after it was destroyed but her wounds weren't? Yet they talk about it like it's from the dragon. maybe I'll have to re-watch that part...
There is definitely that video game element, because you can see the levels of other characters and a skill tree of some sort. I am interested if this mechanic has a purpose in the story, like why was that video game created in the worlds of the other heroes (so they could prepare for this) but not Naofumi's? hmmmmmmmmmm
BTW Re: Zero season 2 confirmed recently!!
(yes I know I overuse that gif, but its like the perfect expression of how I feel in this moment, lol)
I hope it comes out this year in the fall/winter, but I think 2020 is more likely. I don't care, it will be worth the wait!
I'm so behind with Index. I'll marathon the episodes soon, but I felt very frustrated with the anime because it was so fast paced and so many characters being introduced left and right. Enough to make my head spin!! Good thing I was reading the Railgun manga because it introduced me to some other characters that have a role in this season, but yikes...
I'm a few eps behind in Fairy Tail as well. As all these battles are happening, I think watching a few in a row might be more enjoyable than week-to-week. At least for me, because the ep always ends with some sort of cliffhanger -- like how are Wendy and Sheila getting out of this pickle?! Is it sheila or shelly? I could look it up, but I'm sure you'll know who I mean lol
I enjoyed Slime, but it didn't draw me in quite as much as the other shows. I enjoyed Rimuru's snarky comments and watching him build this huge nation from scratch. I liked seeing this fantasy play out the angle of what it would take to survive in a new foreign and magical land. Such as building shelter, finding food, learning how to make clothes, etc. Buuuuuut, it became super predictable that everyone would just worship Rimuru in the end. I enjoyed Gabiru's character and his scenes quite a lot. I wonder if it was because he had Satou's VA (from KonoSuba) lol
I'm very hyped for April's season too. Fruits Basket 2... I still cannot believe it is happening!!! I hope it does a faithful adaptation of the manga, because it is one of the best series I have ever read (and the anime is a fave too)
And there's Attack on Titan S3 pt 2. I cannot remember how pt1 ended... I know there was a cliffhanger... I'm sure we'll be reminded in the beginning.
I'm hyped for One Punch Man 2, but I wish Madhouse was animating it. I don't want to complain, especially since I haven't seen it yet, but Madhouse did such a fantastic job with the first season's animation. JC Staff is decent, I do think their quality has gone down since the mid 2000s (the renaissance of JC Staff - Toradora, Shana and Louise animes... Rie Kugimiya's tsundere triple threat lol) Actually never mind, I looked them up and forgot they animated Shokugeki and others recently that were well done.
You must have been disappointed (as I was) to hear Chihayafuru III won't happen until the Fall, but I'm elated we are getting another season AT ALL since I wasn't sure how successful it was in Japan.
OK I need to take a break from the computer, and have some dinner. Hope to hear from you soon and I promise I won't take as long next time :P
Remember back in the day where we couldn't say on forums where we got subs from that were licensed? :P Only 90s kids will remember.... lol I may wait until Kakegurui xx is on Netflix to watch it because the dialogue is very important. Maybe it is still watchable as it is, but I can wait.
Yes I know, I'm asking for your opinion of the Winter season too early. Sometimes you can get a feel for how many shows will keep your interest from the get go.
In this #MeToo era people are very sensitive on the topic of rape/ sexual assault (to be sure it is very serious subject matter) but fiction is fiction, like you said. Just because the story began with a false rape allegation, doesn't mean that the author thinks ALL rape allegations are lies that women make up to destroy men. It just so happens that in this story things started out that way for the poor protagonist. To be honest its interesting for an "isekai" story to start this way, where the main character is HATED from the beginning by the people that summoned him. I'm invested in the story so far and looove Raphtalia... how cute to have a raccoon demi human!!! This will be the new rage... cat/fox demi humans are so passe.... hehehe
You never know, maybe one day you'll be gung ho on finishing a bucket list and jumping out of an airplane!! it could happen!! I'm way too afraid. I'm the type of person that would sign up for something like that due to peer pressure or something, and then freeze once we're up in the air and say... NO.. never mind... hahah
But no, I understand your point. We live in this outrage culture nowadays where people get easily offended by anything, even fictional stories that have tough subject matter. I worry that we'll start OVERLY censoring things in the future.
Domestic na Kanojo started well. I feel like there should have been a "DUN DUN DUN..." in the soundtrack when he meets his new stepsisters... I'm a bit behind, just because I have to remember to download the episodes. I only have crunchyroll now, no amazon prime :(
I wonder which character you're talking about? I suspect it's the younger sister, because she has more fans... at least on MAL :D
Yes here is another example where you need to suspend reality a bit. Honestly after Game of Thrones' incest levels I'm kinda immune to being upset by the subject (I'm all caught up now, if you want to discuss that in future ;) )
Yeah I agree that we will probably get an anime original ending here... so I'll probably pick up the manga afterwards. I like soap opera level dramas!! heheh
I'm not sure about Norman's feelings. Seemed more of a romantic "like," which is why Ray gave that sort of reaction (as he obviously likes her too)... another love triangle..> DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! But who knows if anything will progress in that department while they're fleeing for their lives!! I have to say, the animation did a spectacular job in really showing the fear on these kids' faces. The first episode when all the lies were exposed to Norman and Emma the look of terror was so strong I felt it in my gut while watching. Emma's plans will be EXTREMELY difficult to see through to the end. The three of them alone escaping is challenging enough, but to carry infants and toddlers ... don't know how it can be done unless they kill Isabella and sister Krone... that's a dark path too!! This series is definitely one to keep an eye on, because it has a lot of potential and it's only been 3 eps!
OK I have to end it here because my kitty is wanting attention. Hope you are doing well and getting through January ok. I'm saying that because it's been such a crazy month for me... I want it to be over already!
Take care!
OK Since we're doing full disclosure, I admit I wasn't sure if it was on Nov 3 or 4th... I actually went through all our wall posts and only found one bday post on Nov 4th and the rest were belated Bday wishes??? Am I a bad friend or what?! :P Seriously, I do apologize, I will have to write it down again so I don't forget!
I didn't REALLY think you were closing in on 40 (yet, lol) It was a bad attempt at a joke... I keep thinking that the more I joke about that, the less painful it will be when I inevitably hit that milestone. OK I did the math and think you're........37?! Please be right?
Awww its sweet that you had lots of love on your bday from family and friends. In the end those are the things that matter most. If you've lived a full life surrounded by people that love you.
I totally get feeling happy and satisfied just from being able to watch a show you love in peace and quiet. I always look forward to changing into my pjs and watching whatever with a cup of tea :)
I know we are not as close as we were once upon a time, but I still consider you a very good friend and important in my life <3 I hope you know that!
Hope you enjoy your week and that we can discuss and share our thoughts on anime/whatever else/life many more times in the coming future!
I was hoping to get a chance to finish replying before the big day, but that’s just how it all ended up!
I hope you were able to get some extra chill/rest time during your big day! Are we at the big 4-0 yet?! HAHAHAHHAHA…….. Sigh! I shouldn’t joke because I’m just around the corner from that myself. :P Why can’t we rewind time? Did you get any good presents? :)
No one tells you that when you adopt a kitten, you are welcoming the equivalent of a 2yr old human toddler into your space lol. She has SOOO much energy that I spend a lot of time playing and training her. She's also in this biting phase since she's teething... I'm constantly trying to teach her how to behave. It's all worth it though, she's such a doll <3 I feel like I can only watch anime/ play games or reply to messages when she's asleep. She comes to the computer otherwise and tries to hit the cursor with her paw. It's cute... but super annoying at the same time, lol.
Anyway onto the important stuff…
Himiko is very popular with BNHA manga fans, which makes me think that she’s going to get even more bad-ass as the series goes on. One of those villains that you love to hate sorta thing. Himiko’s big reveal that she was pretending to be Camie was one of the most shocking anime moments I’ve had this year. Props to the mangaka for making it so unpredictable! I’m so psyched for season 4, especially with that tease they left us with at the end of this season-- introducing the “Big Three” at UA, hinting at a huge story line coming up involving them… and then END!!
Togata reminds me of that Fall Out (game) mascot. I never even played that game, but when I see his face that’s what comes to mind all the time. Interesting choice of design too… I feel like his and All Might’s designs are really paying homage to American Superhero comics. I could be wrong, but it’s clever how he blended those styles with shounen art.
I remember you said that this show isn’t really in your top ranks, but how do you feel after the season ended? I definitely really like the series, but I don’t know if it’s as close to my heart as others. After starting Fairy Tail again, I feel like a space in my heart had been re-filled….. So cheesy I know! Haha, but I realized how much I love the series.
Yes unfortunately it seems like Bakugo is the Sasuke of the series. I’m sure we will see more battles between them down the road, since the rivalry is still very much alive. But there has been less of that annoying tension between the two… less cuts to ANGRY BAKUGO face and worried DEKU lol
To me Bakugo has a lot of potential of changing and developing as the show moves forward. I don’t expect him to turn into Mr. Nice Guy, but become a powerful hero in his own right that isn’t obsessed with Deku.
Yes I know, I continue to pollute my list with shows I might never finish… I am trying to break that habit, but it seems to reoccur every season! Whatever, I decided to just watch whatever I feel like watching and not worry about finishing mediocre shows :P
Even if I had mentioned SnK to you while I was reading the manga, I’m not sure what I could have spoiled. I think back to when I was reading the volumes that were just adapted in the anime.. I wasn’t in the best frame of mind, so I didn’t remember or understand what I read. I feel like a super old person when that happens, and I don’t like it! I’m very excited that they are continuing to adapt the show, and the next part is super juicy… I also liked Historia at the end of this arc now. For some reason I only remembered being really annoyed at her behavior towards Eren, but I forgot how it was all resolved. So I would like to state that I think she’s awesome now :P
For me, Steins;Gate 0 was a little disappointing. I know I couldn’t go into it expecting it to be as fun as the first season, since it’s very beginning is super depressing. On the plus side, I did like a lot of the Mayushii scenes. She really shined for me in this season. Perhaps Kurisu overshadowed her in the other season since I didn’t much care for Mayushii then. I also digged the Suzuha/Daru scenes and all the scenes Suzuha reminded the audience that she is a bitchin fierce warrior!! The only bummer was watching depressing/mopey Okabe for like 22 eps (until Hououin Kyouma is briefly revived)
In conclusion, I don’t care for “realistic” anime that is grim like real life. I want to escape to fantasy… lol :P
The show wasn’t bad, since it still had the Steins;Gate charm that pulled me into the first series… it just wasn’t as enjoyable.
Onto Overlord: Early on Ainz realized that his “negative” emotions were being repressed/subdued automatically, since his avatar was an undead skeletal overlord? I suppose that’s why he killed the humans that entered Nazarick without any sense of remorse. If he does something positive to help humans, there’s always an ulterior motive. He’s becoming cold and calculating since he doesn’t have the emotional capability to feel anything else. Even though he does remember that he is human himself the spent in that world is changing him. I had read a comment about the show that it will seem that he becomes less human as time goes on and his servants will become the opposite. There’s some truth to that since Albedo has been able to overcome her programming to be devoted to all the supreme beings when she said to herself that she would kill any of them if they come across them in the game. Sebastian has also been shown to be noble and helpful to humans… so who knows! Can’t see Demiurge or any of the thirsty maids changing… thirsty for BLOOD! Bwahahaha
You make a good point that it is like they are the villains of this show despite being lovable protagonists. They’ve started wars and killed many soldiers ruthlessly!
Yes too many boobies in Isekai Maou!!! But there was something charming about the show as I was watching it. I agree that the scope of their adventures was super small. A demon overlord and his underlings should be traveling across the land and finding new places to conquer! It was a decent show, but not very memorable.
Ugh, Satsuriku sucked. I still haven’t seen the last few episodes, and I probably will so I can try to digest where they were going with this story. I can deal with a lot of gore and pointless deaths if it’s LEADING up to something. There was nothing substantial happening after all that. I was hoping for some deeper meaning/metaphors… But I got nothing :P
I’ll tell you what happens in the very end once I bite that bullet. Lol
Asobi Asobase and Chio’s School Road last season were both riots. We were blessed by the anime Comedy gods!! Unfortunately there is none to take its place this season. I enjoy UzaMaid as a comedy, but it’s not at the same level, lol. Fairy Tail has got great moments with Lucy as the “straight man.” I realized how much I missed the comedy in Fairy Tail! (Love your profile pic btw, I was laughing so hard during that scene when she was remembering being controlled by a doll, lol)
Remember how annoyed I was with Natsu at the end of last season? I’m still irritated since he STILL didn’t really apologize to Lucy. She was deeply hurt, and although she’s healing now that they are all getting together again, I still think Natsu should have cleared the air.
How are you enjoying this season so far? We’ve been spoiled with more Fairy Tail, Index sIII and SAO. I’m sure there are people in each of those forums posting how BAD and MAINSTREAM each series is. I don’t care, I buy into the hype!!! Hahah
I have to say that Index SIII’s pacing is way too fast. I can’t wrap my head around what was happening, who is involved… which group is doing what… etc. Luckily I have been reading Railgun manga and the members of ITEM, GROUP and SCHOOL have been either mentioned or included so I at least knew who was who.. But I felt extremely confused at what was happening! I may have to re-watch or something lol
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai has been the biggest surprise for me this season. At the surface from the promo pic I thought it was another harem with bunny girls or something.. But I had read a review of the first ep on a blog and it piqued my curiosity. This show is like a mix of Bakemonogatari and Sakurasou. I’m reminded of Sakurasou’s light hearted/romance feel. But the show also has interesting intelligent conversations that remind me of Bakemonogatari banter. The adolescent syndrome issues likewise remind me of the supernatural maladies.
Sakurajima Mai = The season's best girl! At least so far...
Tokyo Ghoul Re: 2 is also paced so quickly it’s making my head spin. I was reading the volume that was covered in episode 1… in fact I think 2 volumes were squeezed in there?? I wish they would calm down and animate it properly- copy the manga frame by frame and it would be so much better! But alas, I am not a producer, lol. My opinions don't carry much weight.
I hope that you had an awesome birthday with family and friends :) You deserve lots of love and pampering ;) Hopefully we can have more frequent discussions about shows, but we'll have to see how things pan out for both of us. Hopefully Chibi will start settling down so I can write more messages/and watch more anime. The funny thing is, when she's finally sleeping and I'm watching shows, I look at her after and I want to wake her up lol. I realize she is way more important in the end, but Mama has to find a way to fit everything she wants to do in her schedule!!
Take care for now, and talk to you soon! OH, I know RWBY season has just begun too.. woohoo! I haven't watched the episodes yet, but I will soon! I can't believe we are finally at the beginning of Vol 6!!
SPOILER, do not read unless you saw last week's Boku no Hero Academia episode!!!! (Episode 22)
I just wanted to gloat about how I was onto something re: Boku no Hero Academia...
I have NOT read the manga up to this point, so I had NO idea what was coming... but when you mentioned Camie being a possible love interest for Deku, and I brought up Toga Himiko........
Don't you dare say you knew it was her!! :P I won't believe you!
We didn't know what Toga's powers were, only that she needed blood for some reason... although I am interested in how she changed into Camie, and also into Ochaco??? As well as imitating "Camie's" powers of invisibility and manipulating perception... although that's only what she said her powers were... I wonder if Toga can imitate their abilities as well while in their forms? Doesn't that make her a little OP?? And what is she going to do with Deku's blood.... I don't like where this is going :S
I wonder if this current Deku vs Bakugo fight will actually resolve anything... I would like to see something change in their relationship because it's a little tiresome to watch Deku being preoccupied with "Kacchan" all the time, and Kacchan feeling like exploding everything in a mile radius when he so much as looks at Deku. I don't expect them to suddenly become "buddies" but maybe Kacchan will face his large ego issues.
I wanted to drop a few thoughts :P Hope you are enjoying your vacation and feel better!!
This whole time I thought I was waiting for you to reply... I thought, Jason doesn't usually take this long... so I double checked and of course it was me that had to reply LOL. I REALLY believed that I did already, but of course it was only in my mind -______________- Brain fog really sucks, it may come to a time where I have to write it in my agenda "reply to Jason" along with everything else I write in there to make sure I do what I need to on a daily basis.
I suppose if we both had the same anime profile pic, it would be like wearing the same outfit to a dinner party.... AWKWARD!!!!!! lol jk
Chio is definitely the character of the season for me, every episode of the show has been epic! I like Manana too, their dynamic is too funny! I'm going to be so sad when the show ends, but maybe I'll pick up the manga if its being translated to fill that Chio hole.
I have been reading the SnK manga between seasons, but I never mentioned it to you in case you weren't reading it... to be honest I was afraid I would end up spoiling something! Ohh I didn't know your brother watched SnK? I assume that's the only show he watches, because I had no idea he watched anime at all?
I'm not a big fan of this current arc because I find Historia's behavior frustrating... and there were some revelations about the titans that I didn't fully understand but hopefully I will get it this time around :P
People always find something to bitch about! Since this is such a mainstream series, I'm sure there are lots of elitists that go into the forums just to put their nose up at ANYTHING regarding the series. I honestly think the SnK mangaka is a genius. Yes the story revelations happened slowly, but the slow pace only increased the suspense (at least for me). You're right that mangakas ought to have thick skin, because there are always fans that are never quite happy. They might be like, yes I like the series BUUUUUUT this and that could be better. Really? I would like to see your manga then, haha. Many people don't appreciate how much work and effort go into making such a huge series as this. It doesn't mean you can't be critical of it, but if you're whining every month about things... ughhh get a life is all I have to say, lol. If I were a mangaka I wouldn't read any forums or articles about my work, because I do have THIN skin and I would be swayed... ohh they aren't happy about this or that.... I would listen to my editor for suggestions, but I could see how outside noise could affect a person's work badly. Even if you put all of their suggestions into play, they might still complain like... ohh this mangaka is too easily influenced, they should use their own ideas... LOL
You know I still have to finish Prison School even though the show is too overly sexual for my tastes, I will finish it one day :P It is one of those works that have had a huge affect on anime/manga culture that I would be remiss not to watch it.
For Steins;Gate 0, the only issue I have with it is Okabe. HE is no fun at all this whole season (but to be fair if he went back to his old ways, I would feel like, wtf did Kurisu mean NOTHING?!!!!!), but he is also causing his own problems. In last week's episode
he wastes time by trying to stop Mayushii and Suzuha from going back. Asking WHY and what they're doing... I'm like, just SHUT UP and let them go because you are wasting everyone's time by yapping!!! This whole dilemma is happening because he didn't go back to save Kurisu at the right moment. I'd rather blame Okabe for WWIII than Mayushii, because she didn't slap him into sense at crunch time... seems too much to put on her shoulders. She is sacrificing so much for him... her feelings are too pure and strong, she has no jealousy towards Kurisu, it is only about making her Shining Star happy again (I forget what star she actually calls him... Altair or something? OR was that the mission name?) I am curious to see how all this will end, but I will confess I find this season to be a let down. The only good things to come out of it was a higher appreciation for Mayushii, Suzuha and Daru... otherwise I found it difficult to get through because of Okarin being a Debbie Downer... oh and him getting angry at Daru, Suzuha and Maho for trying to change things was difficult to watch. Yes, yes, I UNDERSTAND why he would be furious as he believes this was the timeline that Kurisu sacrificed herself to achieve, but it doesn't mean it's right to stand by and let WWIII happen when there may be a way to avoid it.
Haha, I actually haven't had any yaoi fantasies when it comes to BNHA :P Yes there is plenty of material to work with, but it's not happening for me right now :P
I find it funny that Kirishima and now Kaminari are regular Bakugo lackeys, lol. I like how Kaminari plays the straight man, retorting to Bakugo's extreme lines. I was surprised when it was revealed that Bakugo had a plan when facing that meatball guy earlier on. Like, really?! He was planning things?! Not just rushing in like normal? I suppose we should know that by now, but with his brusque attitude its hard to believe there is much thinking going on beyond BLOW THE ENEMY UP! The fact that he is analytical and cunning is one of the things I like about Bakugo, though I admit even I forget there are wheels turning in his head sometimes because he seems so straightforward. Well it seems like Kirishima and Kaminari are going to be Bakugo's regular buddies, and you're right that it's hard to imagine what conversations would be like for those three when they are just hanging out and not facing any enemies, lol. I do find it annoying when Deku is all over "Kacchan" at times, like seriously dude... let him go... lol I can't see them ever becoming friends because there's too much crap between them. Deku still worships Kacchan, but also sees him as a rival... Kacchan sees Deku as an obstacle to becoming the strongest. Don't see that changing at all now or in the future... Yes I was pleased that Yao-Momo had her moment to shine again. She is very intelligent and I'm glad they finally showed more of that in this arc, because it was usually just alluded to.
Don't forget Ochaco already has a rival in Himiko ;)
Buuuuut, that girl is definitely interested in Deku, so maybe there will be another rival for Ochaco to contend with. I found her interesting too and likely we will see more of her. The guy from her school that manipulates wind is another one we will probably see more of. I find it petty for him to dislike Todoroki because his dad is Endeavor. Dude, you know we can't choose our parents right? lol
What did you think of last week's filler episode? A little advertising for the movie eh... *wink* *wink* lol. I'm actually not that annoyed they had a filler episode in between this arc. If they are ever to interrupt an arc for some advertising, this was the arc to do it in. I do like that they are showing other schools and what other strong hero rivalries will develop, buuuut it's definitely lacking the suspense. Although I suppose we could use a breather after the intense thrills of the previous arc.
I haven't been watching Hanabedo weekly but I do think it's a show I will get back to. I have heard good things about it and I am curious about the mom. Yes I do think there must be another reason why she left her daughter like that... but things still don't look too good for her :P "I left my daughter so I could adopt a blonde hair girl and make her the vision of the perfect badminton champion I always wanted" :P
I have come across Banana Fish before, but I didn't know how big the manga actually was for it's time. I am enjoying it so far and yes it's definitely different from most shows-- don't think I ever remember a show where a guy was raped/sexually assaulted so many times. The only other series I can think of where it happened was Berserk. :/ Heavy material, but it's the suspense of the show that draws me in.
I would also love Albedo to get more screen time. So far we've only seen bits and pieces of her... save for the first episode... which will probably be one of my overall fave Overlord eps of all time! I've enjoyed every arc in Overlord so far, and yes sometimes I feel like I wish they would put more story in or extend the number of eps... but if that ruins the high quality we have enjoyed so far, then I don't want it :P I enjoyed the first half with Nfirea and Enri being the focus. I like how they portrayed Enri as a strong leader-- not because she was physically super strong but rather being strong in character. Everyone likes and respects her, even the goblins would do anything for her and not just because of the magic horn. When her little sister was running around in Nazarick it was so sweet that Ainz was happy and pleased to show her around-- even adding her to Beta's list of people to save :PP I am glad that we see more of the Pleiades this season including Alpha and Beta. Even my fave Nabe received some more screen time :) Seems like Beta is very well liked in Nazerick as when she was at home all the maids wanted to be around her and Nabe was pleased to be called pretty "like Beta" by Enri :P
The only one we haven't seen much of is Delta... hopefully that will be rectified by the end of this season.. but if not, season 4 please!!! lol
I'd also like to see more of Shalltear, or Shalltear vs Albedo moments, hehe
Otherwise we have been lucky with two comedy gold shows this season, Chio and Asobi Asobase. The expressions these girls make are priceless!! I remember watching the first episode of Asobi Asobase, sitting through the OP and thinking it was going to be this slice of life/cute-sy show where the girls engage in traditional Japanese past times.... thinking, not sure if I will like this, maybe it will be too boring.... and then SHOCKURU!!!!!!!!!
Satsuriku no Tenshi's mystery has kept me interested. What is that place, why are they there... and is any of it real? The last episode made me question if each floor's boss was even really there or in her head? I started to think that maybe she was in hell or something... but then it wouldn't make sense for Zack to go with her if there was no "outside" after all. I'm curious to see where it will go, but I don't know how Zack is alive at all at this point :P He has been hurt quite badly on the way up in different levels... I also find it frustrating how she is so slow to make decisions or to act on anything. She has to literally say to herself that she has to be useful to Zack. Why waste time saying it and standing there for 10 secs?! lol
Oh, I've also been enjoying Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu. Funny, eh? because I wasn't sure about to due to the ecchi. I do find all the BOOBIES to be too much sometimes, but aside from that I have found the characters to be very endearing. As you see I added Diablo to my faves because he has to face all of the same problems as Ainz... except he doesn't get that automatic calming effect! He really does have to fake and pretend much more! I like Shera and Rem quite a bit, in fact I can't decide which one I like more... Shera is so sweet and kind and Rem is more tsundere but her dere side is adorable. The elf war arc ended in a pretty dark way... though I'm sure no one liked Shera's brother, but to see him be killed like that was very cold blooded. I also think it was OBVIOUS to everyone in the audience that Shera's bro was plotting something the minute he met with them, that "nice guy" act was VERY MUCH AN ACT. Why no one questioned why he would be so sure Shera would leave with him the next day was beyond me. Like, hmm.... why is he giving her this choice and so certain her mind would change after one night??? How could none of them see the blaring RED FLAGS!!!
And how far did he take it with the guild master at the end of last weeks episode o_O
Anywayyy going to go eat some breakfast :) Hope you enjoyed my post and sorry for the delay... will try to get it right next time :P
Take care and enjoy the long weekend!!! (You have Mon off in the States too right? )
I have been taking my sweet time with this reply, haven't I? Lol. This week was a little hectic for me with a lot going on. I'll explain in PM. But overall life is good here, I definitely feel that my mood is overall more positive in this environment so I'm going in the right direction :)
I'm glad you didn't copy my profile pic idea, hahaha... Mine must be totally unique!! I'm kidding, I don't really mind if yours is similar, but I understand the need to be different. I love that Chio pic from that smoking episode... that whole episode was damnright hilarious!! The show does a great job of taking mundane everyday life and making it interesting. Well, it's not so ordinary... I don't think anyone could talk down a gang member the way she did... even calling herself Bloody Butterfly out loud... lmao
I'm guessing that Chio was the character that really impressed you from this season from the previous message? I liked her immediately, especially how they captured the realness of social anxiety in that first episode, and poked fun at it but not in a malicious way. Her thoughts when she was unsure if Hosokawa was waving at her or not were spot on... the overthinking and analyzing every possible scenario... been there, Chio... I been there too.
I'm actually terrible at remembering where I'm at with manga. Heck, sometimes I can't even remember what happened in the previous volume!!! That happens with me with Shingeki no Kyojin all the time... which is a manga that I am deeply invested in and concentrate on when I'm reading it.. but the releases are far between now (English translations... official :P) Anyway I get a new volume and start reading it... thinking WTF is going on?! What happened last volume... is this the right one?! I feel like an elderly person :P Luckily they are adapting it into anime... I feel like I remember it better in that form.
Hinamatsuri definitely had a lot of heartfelt moments – especially with Anzu. You know sometimes scenes like that can come off as really cliched or corny, but they did it so well that it tugged at my heartstrings .. (and I have a heart of STONE!! lol jk) My fave episode was also the one with Hitomi becoming a master of all jobs... and even when they tried to bully her she overcame it with such strength and love, they all realized she's a force to be reckoned with, and she's only in MIDDLE SCHOOL now! But in the last episode they imply that there's a time skip, does the manga continue from that time skip? If I remember right it was 2 years... ? So the girls would be in high school?
Yeah I am an anime master... I know all !!! I even know the general idea about anime I haven't seen. I wasn't going to watch Hanebado at first because I wasn't sure if I was that interested in an anime about badminton. But I'm glad I gave it a shot (although the melodrama really is a bit much... the mom, wtf is wrong with her?!! I have to catch up on a few episodes so I don't know what has been revealed, but so far I think she's really fucked up)
Banana Fish is something I thought I “should” like, because it's an action/adventure and”shoujo” show. I have also heard rumours that it's shounen-ai, but then there are people who say it's not??? I'm very confused. I am intrigued with the story and will probably keep watching, however the choppiness of the first episode turned me off. I don't know if others felt that way or not... maybe I was in an anxious state while watching and that influenced my perception?
Do you have friends in real life that refer to anime as Japanese cartoons? I ask because you mentioned it, and I imagine you don't have otaku friends in real life... because they are hard to come by! Most people don't advertise they are interested in these things... even though in general it seems that it's part of geek culture, and that is trendy these days...
The way Darlifra ended was too bad. I wish they had ended things on a high note, but it's like their creativity was sapped by the end! Lol
Yeah Hiro and Zero Two's love became very self centered... I was quite annoyed with how Hiro was just obsessed with Zero Two and ignoring all the problems around him while everyone else was trying so hard to figure out how to survive. Yes I understand it's difficult when your loved one's soul is in space and her body is an empty shell... but come on! I was actually glad when Goro punched him. Not because I believe in his reasoning, just because he needed to be punched haha.
I don't think they put as much thought into the ending... because it was very predictable and stale. Everyone's endings were tied up neatly into a nice bow, with everyone getting paired up and making babies...
The thing is, that Zero Two and Hiro's sacrifice didn't really end things with the VIRM. They are still there, recovering their forces and planning to attack again in another thousand years or so... at least that's how I interpreted it? I vaguely remember them talking to Zero Two and Hiro as their souls were floating back to earth. Humanity will probably fall for their lies all over again, and the cycle will continue. So... not sure what the overall message was? Love doesn't really conquer everything, does it?
I don't think they really knew what to do with Ikuno. They made her a lesbian to give her a small story arc and then suddenly she becomes a scientist and savior of their kind... because... why not? May have been interesting to have two lesbians that are in love with each other and want to pilot the FRAXX together... they could have explored that, because Ikuno did say that she was frustrated that the FRANXX was for male and females only. Didn't Mitsuru want to ride with Hiro when he was a kid? Speaking of Mitsuru... and Kokoro, I still didn't buy that Kokoro was with him out of love.. it was more like, to have a baby daddy hahah. She be like: well I'm preggers from this dude anyway... may as well stay with him and have more babies!!! because Kokoro's main character trait is that she wants babiesssssss. I feel that they added that Nana and Hachi scene to make things mysterious... like we don't have all the answers, but it just makes things more confusing overall.
I don't know what happened to the writers... maybe they got burnt out??? The pressure of writing such a highly popular show got to them?? But, I would imagine the plot would have been basically written way beforehand... although changes are made sporadically... wonder how that process went?
The Hiro x Zero Two scene would have made more sense if they had introduced the idea of reincarnation in this world. It's like... sure.. that works, because love makes everything work out perfectly!!
I'm clearly too old and jaded, hahah.
I loved how you described the anime “elitist.” I find it ridiculous that someone would watch an anime that's 24 eps long and TRULY thought it was worthy of “1.” Even if I feel like an anime is a 5-6 I might stop watching, but a 1? Uhhh not hanging around for that. I'm at an age now where I have to pick out which shows are worthy of a time investment :P I still might watch an anime to the end that I would rate a 6, but 1?! Are you kidding me?! The stupidity of that alone, just to write a pretentious review to show everyone how smart and enlightened one is about anime... -_- When I see reviews like that, I think how sad it is to waste so much time, just to complain!
Sadder to see people liking those reviews... don't elevate this poor souls tiny/fragile ego you guys!!
Sorry it took me a while to fully understand what you were saying re: BNHA girls. Only took like a few months after MAL went down while I was thinking of how to reply that I finally got what you were saying... hahah my brain doesn't feel as sharp these days :(
Kirishima rescuing Bakugo added some realness to their friendship. At least on Kirishima's end, he's willing to risk his life to save his friend. Until then, I didn't realize Kirishima thought of Bakugo as a seriously good friend, it was like they were just buddies, or he liked to be around him... Sadly, at this stage I don't think Bakugo would do the same, unless there were strong enemies that he could take down. As in, rescuing Kirishima wouldn't be the priority, it would be about who he could fight. Makes me wonder if Bakugo is suited to be a hero... something I am not sure of right now. Yes Eraser did say some very enlightening things about his character, but the Jean Machine hero (forget his name, lol) felt that Bakugo needed more guidance, that he was too close to the line of becoming a villain. Now, I don't think Bakugo would switch sides from someone else “persuading” him like Shigaraki was trying to do. Maybe if he was manipulated into thinking it was his own decision... it may happen. I worry that his competitive streak with Deku might lead to something bad... The OP seems to imply some division there... but I hope he doesn't go to the dark side and manages to be a great hero despite that hotheaded personality :P
I would like to see Bakugo go under some positive character development, because despite liking him I do agree that he's got “biggest dick in the room syndrome x1000000” lol The reason why I like him is that he is so honest and true to himself. There's no lying or deception, his feelings and thoughts come through, even though sometimes he should just keep his mouth shut :P
I liked how he told off that guy who was acting all “nicey-nice” from a competing high school because he could sense his true nature. Now if he could find a righteous reason for being a hero other than wanting to be the “strongest and best.” Btw the home visit with Eraser and his parents was hilarious... You know that villain that Deku fought when he was saving the kid during the training camp arc? People on crunchyroll thought that was Bakugo's dad... lmao! Evidence? His hair is similar and he's got a temper... It was pretty funny, because A) He was asking about “that kid” Bakugo, don't think he would refer to him that way if it was his kid, and B) If Bakugo had a villain for a dad, people would know about it... I'm sure it would have come up in the story. Anyway, it was lolz, and finally seeing the real dad was so underwhelming... but his mom makes up for it though! Haha
The only Yao Momo x Todoroki moment was when she said she trusts TODOROKI. ONLY HIM. I have hearts in my eyes right now! Lol Well it was implied in earlier episodes that she kinda likes him, but he will remain forever oblivious I'm sure.. just like Deku, even though he's so sharp and observant will be completely dense to Ochaco's feelings. In the last episode when
Deku carries “Ochaco” away princess style in his arms, I was like, NANI?! NO REACTION FROM OCHACO? Something ain't right here... lmao.
This show might be in my top 25, not sure yet... but not in my top 10. However who knows, if it keeps giving us engaging arcs and delivers meaningful character development it might change.
Suzuha is super awesome! Love when she is in badass combat mode, she's a formidable opponent for sure! I am one episode behind on Stein's Gate, but episode 15 was great. Lots of comedy there with the daughter shipping her parents, kinda Back to the Future-ish... but there was heart too. Heartbreaking to see how Suzuha lost her mom in the future :( I would love her to have a happy ending, but don't think that will come about in this story/world line. Am I the only one who thinks the professor is VERY suspicious? I don't have red flags but blaring sirens... any character that is kind of close to the main cast and has consistent appearances probably has something shady going on... that's usually the big hint for me :P And how he says “Lintahlo” … WHY? Isn't he American? Americans can pronounce “R” o_O
You know I didn't realize until this season that Mayushii was still in highschool. I thought she was in college like the others... yes she is so sweet/kind/caring... full of love. I'm beginning to think that an ending pairing her with LINTAHLO isn't so terrible. If there is no possible way to bring back Kurisu (like really, all options are exhausted....) then MAYBE I could see it. She definitely cares about Lintahlo a lot, and he is the same for her, but it could be more like sibling love... hmmm not sure.
Before talking about the anime's you mentioned... all I have to say about SnK s3 is:
I kinda already touched on Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro. The comedy is so fresh and unique... also educational! I have never heard of Kabaddi until this show. I am learning adjusts glasses heheh
Yes Manana is a great sidekick for Chio. The one where she was so cutthroat and wanted to raise her popularity was true to form :P Ahhh middle school years... everyone wants to be popular and liked! I certainly lied and pretended at times to be someone I wasn't.... I actually remember lying about being good at volleyball... such a dumb thing to lie about, and I can't remember why I did... maybe to “fit in” at a new school where the athletes were the ones running the show. Anywayyyyy the lie was exposed pretty fast in gym class, lmao. I can laugh about it now, but at the time I felt like my world was crumbling.
I sort of talked about Hanebado too... like I said it was the drama that was too much. A mother abandoning her daughter because she lost ONE game, when she was very ill? How about you be a better mother and take care of your daughter, and not allow her to play when she's that sick... seriously, wtf?!!! Then she raises a blonde girl to be her new “daughter” and badminton prodigy? NANI? Is she ok in the head? I am like 2-3 eps behind, so I hope there are some explanations for that, because right now I cannot fathom how a mother would make such stupid and narrow minded decisions- BADMINTON is all that matters, I MUST project my desires on my daughter or a replacement daughter... -_-
I only saw the first episode of Harukana Receive and I liked it. I have fallen a bit behind on my anime so maybe this weekend I can catch up a little. What caught my eye with this show is how lovely their EYES are colored in the animation... it's like they have different colors blended together..
But beach volleyball the sport... MEH is my feelings towards it. Sure it must be hard to play on the sandy beach with wind... but as you can imagine I have my issues with volleyball -scarred for life since middle school hahah
As for Satsuriku no Tenshi- Rachel not wanting to commit suicide because “it's wrong” needs more elaboration... does she have religious reasons or what? I think it's implied, but... not really sure. The show reminds me of a video game setup (because it is based on a real game, haha) but I can just imagine investigating and trying to figure out how to solve the puzzles of each floor and beating the boss. Zach does have that same angry/yelling Bakugo voice, lmao. When I watched the first episode of this on my computer, I had to adjust the speakers a few times because I was like, fuckkk why is he screaming so loud, will my neighbors hear? And OMG what if they realize I'm a dork watching anime?!!!!! the judgement... ahhhhhhhhh!!! (lmao) I do find his voice to be too much at times, but whatever.. it is what it is!
I haven't seen any more Isekai Maou since episode 1. I'll check out ep 2 and see if it's worth continuing for me. I can deal with ecchi, but I have to find the story and characters somewhat engaging (like I did Highschool DXD, though I didn't watch last season cos I have to see the one before that)
I saw the first episode of Grand Blue and it was a little over the top. I can deal with male nudity.. hey why do they blur out the bottom? Lol. Is there an uncensored version?!! I did think it was fun to watch though and will probably see more. I do find it weird that the main female leads are his cousins because it seems to imply some romance there with the younger one... and I'm sorry, that is still weird to me. I know it happens in a lot of Japanese anime, but it's at the same level as incest so.... not really going to be shipping them, but I'll watch and see what happens.
I haven't seen Hyakuren no Haou and I probably won't watch it because I have too much on my plate. However I did see the score, and I think people are being ridiculous. If you know the show's type as ecchi/harem, you can't go in there expecting a masterpiece, but whatever! I'm not saying it's worthy of an 8/9, having not even seen it... but it's 5.91... o_O
I did see the first ep of Shichisei no Subaru, and nope, not doing it! Not going through AnoHana again SAO version. I also found the main female off putting, and found myself rooting for the tsundere before they even established her character. I'm like, I see where this is going... not sure if I want to sit through this again :P Maybe it will be a great show, but I'm putting it to the side for now and will wait and see... if you think I am really missing out let me know.
I did see Island first ep, and I may keep watching it... I'll see ep 2 and decide how I feel about it overall.
Keep me posted on that Starlight show, again I already have too many that I'm following... but if it is Utena caliber I may have to give it a go!
I have Happy Sugar Life downloaded but I didn't watch it yet. I am interested to see if it's like a Mirai Nikki level of suspense/horror like it's been described. Another yandere pink haired female? Lol Actually I don't know if she is yandere, but I know she gets involved in messed up stuff so who knows!
Alright I'm glad I finally sat down and replied! It's always fun once I get to it :P I will reply in private over the next few days... Is it a long weekend in the U.S ? We have a holiday this Monday... I am planning to enjoy the events around the city... hopefully... I pushed myself really hard this week and I might just be crashing and recuperating... so we shall see!!
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend regardless of holiday Mon or not (but it would be sweet for you to have some time off for yourself :) )
Take care and talk to you soon!
How have you been? Have you been enjoying the summer weather? lol. It's awfully hot here and the "geothermal cooling system" is not really working in my new place so it's like 25 degrees C, 77 F. Sorry to start with small talk, but it's been so long since I wrote to you, its like... how do I start?! lol
The move went VERY WELL, so much better than expected. I was unpacked and settled in the apartment in one day... but of course there are little additions and revisions that I've been making and still settling into the area. I live in DOWNTOWN Toronto, WOOHOO!! Seriously DOWNTOWN, not just near it, but in the crux of the city which is really cool, but of course I am not paying market rent which would be around $2000! O_O I am extremely grateful to God and my family for making it happen. I wake up giving thanks everyday, because it's a beautiful space!!! Maybe I will send you some pics later if you're interested ;) I am not sure if private messaging is working yet or not... I haven't checked it out. How are you and your parents doing? If you'd rather write that in pvt I'm all good for it. I think of you often and hope that things are improving all around!
I'm glad you made your list public again! It was pvt initially and I was like... UGHHHH how can I stalk his list ?!! lol I was curious about the scores you gave to some shows, but I can see them now ;)
Yeah when MAL was down I felt like a part of my life was missing............. LOL Well, not that intense, but I would check it everyday and be disappointed... :P I could finally update my profile pic, YAYYYYY!
I also did keep track of my manga volumes and chapters on paper, since I was taking them out from the library. Those were hard times....
Is Canada a free country?! Honestly I don't know these days where we stand in the world.... :P One thing I have found out is that Canada doesn't have laws for free speech like the U.S, which I am not too happy about, but it is what it is....
OK to reply to your comments that you sent in MAY, omg! :P Sorry for the wait, geez... I know you were waiting with bated breathe to hear my response! haha When I watch anime though, I think of things I would like to comment on to you.. wish we lived closer together!
In Ancient Magus' Bride, I was glad that there were people looking out for Chise other than Elias, like Angelica and Renfred. Both were trying to help her realize her options with outside schooling, probably a way to connect her with others and let her have a life outside of Elias. Ultimately it's up to Chise to make those decisions and go forward despite whatever Elias says... in the beginning I found their relationship to be cute, but by the end he was smothering her and it was uncomfortable to watch. I also think it's drawing a parallel to mental abuse in relationships, and it's hard to watch since they are the main "couple" and we know Elias' background (somewhat, still lots of mystery there) and we want him to find love and acceptance... but not at the cost of Chise's independence and well-being! Thank God that wedding scene was anime original... because it was NOT the right timing for that kind of moment! I hope they do make a season 2 once the manga goes ahead... I might read the manga again online to see what the real resolution to that arc was.
I absolutely LOVED Hinamatsuri and was sad when it ended.... where am I going to get my weekly comedy fix now??? The show was so clever and had so many standout characters!! I may read the manga, but I don't think it will be the same because the voice acting was so superb. Hitomi was definitely a fave of mine and I loved when she was the focus of one part of the episode! The moments when she was found out to be a bartender and people were trying to rationalize it were hilarious!! Are you in denial too about Hitomi really being a middle school student mixing drinks... yeah I think they are in middle school and not high school... but I am not 100% sure. Not making any recommendations anymore because I am too slow to get to them??? :P :P I apologize for that... but if you come across something you genuinely think I would like, such as this show, but I am not watching it please let me know!!! :P
Hisone to Maso-tan had a very unique premise, if you ever watch it you'll see what I mean... but I won't spoil it! Overall it was an entertaining show to watch, but for me it fell short of an 8 and I gave it a 7. The characters are a lot of fun to watch though, especially the protagonist with her no filter!
Golden Kamuy was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I gave it an 8 because I was very engrossed in their adventure and the episodes were a lot of fun! However I did read a little bit of the manga and the anime seems to have omitted some parts... maybe they will show them later. I think you would enjoy both of these shows, but of course it depends if time allows!
Dorei-ku the Animation does have an interesting premise, but I had a feeling the anime would not be a great :P Somehow shows like that always get messed up and become a let down. The scene you described in that post does sound extremely dumb... was that anime original content or in the manga?
The one with the dog and human eating contest.... I still can't wrap my mind around that, lmao.
Mahou Shoujo Site is also one of those shows where I'm not sure it will deliver even though the premise sounds really good. I see you gave it a 6? :P Not sure if I want to watch it now! haha. But I will think about it if I am in the mood for something dark and psychological.
Shokugeki no Souma is another show I need to catch up on! I have been meaning to, but I keep putting it off because whenever I watch it I get hungry and want to eat whatever they are making!! The food looks soooooooo delicious, if only I could reach in through the screen and grab some! The orgasmic reactions don't help, lmao! I should probably watch it while eating, or after I eat and I am FULL :P I did hear there are a lot of developments in the latest season, especially pertaining to Erina, who I want to see fleshed out anyway.
Tokyo Ghoul:re was a great adaptation, I agree. It went past the last chapter I read in the manga, so I was surprised at that ending... Well, I figured we'd get emo Kaneki back eventually, but didn't expect it so soon. As you probably know, I liked Haise quite a bit... maybe because he was like a happy and more confident person compared to Kaneki... and didn't have that blood lust. What I don't understand was how was he able to survive? Did they give him human remains or was he suddenly able to eat normal food? He was cooking quite a bit, but I don't remember if he eat his cooking or not...?
Anyway I am psyched to see what will happen next season!!! I wonder if Urie is going to step up and be a better leader now that Shirazu is gone :( he seemed deeply affected by his death, despite being cold to him while he was alive. Urie was a pretty annoying character for me in the beginning... but I like to see developments and change... he seemed to begin to care more for Mutsuki more after he helped him. Not like in a "love" way, just looking out for him more. I just want to see how everything is going to change, because Kaneki is probably leaving :P :P But wow, what a finale! I think it ended really strong and the season was well adapted. People were probably worried we would get another Tokyo Ghoul √A, which I never saw myself but heard enough bad things about it :P I did want to see how things ended and that's why I picked up the manga which was FANTASTIC! It's really the manga that piqued my interest in the series, although the first season was pretty good... the manga just had more depth to it.
I actually did quite enjoy WotaKoi, although I did prefer the secondary couple. Even though they bicker A LOT, I like that they have sweet and tender moments. I don't think it's bad to bicker a little, to get little irritations out. I have been in relationships where I held everything in... so seeing this love/hate dynamic that actually works was refreshing to me. I don't know if you will agree with me, because it seems like many people didn't like them, but I thought they were cute. It also helped that my ALL TIME fave seiyuus were voicing each of them, Sawashiro Miyuki and Tomokazu Sugita. I can actually write their names without checking... hahaha
The main pair needs some work and development though. I don't know how far you have gone in the show because I don't see it on your lists.. but there is SOME development between the two, but I think it felt short. It was like... OK We need to squeeze some emotional development in.... lets do it now in episode 10-11!! The manga is ongoing, but I tell you... these two are have one of the slowest developments I have seen for some time in adult characters. Like holding hands was a big deal here... they are mid twenties, wtf?!!!!!! The girl has experience dating.. supposedly, but she's super shy with him... is it because she really does like him, or is there something else at play? I couldn't figure her out... but Hirotaka definitely does like her and wants to date her for realz... so at least they made that clear. I agree that just because two people are otaku, doesn't mean their relationship will automatically be rosy. They seem to try and distract themselves with otaku stuff to avoid having real discussions.... there is a genuine connection between them since they have known each other since childhood and he is the one who got her into that stuff.. but can that lead into something romantic? I am not sure... maybe I will read the manga and see how things develop between them, because overall I did enjoy the show mostly for the comedic aspect.
Yeah Darlifra was disappointing in the end for me. The ending seemed very cliched... yes Ichigo and Goro got together... but I would have liked to have seen hints that Ichigo was starting to like him before he kissed her. We didn't get any of that... so they pushed them together probably to satisfy shippers and yes I was happy they got together, but it felt forced. When they were all holding hands around the Zero Two statue and shouting that they were there and they care... I thought of Care Bears.... WE CARE!!! POWER OF LOVE!!! hahahah. It was kinda cringy, but they had to involve the whole cast in the ending, and I suppose that was the best idea....? I also don't understand how Hiro survived for that long in Strelizia/ZeroTwo? Yes he was becoming a klaxosaur, but does that mean he doesn't need any nourishment?!? I think it was like 2yrs after he left for space that he was still in there and they were facing the "final battle" ??? I also didn't understand why Ikuno suddenly became a scientist and saviour to their kind? I mean why did that suddenly happen?! Yes she was always bookish, but didn't seem like the scientific type... it's like, Dr. Franxx died, we need someone to solve this problem with the parasites... let's make it Ikuno so she has some purpose in the show, lmao. I also thought it was funny when they went to free Naomi and the others... they sure took their sweet time!! lmao. It was like a few months after they went into space I think... not high on the priority list ehhh? Also why were the "failures" just being kept there? I assumed they were killed...? What purpose were they serving since the VIRM were very efficient with everything and I'm sure if they were useless wastes of space they would be put down... Also there were two counsel members of VIRM that were human??? NANI?? And they didn't notice anything amiss with the others?? o_O
The most surprising thing about the ending was Futoshi's mustache.... lmao... I was like NANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that he married and had kids.... hahaha
Did Mitsuru and Kokoro ever get their memories back, or did they just fall in love again? Not sure about that either...
I dunno, I suppose on one hand I am happy that the characters I have grown to care about all had happy endings... even Zero Two and Hiro were reincarnated together and reunited. However it felt sooo cliched. I know I complained to you a lot about cliches in the beginning, but this ending took the cake! OHHHHH I forgot, what about Nana and Hachi??? He mentions at the end that their bodies don't age... wtf?! But they were parasites before, and were adults after.....? But they were hinting that parasites don't live too long.... which is what Ikuno was researching, but Nana and Hachi don't age? Wtf?
In the end I feel like the show was aiming high, but fell short... I gave it an 8 because I did enjoy it overall and it was a pleasure to watch every week...
I had to laugh at the top reviews all being like 1-3.... lets rate it super low to be edgy and cool ;) The show definitely had issues and flaws, but a 1? Come on, this ain't no Dorei-ku haha
I was thinking a lot about what you said regarding female heroines in BNHA, and the thing is I don't think their reaching their full potential... yet. I would like to see the girls fight evenly toe to toe against the guys, but I am not sure if the mangaka is going in that direction. Will he keep them in a supporting role or will he expand their powers? During the Bakugo and Ochaco fight (the matching itself was surprising and scary) you're right I had no doubt that Bakugo would be victorious. The thing is he will fight any obstacle in his way, even it's a female... which is so feminist!! lol But it did make Ochaco realize she needs to develop herself in other areas in order to be more useful. She did a nice flip of Toga Himiko during the previous arc, but otherwise she was useless... so was Froppy :( I would like to see them more formidable, but like I said I am not sure of the mangaka's intentions and how the audience would respond to a serious fight between a male and female... because when I think back, many times females are faced with female opponents rather than male. It made me think that they don't want to show a male hitting a female, maybe that would be intense for some people??? Now it doesn't apply all over the board, I remember Sakura's fight with Satori in Naruto and Erza had fought some male opponents in Fairy Tail, but even there she was matched usually with female enemies. So thinking more about what you said, yes the show needs to step up it's game and appreciate strong females. It would be cool if Yao Momo could make different weapons and master them in a fight... that would be badass!! As for Ochaco, mixing martial arts and weightlessness would be very cool to see... there are options for the girls to become better... but Ochaco is also a "cutesy" character and maybe they want to make her seem harmless.... but that's wasting her potential. So to be clear I agree with you, and my point is that there is potential here but maybe the mangaka wants to keep them in support roles... which would be disappointing. Btw the last arc was VERY intense and awe-inspiring.... All Might :( *bows down*
I also like that the problems with overusing his powers would catch up to Deku. They tell him so many times not to hurt himself so badly, and of course it's not easy since he's still learning how to use his powers... but I thought it was clever and smart of them to have the group rescue Bakugo the way that they did. I also thought Ochaco did give a smart observation about Bakugo and his pride... so that's her input for that arc :P But she was dead on that if it was Deku rushing in there alone, Bakugo would be resentful and angry. But it also gave Kirishima and his friendship to Bakugo a serious development rather than just having them only being friends for comic relief... Also, any Yao-Momo/Todoroki moments, no matter how small are to die for (for me) lol.
Overall the mangaka's writing is very clever and smart, I like how things tie in and connect (if you see the latest episode you'll know what I mean) but I wish he would utilize his female characters more... since he did create some awesome heroes!!
As for Stein’s Gate 0, I've tried to let go of Kurisu and just see where this storyline takes us. I can always deny that it's real and the ending of the OG Steins;Gate is the real one... hahaha
I have to say with the absence of Kurisu, Suzuna and Mayushii have begun to shine for me. I always liked them before, but they've made the loss of Kurisu somewhat bearable :P Like I mentioned before, the dynamic between Suzuna and Daru otoo-san is too cute!!! He better work on the relationship with her future mother so the timeline isn't disrupted :P :P I like how she's pushing and shipping them hahah, and how she reacts when he says something pervy infront of her!! But there's also a tenderness and love in their relationship, I love when he was there for her when she was breaking down. So to save the fate of the world is a huge burden on ANYONE's shoulders!
Mayushii is just so cute and sweet, I can't help but love her... and Okabe was right, a world line where she's gone is unacceptable.
Soooo how are you enjoying the new season so far? Overall I feel it's mediocre, but there are some standout's like Overlord III and SnK when it starts this weekend (FINALLYYYYY)
What's surprising to me is how much I like Hanebado! so far. I wasn't even going to watch it, but then I read a few great reviews about the first episode... and wow the animation for badminton games are stunning!! The melodrama surrounding the game is a bit much for me at times, but I have grown to like a few of the characters already so I may stick to it.
Banana Fish is a show I feel like I "should" like, but the first episode seemed choppy to me, like the scene cuts and changes were done so fast and frequently my head was spinning. Maybe it was only me, but I was jarred by that and it impeded my enjoyment... I will try ep 2 and see how I feel.
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san was a surprise for me. I didn't think I would like it so much because it's "ecchi", but there's something charming about this show... it kinda reminds me of ecchi from the early 2000's, not sure why... it also reminds me of Love Hina with the setup, except there's a ghost and the other characters are probably very eccentric as well. At the same time I felt like Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu was TOO ecchi for me, when realistically they probably have the same amount!! I will probably keep watching this as well since I'm interested in how the protagonist fairs in the new world pretending to be an Overlord... (however this show ain't got nothing on Overlord III.... the first episode was COMEDY GOLD... so was the beginning of episode 2! I am just so happy to watch this again!)
Hataraku Saibou has been a fun watch.. I had read a bit of the manga but dropped it because it was way more technical than the anime is. I think I like seeing the action scenes play out along with the voices... the Platelets lines were too cute!!
I have yet to watch Grand Blue but the hype for that show is real... I hope it delivers :P too bad it's not on Crunchyroll... I'm always annoyed when I have to download a torrent when I pay for streaming services... but what can you do! One company can't license them all!
Anyway, I think I typed a whole lot! I was listening to a playlist that was 1hr and 30 mins, and it's been finished for like 20 mins now ... :P I hope you enjoy this message and hope to hear from ya soon!!!!
Take care~~ :D
I don't know if you know this but MAL has not been working properly for like a month, so thats why I haven't been able to work on your reply! :( They only recently restored profile pages alone, but still working on other features (like private messaging...)
I wanted to let you know that I am moving, NEXT WEEK into my new place! :O OMG!! So I am pretty busy this week and stressed out. I will be able to reply and write some end of season comments once I have moved in (I am actually moving in on July 4th, Happy Independence day me! which is really applicable when you think about it ;) )
Hope you enjoy your holidays!! What happens when Independence day lands on a Wed like it does this year? Its kinda weird to have a day off in the middle of the week, isn't it? But what can you do... it IS that day! Canada Day actually lands on a Sunday this year, so we have Monday off as well.
I hope to hear from you soon and to reply properly, until then take care!
All Comments (1245) Comments
We are so lucky that they confirmed a season 2 for Gotoubun no Hanayome so quickly. I’m happy to know we’ll have more quint shenanigans in the future , lol. Did you pick up the manga then after the series since you know there is enough material for a second cour?
I can see the shipping wars in Domestic na Kanojo getting out of hand, but Nisekoi levels?!! That's extremely toxic. Do people remember that this is fictional? Sure, I have my ships, and I root for them, but not going to be salty if it doesn’t happen (or look like its not happening). I’m sure you remember I was salty with Nisekoi in the beginning because I felt that Chitoge had a clear advantage in always stealing away Raku from Onodera (she doesn’t do it intentionally of course, but had her “damsel in distress” moments). But as the series went on and the characters were further fleshed out (especially Chitoge), I thought that Raku could choose either of them. The ending made sense to me, in that he didn’t let “destiny” decide his fate, but he took it in his own hands and confessed to the one that he really fell in love with over time.
Onodera had her own happy ending and has a child later on… so why are people still salty about this? Lol
At this point with Domestic na Kanajo, I am rooting for Rui (but haven't read the manga yet), but would it KILL me to see that he doesn't end up with her? No! Lol as long as the ending makes sense. You’re right that a lot of male readers probably identify with the protagonist a bit TOO much and expect the girls to behave a certain way… if not, UNACCEPTABLE!!
Do you remember yeaaaars ago when the show Kannagi came out, and there was a reference in the manga to the main girl either having had sex before, or had another boyfriend in the past and the fanbase just LOST it?! 90s kids remember…. Pepperidge farms remembers… XD
Japanese men in general don’t seem so emotionally fragile, but the NEET types certainly do. I can imagine them threatening to kill themselves (or others) due to bad outcomes in a relationship. Not sure if you have heard the term “incel” but its for men that are “involuntarily celibate” and usually carry a lot of pent up aggression (that's what I mean by harming others, there was a case in Toronto where an incel drove his van over a bunch of people, killing a dozen :( all because he couldn’t get laid….) Not all of them are murderous of course, but there is a significant community of men that are bitter over women.
If someone would commit suicide after being dumped, I wouldn’t blame the ex (unless there was a clear motive and evidence that they pushed them to do it). I get really upset when I read stories about relationships where one of them threatens to commit suicide if the other breaks up with them… how terrible it is to see someone hold another hostage all the while claiming to be a victim?
Wooo the unaired sex scene seems HOT :P Sometimes the answer is simple, in that Rui did just want to satiate her curiosity. I totally get her there! Haha
Sorry I took my time again to reply, we are already past the halfway point of the season! I can’t believe its almost time for the summer shows.
I actually fell down the stairs on my way to the pool to do aquafit and fractured my right ankle last Thurs. That’s what I get for trying to be more active huh?! Before that I was having issues with my fibro - mostly a lot of fatigue.
Right now my ankle is in a cast and I’m going to be home-bound for the next week and a half so I’ll have time to catch up on all my shows !
My top 5 is a little different than yours, but I’ll comment on what you said too
My #1 is tied between Fruits Basket (2019) and AoT. I can’t choose which one I like best. The only thing lacking in this version of FB is the comedy. Sure there are a few laughs here and there, but it’s not as funny as the first one. That being said, they have done well with the dramatic moments. I also think they did a terrific job with picking the new voice actors. Still getting used to this Tohru’s voice, but Kyou and Yuki have been done well!
AoT is stunning as usual. I’m actually a little bit fuzzy on what happened during this part. I remember the bigger events, but its cloudy in my memory. The action, animation, music, story, characters, everything is on another level with this show!!
#2 Kimetsu no Yaiba
This was the biggest surprise for me this season. I was almost going to skip it, thinking of how many shounen shows I have seen about demon slaying… but I thought one ep wouldn’t hurt… since then I have been hooked! This show is drawing me back into the shounen genre, and reminded me why I liked it in the first place! Tanjiro is an amazing protag, and I liked that they showed him REALLY struggle to be a fighter. Nezuko is such a kawaiiii (but vicious) heroine :) I love her, so adorable and she doesn’t even need to speak! The animation/music is stellar… yes ufotable are animation gods, they made this work so beautiful. I love the animations from Tanjiro’s sword. (also, LOL @ Tanjiro’s siscon moment last week… Nezuko is a cutie though, I would also defend her charm to the death)
#3 ONE PUNCH!!!!!!!!!
Yes, yes I agree Madhouse animated it better, but I don’t care. There were just small differences that I noticed between the two, and not enough to impact my enjoyment.
I also thought King would look different animated, than the way he was… To me he looked a lot more rough than in the manga. I also found the scenes with him to be funnier in the manga too, but maybe it's just because the jokes aren’t new to me? Lol Yes saving over someone’s gaming file on a shared console is FORBIDDEN! We grew up sharing consoles and luckily there was usually enough to save the game in 3 different slots. I do remember us each overwriting someone else's file by accident though. No one would do it on purpose… we all know the pain :(
I still find Saitama’s one punch K.O’s hilarious, and YES especially that moment with Garo. All this build up thinking that he will be Saitama’s match…. And nope! Lol I liked that we were introduced to more heroes this season, AND martial artists.
Can't wait to see the fight between Garo and Watchdog Man this week. I wonder how the latter fights!
#4 Bungou Stray Dogs 3rd Season
Remember when the first season aired of this show and I said it was a show that I “should” be into, but just wasn’t? It’s so weird, because a few months ago I felt like watching it out of the blue and marathoned it quickly before this season came out. Sometimes taste and interests change? It’s a fun supernatural/detective anime, but also fujoshi bait. All these beautiful men having love/hate feelings for one another… one is in the detective agency, the other in the mafia… sparks fly…. LOL
I am exaggerating, the show is nothing like that, but I can imagine people watching through fujoshi lenses thinking this way.
#5 Carole and Tuesday
The show definitely reminds me of Nana somewhat, with the two of them meeting randomly and becoming great friends. There’s less drama and more focus on the music in this one though. I loooove Tuesday’s gorgeous singing voice! Carol sounds good too, but not as unique as Tuesday. Also cool that its in this futuristic sci-fi setting, and there is a lot of attention to detail there, but it doesn’t interfere with the music storyline. I want a pet Owl alarm clock!!
I want to see these girls go far, and interested to see what Tao has planned for Angela. Is she only singing the songs that he’s generated for her, or has he done something to her vocal chords too? The OP and ED are so well done! I keep watching them before skipping, haha.
I also enjoyed seeing other performances by popular artists…. Ertegun (BLEGHHH, tho he is hilarious as a character), Crystal (someone commented that shes like a Beyonce/Christina Aguilera hybrid and I concur) and the other guy was Skip? I can’t remember his name right now, but I didn’t expect his voice to sound like that! I thought it would be much lower pitched… but such a sweet song and voice. So going by what he told Carole and Tuesday, he and Crystal may have had a falling out? Since he feels so guilty about it, I’m guessing that it was on his end…. *draaama*
Honorable mentions: Isekai Quartet - I would have put this one higher if it wasn’t a short, because they have done such an awesome job with the character interactions. Who would have thought that Ram and Cocytus would form a bond? Or Albedo with Rem?! Lol Well, who can resist Rem’s sweet/innocent personality (other than Barusu.. lol)
Mix - After Cross Game, would I miss the next Mitsuru Adachi anime?! I was surprised to learn it was a blended family in episode 2 and that the brothers weren’t twins, because they could pass for it lol. Not just because of their appearance, but their banter is very brotherly.
I also wondered if this his headed in a romantic direction for Otomi and Tou-chan? There have been tiny hints for that, but I TOO wondered if this is Domestic na Kanojo’s effect on me, haha. The new girl has been introduced and is a definite love interest for Sou, but not so sure about Tou (even though he was the one to open the bathroom door on her). Sou would definitely NOT be thrilled if he found out Tou was into Otomi, but he’s always throwing Tou at her for different reasons? Is he delegating responsibility or indirectly shipping? Hmmmm lol
I agree with you, that I like Adachi’s works because of the drama and comedy. I don’t mind baseball animes (in fact I think I’ve seen more baseball anime out of any other sport), but my enjoyment level doesn’t come from the old ball game :P It is cool to see the brothers overcome obstacles and hopefully make it to the Koshien!! Would be cool to see Tacchan and Minami make a cameo ;)
Wow the depiction of how your soul felt after reading the manga Kanojo Okarishimasu was terrifying. A rental girlfriend huh…. I can see the NEETs drooling over the mere idea. I’m actually curious to read it to see how terrible it is. I’m surprised it’s in Shounen Magazine Weekly, which is a higher quality manga publisher (Fairy Tail and Koe no Kotachi to name a few of their other mangas) is publishing it. Isn’t it funny how a scathing review tempts me to read something more than a glowing one? Lol
On the outset the other manga about the little sister being jealous of her brother’s old “friend” doesn’t pique my interest as much. But you saying that it gets more juicy later on does!
The other one being slice of life is a genre than I really love. Is it shoujo ai, because I stumbled on a site that hosts the manga and ppl keep begging for it to be listed as Shoujo ai, while others insist that it isn’t? Lol it doesn’t matter to me though
I haven’t read anything new manga wise in the past few weeks. I am reading 1984 right now and thinking of starting up Game of Thrones' books again. Did you see S8? If you have maybe we could discuss it as well ;)
Until then, take care and hope to read your reply soon!
Most of my viewing goes towards Netflix and K-Drama but to be honest I haven't watched a lot this year, instead I'm gaming more. Played DMC 5, One Piece World Seeker, Mortal Kombat 11, Jump Force, etc. Enjoying the heck out of Mortal Kombat 11 and Warframe.
I have an Amazon Prime subscription for the past 5 or so years now and never really watched anything on the service apart from The Grand Tour and The Man in the High Castle, I found out Cloak and Dagger is on it (we don't have Hulu here in the UK) so I got to watch that at some point.
I'm going to start watching The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina season 2 actually before going to season 2 of One Punch Man, might watch an episode or so of both. Have you seen the Umbrella Academy? I love the show and was estatic to find out it got renewed for a second season.
Okay, now for the main course of last week, Endgame was fantastic and geez episode 3 of GoT, just wow.
Happy Easter to you and your family!
Hope you get lots of chocolate Easter bunnies!
I haven’t read Domestic na Kanojo, so I had no frame of reference to how the pacing was going. I was also wondering what the point was of introducing all the side characters if they were only going to be the focus for one episode, and then on the sidelines for the rest. I didn’t feel that they added anything to the plot. I definitely want to read the manga, I have a feeling it will be one of those that I devour in a few days. (I read your spoiler anyway…. Lol, because I have no willpower).
Does the manga ever cover why Rui wanted to randomly have sex with him? It seemed like it was implying that it was due to Hina having the affair? Maybe she wanted to see what the fuss around sex was about?
I don’t know if I see Hina as end game yet, but keep in mind I haven’t read the manga. Yes she’s his first love and there is lots of lust and passion there… buuuut I felt like the connection between Natsuo and Rui is deeper. He did have his moments with Hina though, I liked the part when she was vulnerable and admitted that it’s hard for her to keep up the “smiling, happy” charade all the time, and that she's jealous that shes not “genuine” like Rui.
Hina is another character that has a lot of layers behind the smiley and cheerful persona. I think she is authentically happy sometimes, but she does try to hide her true feelings a lot, on that point I could relate to her.
I am curious which sister he will end up with. Or maybe they’ll throw a curve ball at us, and this becomes a “Sister Wives” situation, or he’ll end up with the flirty chick or bookworm girl. :D
I know I made that comment about being nauseous thinking of this type of situation in reality, but I can assure you that I have suspended reality while watching this. I’m not going to be one of those that compares a fictional story and setting to real world rules… like those guys who criticize fantasy shows because the magical powers the MC has doesn’t follow the rules of gravity… like come ON folks!! Haha I wanted to make that clear, because we often discuss how annoying it is when people act like the stories are REAL LIFE.
I also have to say the parents reaction at the end of the series was surprising to me. I don’t understand why they keep questioning if these events happened because they got remarried. -_- Usually that would have the opposite effect, no? Liking someone from afar, and then suddenly they become your step sibling… ehhh (ok, again comparing it to real life, haha)
I wanted to edit my post about Gotoubun no Hanayome after the last episode. They FINALLY showed a much more likable side of Itsuki, and explained why she was so cold to Fuutarou. She’s got DADDY issues, lmao! I had a strong feeling that it was her impersonating Ichika, but I couldn’t understand why until it was all revealed of course.
WHO the hell has enough time to make fake accounts just to up vote an anime character, and make her seem the most popular?!!
Yeah I suppose the opposite can be true too, I bet lots of those ppl created fake accounts to try and lower the scores for the popular shows like SAO, or AoT, because well…. “I want to look super smart and pretentious with my low scoring of everything “popular” - “This is my fight against the *MAN* ok” (not sure if you will get what I’m saying there, but to sum it all up, the youngin’ group of anime fans are way too salty)
I agree that the show was more fun when it wasn’t focused on Fuutarou running around trying to get everyone to study, lol. But, I feel your pain sisters! Lol
I have a few theories about the end of the show. It could conclude with a “sister wives” situation (again), and we were just seeing one of the brides, after all his little sister saw like 10 wedding dresses hung up in the hallway.
Or maybe its a much darker ending. Maybe it is just one person, who has a multiple personality disorder and Fuutarou is also in the delusion, by seeing them all as separate beings when it’s just one girl…………...she changes her hairstyle to fit the persona, and sometimes the personas talk to each other, but they don’t know they’re all in the same body…. :O :O :O
Aren’t I brilliant?! It ends up being a psychological thriller……!!!!!
OK my next theory is that all 5 sisters join together to become one SUPER Nakano girl, with qualities of each of the sisters…. :D Yes I have thought about this too much, I’ve gone to crazy town! In all seriousness, it does seem like it might be Itsuki, because there were a few scenes where she was singled out and the rest of the sisters were grouped up… hopefully in the manga things are more evened out and there’s a higher chance for each one of them.
I can relate to Ichika making sacrifices for her younger siblings. I hope she doesn’t pull back, but I can see that being the drama surrounding her. Yes, her blushing scenes were so great, and it’s fun that she is flirty and more open. (The irritated faces in this show were all too cute!)
I would love another season!! Let's keep our fingers crossed… miracles have been happening lately with Fruits Basket remake, Oregairu season 3, Re Zero s2 and Chihayafuru 3!! I honestly didn’t think the first two and Chihayafuru would happen. I wanted it to be continued, really badly… but there wasn’t any news for a long time. I had a hunch Re: Zero s2 would happen eventually, the series is so popular and a huge money maker I’m sure. But I was worried with the long silence after it aired…
Promised Neverland was a standout from last season for me too. I went into it not knowing anything about the series except that there was a lot of hype that is well deserved.
I remember you saying that you felt the suspense toned down a little after the first episode. I agree that there wasn’t as much thrill as there was in the last few eps, but I felt it was strong throughout.
Emma really impressed me too at the end. I knew she was in the top 3, the cream of the crop… but it seemed as if she relied heavily on Norman or Ray in the beginning. I love that she was able to pull off the plan so seamlessly by herself (well, Glinda and Don helped her out, but she was the driving force). She also finally realized that they couldn’t take all the young children at that time, which was a hard decision to make since she was so insistent on that earlier. I agreed with Ray in the beginning that it would be a liability at this time, because even if they do manage to escape with all the children, how would they take care of them in an unknown wilderness? I’m not even certain they will know how to take care of themselves since food and shelter was always provided for them.
Emma was bad-ass in the last few eps, loved her last moment with Isabella. Yes it was a huge F-U, burning down the place and doing what Isabella was never able to do, in a way surpassing her finally. Also, it seemed to me that Isabella cared more about Emma than her own child Ray. She seemed more affected by Emma making that leap, over all the rest. She also had that talk with Emma to try and convince her to become a “mother,” which seemed like an effort on her part to save Emma. I wonder if there is a role for the boys if they are not “harvested”? Maybe their sperm is taken and used to impregnate the “mothers,” for more children that they can control and farm.
I hope that Norman is still alive… he is such a brilliant and kind kid. I think it would be a waste for the monsters to eat him… somebody pass that sentiment along!!
The scene with Phil surprised me too. I actually thought he was going to stab Isabella, lol. But its amazing at such a young age he can comprehend what’s happening, and a part of me wonders if he knew all along… since he kept popping up at critical moments
Awww that poor guy that wrote such a long opinion piece on the show only to get tl;dr responses. I would be annoyed too, but millenials have short attention spans, what did he expect? lol
To get into why this show is not realistic… well in reality there are no monsters unless the show is making a point figuratively… Do people not understand the concept of fiction?!
I really enjoyed Love is War last season. Yes there were many repetitive gags, but some were big winners for me. I appreciated the plot development at the end, but you’re right that after all that it’s like, the Simpsons -where crazy things happen but they all restart again at the couch infront of the TV like nothing ever happened…. I liked Hayasaka as well for her biting remarks to Kaguya at times and how ridiculous she thought they were both being, lol. I loved when the technically challenged Kaguya tries to make a twitter account… but keeps messing things up. “I broke the internet, HAYASAKA HEEEEEEEEELP!!!” I sympathize with Hayasaka, how annoying would it be not to have any real breaks and be around this silly situation all the time, lol.
Chika’s scenes were my favourite overall. She was consistently funny and a surprise to me. I thought she would be more of a background character that was just happy and air headed…. But man she has so many layers!! The ramen master, who knew?!! Lol
I loved this show for the comedic aspect. The romance part would have been a 4/10 for me, because it is just going around in circles. You’re right that it’s more elementary or middle school like (at least back in our day… these days kids are doing it at 12-13 :O ).
I would also score Oregairu higher, because the show has some strong dramatic moments. The dialogue and events are more captivating. I’m still hoping that Yukinon is end game, but I actually don’t think I would mind Iroha or Yui either. I didn’t like Iroha at all when she was introduced, but there was a lot of growth on her end. I also like that she can let her guard down and be her true self (warts and all! lol) around Hachiman. I thought I watched the OVA, but it appears I imagined that since it’s not marked for me on MAL (and you know how meticulous I am about that) so I’ll have to remember to watch it at least before s3.
The last ep of Shield Hero gave me all the feeeels…. Made me see Raphtalia in a new light and admire her more. She faced her past in such a straight forward and brave way.
Yeah Motoyasu is a total creep. One of those guys that puts on a “goody-goody” facade, to cover up his dark desires…. Hello, Filo is not even a year old! And she has a child’s body…. So…. o_O
I do enjoy when Filo kicks him in the nuts, that will never get old!
I also wonder why the Queen is not with the King, why she is acting so far away when she has more power? Is it that cult church’s influence? Yes by choosing Melty as the next in line shows that she’s wise and has good sense. She also cared about the shield hero, more than the others and wanted to make sure he was being treated well. There is a mystery there…
Yes the Wave needs to be explained properly. The fact that there was a villain in there to beat that seemed to have consciousness (compared to the braindead monsters they were fighting before) is interesting. She declared herself as Naofumi’s enemy, and it makes me wonder if there is more like her. Maybe they are trying to conquer Melromarc? But what is with the time limit? Hmmm
I will probably watch the next season of Slime, and I hope there is more suspense and excitement to come. He still needs to find the demon lord that summoned Shizue and confront him. I also wonder if his existence will be explained, like why was he reborn in that world as a slime? Not as if every Japanese citizen was enjoying their afterlife in that world. How did that come to be, was he summoned as well?
Overlord has a stronger supporting cast around Ains which makes it more entertaining… as well as his inner thoughts and reactions to their behavior.
Are you watching Isekai Quartet? I am loving it!! I’ll have to rewatch it after I watch Youjo Senki to get all the jokes. The Aqua and Ains scene made me LOL. Her powers actually work in this universe?!! Nani!! Also love Ram’s roasting of Barusu “his jokes are not funny in this world either” lol It’s been too long… I love seeing all these characters again, even in chibi form!
I can’t remember if I own Fruits Basket or not. I think I was waiting for a remastered blu-ray release. The original will always be a classic, even if this version follows the manga more accurately (which is hard to say if it will, since it’s only the beginning). I do really enjoy the remake, but it’s still jarring to me whenever Yuki speaks and its actually a guy’s voice, lmao. I liked the original voice, but this does make him seem more masculine rather than so androgynous. The new VA for Tohru is doing a fantastic job, but to me Yui Horie’s performance was so integral to how much I enjoyed the first series. She played that gentle, loving, caring, sweet and airheaded part so so well.
But the cast in this version is terrific as well. Miyuki Sawashiro as Tohru’s mom - best choice ever! I also can’t wait to hear Rie Kugimiya as Kagura!!
I can’t wait for AoT 3 pt 2 (lol - such a long title, next we will get AoT s4 pt 1 out of 5 lol) Oooo the basement part…!! I have read the manga and know what we’re in for but I’ll keep quiet :X
I’m not upset that its only 10 eps, because I’m sure they will all be of the highest quality!
I wanted to talk a little about the new shows, but I haven’t seen them all and Chibi has been whining this whole time while I was writing to you, for attention. She is very spoiled and gets lots of attention, mommy needs her time too!! lol
I will watch Carole and Tuesday soon too, because it looks really good and seems like it has your approval already! I was just annoyed that its a Netflix show so the subs are a little harder to find :/ but I have the eps downloaded now!
Alright I gotta go. Hope you enjoyed my anime breakdown!! Talk to you soon!!Happy Easter again!
Hope you read the PM first, as an introduction!
I wanted to be part of the cliques on TeamSpeak back in the day, but as you know I'm too damn shy! FTV was so fun back in the olden days... wow that was over a decade a go. It is a shame that the site died, but as I recall there were some admins that were not flexible or changing with the times? there were issues with the downloads too, which was the main reason for ppl to visit the site. Ah well, as the ole saying goes: Nothing lasts forever... So enjoy it while it lasts!! And we accomplished that part, since I remember the fun times more than the drama.
Ooooo Jason with his illegal anime sites.... the Anti-Pirating SWAT team will be breaking down your doors soon! I do the same with shows that aren't on Crunchyroll like Dororo. I had Amazon Prime, which was the other option, but I didn't renew it this year.. I figure I can find where the shows they stream are available ;)
Domestic na Kanojo was a surprise hit for me this season. I wasn't sure what to expect going into this, like would it be very ecchi and smutty, but it's not. The show is waaaaaaay more risque than most anime (a masturbation scene, and ppl having SEX :O) but it doesn't feel cheap and empty because there's a lot of emotion happening between the characters.
I am Team Rui as well, because I like the Natsuo that comes out when he's around her. He seems to be more himself, just more genuine (but his character is boring either way... like the usual generic lead) I can feel the spark between them, where as with Hina he follows her around like a lost little puppy dog. Very incestuous too... because he's been inside both sisters... O_O
If Lily and I were sharing a guy... omg it makes me nauseous to think about it! Hina was unaware of Rui's feelings and obviously doesn't know that Natsuo has slept with her before.
What a tangled web they weave... I'm a few eps behind, but I know I'll catch up fast. This is one of those shows that I would marathon in a day (if I wasn't watching weekly), because its very addictive.
I wonder how their parents would react if they ever found out? They act naive and innocent about things, so such a revelation would probably shock them to the core haha
This winter season had some good and surprising hits for me, but nothing major. In a year's time I'm not sure which shows I would remember... probably Domestic na Kanojo, Kaguya sama, Neverland and Mob Psycho II (And Shield hero, but I won't count that yet since it's still on going) Oh and I did enjoy SAO: Alicization, despite the lack of Asuna. At times it felt slow paced, like its very repetitive to fight one knight after another.... and taking 10 eps to get to the top of that tower... also LOL @ Eugeo's lack of will power... he wanted the BOOBIEZ!
I have not finished the series yet - one episode to go. Sometimes I wonder if Kirito has forgotten he's inside a VR. He's had conversations with Cardinal about it, but otherwise.... does he not miss Asuna at all? is Alice a replacement? lol
I really enjoy Gotoubun no Hanayome as well. Another show that was a delightful surprise. After reading the synopsis, I thought it was going to be one of those goofy harem shows.... and it IS, but it has charm and fluffiness that captures my attention (very cute interactions).
I favour Miku > Ichika > Nino/Yotsuba (these two switch depending on the episode) and >>> Itsuki
Itsuki has not evolved or changed much since the beginning. I haven't seen the last episode yet, but I don't think my ranking will change. Yes she's stubborn, likes to eat and is scared of ghosts... thats it. A lot of MAL fans seem to like her best because she had the most faves (last time I checked) so I wonder if later on in the manga she becomes more interesting. I would also conk out during her parts or fast forward a bit. YEAH I GET IT - YOU ARE STILL UPSET BY WHAT HE SAID IN EP1, and DONT WANT HIS HELP.... get over it!! lol
I disliked Nino the most at first because she is such a cardboard cutout tsundere, but she's had some cute/funny moments as the show went on. Shallow that she likes Uesugi..... with BLOND HAIR lol of course she doesn't know.... or does she?! lol I wonder which one of the girls had an impact on his early life. Nino didn't recognize that it was him in the picture, so maybe we can rule her out. I'm guessing that it will be Itsuki since she's got this "main girl" factor, but how cool would it be if it were a little shy Miku or charming Ichika
Yotsuba is another one that's a very strong archetype - the GENKI / ENERGETIC /ATHLETIC girl. But the scene where she puts her forhead on his and says that she likes him was a sign to me that there might be some more going on there under the surface after all!
I love the Ichika *blushes*. So cute when such a cool, calm and flirty character is flustered! She's one of those characters that are easily likable - doesn't hurt that HanaKana is her voice actor :)
Miku is the best girl though. She's changed some since the start of the show, from being around Uesugi. She's begun to come out of her shell. She's also quiet and shy (I can relate!) I love the moments when she challenges herself or moves forward a little bit
Why can't Uesugi just dance with Ichika/Miku and then run behind the bushes, but the blonde wig on to dance with Nino. Solid plan right? Ohh the other two will be fine...
Its very silly when they try to pass things off as if they were really identical. When they are late for school and each one goes in separately, the teacher believes its the same student going in?! Really?! How could he not notice that they had different hairstyles and slightly different colored hair? When they wear their hair down without any accessories I could see that being confusing... like when Nino was drying her hair and Uesugi came in without her knowing. I knew it would be Nino rather than Miku, because it wouldn't be as funny the other way around lol
Neverland kept me on my toes all season.The show reminded me of Death Note with all their strategies and plans to outwit and outplay the enemy (in this case, Isabella). I have begun to read the manga too because I have read comments with people complaining that it's different than the manga. I have seen like maybe 2 or 3 scenes that weren't in the show, but they were all one panel, and not crucial. So psyched that a sequel will be coming, because I want to see how they survive that wilderness without knowing where to find shelter or where the other people might be. Sister was creepy AF! Felt sad for her though when they showed her history. Isabella was also trying to survive, but I felt less sorry for her. I believe a part of her did love the children, but not enough to save them.
Love is War made me laugh out loud a few times. Only 90s kids will remember calling a boy and their parent picking up the phone! That scene made me laugh so hard, because I didn't expect it at all. What kind of parent answers their kid's cell?! Poor Kaguya became even more flustered!
The dynamic between her and Chika is funny too.. Chika is so random, shes completely oblivious that she messes up their mind games. But I laughed at Kaguya's love/hate for Chika depending on what's happening with Shirogane. When someone is in your way to getting the guy you like, you hate them, but after talking to them they're really nice so you like them again...?! I can remember that as a teenager, actually moreso as a pre-teen lol. Not nearly as extreme as Kaguya though!!!
Chika was hilarious when she was helping Shirogane practice volleyball. Her reactions towards his poor athleticism had me in stitches! lol
The other great moment was when they were talking about "first times" and Kaguya didn't realize it was SEX they were talking about. Yes that's an old gag thats been done many times and I knew from the beginning she was oblivious. BUT, the reactions Chika and Shirogane had while she was talking about it were priceless!
I found the show to be quite a fun watch and worthy of rewatching later down the road. I found the treasurer to be lackluster in comparison to the others, but the gags about him fearing Kaguya were pretty good lol I do agree with you that the student council room background was kinda MEH, so it was fun to see them when they finally got together OUTSIDE!
I agree that Shield Hero isn't hitting the same heights that Re:Zero did, but I like it. I like Raphtalia (I wouldn't compare her to Rem, seems almost unfair :P ) but her personality hasn't developed much. She's sweet, good natured and likes Naofumi. So far that's all I'm getting, but I like her nonetheless, maybe its the raccoon/human aspect hehe. I enjoy the scenes where she's flustered or trying to get Naofumi to notice her feelings, but I also remember she said she's in an adult body but has the mind of a 10yr old? I want to ship them, but that makes me feel weird... lol
I enjoy seeing Filo kick the spear hero in the nuts every time! He's such an idiot and so obtuse about how he's being used to do horrible things around the country. The other two have made shitty mistakes as well, but I don't dislike them as much because at least they stood up for Naofumi that one time lol
Also hilarious that the SHIELD hero did more damage against that latest wave enemy than those 3 combined! Yes Malty and the spear hero are super annoying, but they are more of an annoyance than a real evil enemy. I was also confused by that lady that looks a lot like Malty, except has a good personality and interest in the shield hero. I suppose she's the queen? I can't remember right now if her role has been revealed or not so I'm just guessing based on her looks and that she has some power. Yessssssss get in that MALTY's way, bwaahahah!
I'm guessing whoever is behind the waves will be the real enemy, but not really sure at this point. I also wonder if the waves are a response to something the King is doing behind the scenes?
I am confused by Raphtalia's curse, because I had the impression she got it from Naofumi while he was in rage/curse mode and she was trying to bring him back. The people that were cursed by the dragon were healed after it was destroyed but her wounds weren't? Yet they talk about it like it's from the dragon. maybe I'll have to re-watch that part...
There is definitely that video game element, because you can see the levels of other characters and a skill tree of some sort. I am interested if this mechanic has a purpose in the story, like why was that video game created in the worlds of the other heroes (so they could prepare for this) but not Naofumi's? hmmmmmmmmmm
I'm so behind with Index. I'll marathon the episodes soon, but I felt very frustrated with the anime because it was so fast paced and so many characters being introduced left and right. Enough to make my head spin!! Good thing I was reading the Railgun manga because it introduced me to some other characters that have a role in this season, but yikes...
I'm a few eps behind in Fairy Tail as well. As all these battles are happening, I think watching a few in a row might be more enjoyable than week-to-week. At least for me, because the ep always ends with some sort of cliffhanger -- like how are Wendy and Sheila getting out of this pickle?! Is it sheila or shelly? I could look it up, but I'm sure you'll know who I mean lol
I enjoyed Slime, but it didn't draw me in quite as much as the other shows. I enjoyed Rimuru's snarky comments and watching him build this huge nation from scratch. I liked seeing this fantasy play out the angle of what it would take to survive in a new foreign and magical land. Such as building shelter, finding food, learning how to make clothes, etc. Buuuuuut, it became super predictable that everyone would just worship Rimuru in the end. I enjoyed Gabiru's character and his scenes quite a lot. I wonder if it was because he had Satou's VA (from KonoSuba) lol
I'm very hyped for April's season too. Fruits Basket 2... I still cannot believe it is happening!!! I hope it does a faithful adaptation of the manga, because it is one of the best series I have ever read (and the anime is a fave too)
And there's Attack on Titan S3 pt 2. I cannot remember how pt1 ended... I know there was a cliffhanger... I'm sure we'll be reminded in the beginning.
I'm hyped for One Punch Man 2, but I wish Madhouse was animating it. I don't want to complain, especially since I haven't seen it yet, but Madhouse did such a fantastic job with the first season's animation. JC Staff is decent, I do think their quality has gone down since the mid 2000s (the renaissance of JC Staff - Toradora, Shana and Louise animes... Rie Kugimiya's tsundere triple threat lol) Actually never mind, I looked them up and forgot they animated Shokugeki and others recently that were well done.
You must have been disappointed (as I was) to hear Chihayafuru III won't happen until the Fall, but I'm elated we are getting another season AT ALL since I wasn't sure how successful it was in Japan.
OK I need to take a break from the computer, and have some dinner. Hope to hear from you soon and I promise I won't take as long next time :P
It's been a long time. How are you doing?
I'd lost access to my account since the password reset and I finally got it back.
Remember back in the day where we couldn't say on forums where we got subs from that were licensed? :P Only 90s kids will remember.... lol I may wait until Kakegurui xx is on Netflix to watch it because the dialogue is very important. Maybe it is still watchable as it is, but I can wait.
Yes I know, I'm asking for your opinion of the Winter season too early. Sometimes you can get a feel for how many shows will keep your interest from the get go.
In this #MeToo era people are very sensitive on the topic of rape/ sexual assault (to be sure it is very serious subject matter) but fiction is fiction, like you said. Just because the story began with a false rape allegation, doesn't mean that the author thinks ALL rape allegations are lies that women make up to destroy men. It just so happens that in this story things started out that way for the poor protagonist. To be honest its interesting for an "isekai" story to start this way, where the main character is HATED from the beginning by the people that summoned him. I'm invested in the story so far and looove Raphtalia... how cute to have a raccoon demi human!!! This will be the new rage... cat/fox demi humans are so passe.... hehehe
You never know, maybe one day you'll be gung ho on finishing a bucket list and jumping out of an airplane!! it could happen!! I'm way too afraid. I'm the type of person that would sign up for something like that due to peer pressure or something, and then freeze once we're up in the air and say... NO.. never mind... hahah
But no, I understand your point. We live in this outrage culture nowadays where people get easily offended by anything, even fictional stories that have tough subject matter. I worry that we'll start OVERLY censoring things in the future.
Domestic na Kanojo started well. I feel like there should have been a "DUN DUN DUN..." in the soundtrack when he meets his new stepsisters... I'm a bit behind, just because I have to remember to download the episodes. I only have crunchyroll now, no amazon prime :(
I wonder which character you're talking about? I suspect it's the younger sister, because she has more fans... at least on MAL :D
Yes here is another example where you need to suspend reality a bit. Honestly after Game of Thrones' incest levels I'm kinda immune to being upset by the subject (I'm all caught up now, if you want to discuss that in future ;) )
Yeah I agree that we will probably get an anime original ending here... so I'll probably pick up the manga afterwards. I like soap opera level dramas!! heheh
I'm not sure about Norman's feelings. Seemed more of a romantic "like," which is why Ray gave that sort of reaction (as he obviously likes her too)... another love triangle..> DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!! But who knows if anything will progress in that department while they're fleeing for their lives!! I have to say, the animation did a spectacular job in really showing the fear on these kids' faces. The first episode when all the lies were exposed to Norman and Emma the look of terror was so strong I felt it in my gut while watching. Emma's plans will be EXTREMELY difficult to see through to the end. The three of them alone escaping is challenging enough, but to carry infants and toddlers ... don't know how it can be done unless they kill Isabella and sister Krone... that's a dark path too!! This series is definitely one to keep an eye on, because it has a lot of potential and it's only been 3 eps!
OK I have to end it here because my kitty is wanting attention. Hope you are doing well and getting through January ok. I'm saying that because it's been such a crazy month for me... I want it to be over already!
Take care!
OK Since we're doing full disclosure, I admit I wasn't sure if it was on Nov 3 or 4th... I actually went through all our wall posts and only found one bday post on Nov 4th and the rest were belated Bday wishes??? Am I a bad friend or what?! :P Seriously, I do apologize, I will have to write it down again so I don't forget!
I didn't REALLY think you were closing in on 40 (yet, lol) It was a bad attempt at a joke... I keep thinking that the more I joke about that, the less painful it will be when I inevitably hit that milestone. OK I did the math and think you're........37?! Please be right?
Awww its sweet that you had lots of love on your bday from family and friends. In the end those are the things that matter most. If you've lived a full life surrounded by people that love you.
I totally get feeling happy and satisfied just from being able to watch a show you love in peace and quiet. I always look forward to changing into my pjs and watching whatever with a cup of tea :)
I know we are not as close as we were once upon a time, but I still consider you a very good friend and important in my life <3 I hope you know that!
Hope you enjoy your week and that we can discuss and share our thoughts on anime/whatever else/life many more times in the coming future!
Happy Birthday JASON!!!
I was hoping to get a chance to finish replying before the big day, but that’s just how it all ended up!
I hope you were able to get some extra chill/rest time during your big day! Are we at the big 4-0 yet?! HAHAHAHHAHA…….. Sigh! I shouldn’t joke because I’m just around the corner from that myself. :P Why can’t we rewind time? Did you get any good presents? :)
No one tells you that when you adopt a kitten, you are welcoming the equivalent of a 2yr old human toddler into your space lol. She has SOOO much energy that I spend a lot of time playing and training her. She's also in this biting phase since she's teething... I'm constantly trying to teach her how to behave. It's all worth it though, she's such a doll <3 I feel like I can only watch anime/ play games or reply to messages when she's asleep. She comes to the computer otherwise and tries to hit the cursor with her paw. It's cute... but super annoying at the same time, lol.
Anyway onto the important stuff…
Himiko is very popular with BNHA manga fans, which makes me think that she’s going to get even more bad-ass as the series goes on. One of those villains that you love to hate sorta thing. Himiko’s big reveal that she was pretending to be Camie was one of the most shocking anime moments I’ve had this year. Props to the mangaka for making it so unpredictable! I’m so psyched for season 4, especially with that tease they left us with at the end of this season-- introducing the “Big Three” at UA, hinting at a huge story line coming up involving them… and then END!!
Togata reminds me of that Fall Out (game) mascot. I never even played that game, but when I see his face that’s what comes to mind all the time. Interesting choice of design too… I feel like his and All Might’s designs are really paying homage to American Superhero comics. I could be wrong, but it’s clever how he blended those styles with shounen art.
I remember you said that this show isn’t really in your top ranks, but how do you feel after the season ended? I definitely really like the series, but I don’t know if it’s as close to my heart as others. After starting Fairy Tail again, I feel like a space in my heart had been re-filled….. So cheesy I know! Haha, but I realized how much I love the series.
Yes unfortunately it seems like Bakugo is the Sasuke of the series. I’m sure we will see more battles between them down the road, since the rivalry is still very much alive. But there has been less of that annoying tension between the two… less cuts to ANGRY BAKUGO face and worried DEKU lol
To me Bakugo has a lot of potential of changing and developing as the show moves forward. I don’t expect him to turn into Mr. Nice Guy, but become a powerful hero in his own right that isn’t obsessed with Deku.
Yes I know, I continue to pollute my list with shows I might never finish… I am trying to break that habit, but it seems to reoccur every season! Whatever, I decided to just watch whatever I feel like watching and not worry about finishing mediocre shows :P
Even if I had mentioned SnK to you while I was reading the manga, I’m not sure what I could have spoiled. I think back to when I was reading the volumes that were just adapted in the anime.. I wasn’t in the best frame of mind, so I didn’t remember or understand what I read. I feel like a super old person when that happens, and I don’t like it! I’m very excited that they are continuing to adapt the show, and the next part is super juicy… I also liked Historia at the end of this arc now. For some reason I only remembered being really annoyed at her behavior towards Eren, but I forgot how it was all resolved. So I would like to state that I think she’s awesome now :P
For me, Steins;Gate 0 was a little disappointing. I know I couldn’t go into it expecting it to be as fun as the first season, since it’s very beginning is super depressing. On the plus side, I did like a lot of the Mayushii scenes. She really shined for me in this season. Perhaps Kurisu overshadowed her in the other season since I didn’t much care for Mayushii then. I also digged the Suzuha/Daru scenes and all the scenes Suzuha reminded the audience that she is a bitchin fierce warrior!! The only bummer was watching depressing/mopey Okabe for like 22 eps (until Hououin Kyouma is briefly revived)
In conclusion, I don’t care for “realistic” anime that is grim like real life. I want to escape to fantasy… lol :P
The show wasn’t bad, since it still had the Steins;Gate charm that pulled me into the first series… it just wasn’t as enjoyable.
Onto Overlord: Early on Ainz realized that his “negative” emotions were being repressed/subdued automatically, since his avatar was an undead skeletal overlord? I suppose that’s why he killed the humans that entered Nazarick without any sense of remorse. If he does something positive to help humans, there’s always an ulterior motive. He’s becoming cold and calculating since he doesn’t have the emotional capability to feel anything else. Even though he does remember that he is human himself the spent in that world is changing him. I had read a comment about the show that it will seem that he becomes less human as time goes on and his servants will become the opposite. There’s some truth to that since Albedo has been able to overcome her programming to be devoted to all the supreme beings when she said to herself that she would kill any of them if they come across them in the game. Sebastian has also been shown to be noble and helpful to humans… so who knows! Can’t see Demiurge or any of the thirsty maids changing… thirsty for BLOOD! Bwahahaha
You make a good point that it is like they are the villains of this show despite being lovable protagonists. They’ve started wars and killed many soldiers ruthlessly!
Yes too many boobies in Isekai Maou!!! But there was something charming about the show as I was watching it. I agree that the scope of their adventures was super small. A demon overlord and his underlings should be traveling across the land and finding new places to conquer! It was a decent show, but not very memorable.
Ugh, Satsuriku sucked. I still haven’t seen the last few episodes, and I probably will so I can try to digest where they were going with this story. I can deal with a lot of gore and pointless deaths if it’s LEADING up to something. There was nothing substantial happening after all that. I was hoping for some deeper meaning/metaphors… But I got nothing :P
I’ll tell you what happens in the very end once I bite that bullet. Lol
Asobi Asobase and Chio’s School Road last season were both riots. We were blessed by the anime Comedy gods!! Unfortunately there is none to take its place this season. I enjoy UzaMaid as a comedy, but it’s not at the same level, lol. Fairy Tail has got great moments with Lucy as the “straight man.” I realized how much I missed the comedy in Fairy Tail! (Love your profile pic btw, I was laughing so hard during that scene when she was remembering being controlled by a doll, lol)
Remember how annoyed I was with Natsu at the end of last season? I’m still irritated since he STILL didn’t really apologize to Lucy. She was deeply hurt, and although she’s healing now that they are all getting together again, I still think Natsu should have cleared the air.
How are you enjoying this season so far? We’ve been spoiled with more Fairy Tail, Index sIII and SAO. I’m sure there are people in each of those forums posting how BAD and MAINSTREAM each series is. I don’t care, I buy into the hype!!! Hahah
I have to say that Index SIII’s pacing is way too fast. I can’t wrap my head around what was happening, who is involved… which group is doing what… etc. Luckily I have been reading Railgun manga and the members of ITEM, GROUP and SCHOOL have been either mentioned or included so I at least knew who was who.. But I felt extremely confused at what was happening! I may have to re-watch or something lol
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai has been the biggest surprise for me this season. At the surface from the promo pic I thought it was another harem with bunny girls or something.. But I had read a review of the first ep on a blog and it piqued my curiosity. This show is like a mix of Bakemonogatari and Sakurasou. I’m reminded of Sakurasou’s light hearted/romance feel. But the show also has interesting intelligent conversations that remind me of Bakemonogatari banter. The adolescent syndrome issues likewise remind me of the supernatural maladies.
Sakurajima Mai = The season's best girl! At least so far...
Tokyo Ghoul Re: 2 is also paced so quickly it’s making my head spin. I was reading the volume that was covered in episode 1… in fact I think 2 volumes were squeezed in there?? I wish they would calm down and animate it properly- copy the manga frame by frame and it would be so much better! But alas, I am not a producer, lol. My opinions don't carry much weight.
I hope that you had an awesome birthday with family and friends :) You deserve lots of love and pampering ;) Hopefully we can have more frequent discussions about shows, but we'll have to see how things pan out for both of us. Hopefully Chibi will start settling down so I can write more messages/and watch more anime. The funny thing is, when she's finally sleeping and I'm watching shows, I look at her after and I want to wake her up lol. I realize she is way more important in the end, but Mama has to find a way to fit everything she wants to do in her schedule!!
Take care for now, and talk to you soon! OH, I know RWBY season has just begun too.. woohoo! I haven't watched the episodes yet, but I will soon! I can't believe we are finally at the beginning of Vol 6!!
SPOILER, do not read unless you saw last week's Boku no Hero Academia episode!!!! (Episode 22)
I wanted to drop a few thoughts :P Hope you are enjoying your vacation and feel better!!
Enjoy a little treat from me...
This show is too much!! ;p lol
This whole time I thought I was waiting for you to reply... I thought, Jason doesn't usually take this long... so I double checked and of course it was me that had to reply LOL. I REALLY believed that I did already, but of course it was only in my mind -______________- Brain fog really sucks, it may come to a time where I have to write it in my agenda "reply to Jason" along with everything else I write in there to make sure I do what I need to on a daily basis.
I suppose if we both had the same anime profile pic, it would be like wearing the same outfit to a dinner party.... AWKWARD!!!!!! lol jk
Chio is definitely the character of the season for me, every episode of the show has been epic! I like Manana too, their dynamic is too funny! I'm going to be so sad when the show ends, but maybe I'll pick up the manga if its being translated to fill that Chio hole.
I have been reading the SnK manga between seasons, but I never mentioned it to you in case you weren't reading it... to be honest I was afraid I would end up spoiling something! Ohh I didn't know your brother watched SnK? I assume that's the only show he watches, because I had no idea he watched anime at all?
I'm not a big fan of this current arc because I find Historia's behavior frustrating... and there were some revelations about the titans that I didn't fully understand but hopefully I will get it this time around :P
People always find something to bitch about! Since this is such a mainstream series, I'm sure there are lots of elitists that go into the forums just to put their nose up at ANYTHING regarding the series. I honestly think the SnK mangaka is a genius. Yes the story revelations happened slowly, but the slow pace only increased the suspense (at least for me). You're right that mangakas ought to have thick skin, because there are always fans that are never quite happy. They might be like, yes I like the series BUUUUUUT this and that could be better. Really? I would like to see your manga then, haha. Many people don't appreciate how much work and effort go into making such a huge series as this. It doesn't mean you can't be critical of it, but if you're whining every month about things... ughhh get a life is all I have to say, lol. If I were a mangaka I wouldn't read any forums or articles about my work, because I do have THIN skin and I would be swayed... ohh they aren't happy about this or that.... I would listen to my editor for suggestions, but I could see how outside noise could affect a person's work badly. Even if you put all of their suggestions into play, they might still complain like... ohh this mangaka is too easily influenced, they should use their own ideas... LOL
You know I still have to finish Prison School even though the show is too overly sexual for my tastes, I will finish it one day :P It is one of those works that have had a huge affect on anime/manga culture that I would be remiss not to watch it.
For Steins;Gate 0, the only issue I have with it is Okabe. HE is no fun at all this whole season (but to be fair if he went back to his old ways, I would feel like, wtf did Kurisu mean NOTHING?!!!!!), but he is also causing his own problems. In last week's episode
Haha, I actually haven't had any yaoi fantasies when it comes to BNHA :P Yes there is plenty of material to work with, but it's not happening for me right now :P
I find it funny that Kirishima and now Kaminari are regular Bakugo lackeys, lol. I like how Kaminari plays the straight man, retorting to Bakugo's extreme lines. I was surprised when it was revealed that Bakugo had a plan when facing that meatball guy earlier on. Like, really?! He was planning things?! Not just rushing in like normal? I suppose we should know that by now, but with his brusque attitude its hard to believe there is much thinking going on beyond BLOW THE ENEMY UP! The fact that he is analytical and cunning is one of the things I like about Bakugo, though I admit even I forget there are wheels turning in his head sometimes because he seems so straightforward. Well it seems like Kirishima and Kaminari are going to be Bakugo's regular buddies, and you're right that it's hard to imagine what conversations would be like for those three when they are just hanging out and not facing any enemies, lol. I do find it annoying when Deku is all over "Kacchan" at times, like seriously dude... let him go... lol I can't see them ever becoming friends because there's too much crap between them. Deku still worships Kacchan, but also sees him as a rival... Kacchan sees Deku as an obstacle to becoming the strongest. Don't see that changing at all now or in the future... Yes I was pleased that Yao-Momo had her moment to shine again. She is very intelligent and I'm glad they finally showed more of that in this arc, because it was usually just alluded to.
Don't forget Ochaco already has a rival in Himiko ;)
Buuuuut, that girl is definitely interested in Deku, so maybe there will be another rival for Ochaco to contend with. I found her interesting too and likely we will see more of her. The guy from her school that manipulates wind is another one we will probably see more of. I find it petty for him to dislike Todoroki because his dad is Endeavor. Dude, you know we can't choose our parents right? lol
What did you think of last week's filler episode? A little advertising for the movie eh... *wink* *wink* lol. I'm actually not that annoyed they had a filler episode in between this arc. If they are ever to interrupt an arc for some advertising, this was the arc to do it in. I do like that they are showing other schools and what other strong hero rivalries will develop, buuuut it's definitely lacking the suspense. Although I suppose we could use a breather after the intense thrills of the previous arc.
I haven't been watching Hanabedo weekly but I do think it's a show I will get back to. I have heard good things about it and I am curious about the mom. Yes I do think there must be another reason why she left her daughter like that... but things still don't look too good for her :P "I left my daughter so I could adopt a blonde hair girl and make her the vision of the perfect badminton champion I always wanted" :P
I have come across Banana Fish before, but I didn't know how big the manga actually was for it's time. I am enjoying it so far and yes it's definitely different from most shows-- don't think I ever remember a show where a guy was raped/sexually assaulted so many times. The only other series I can think of where it happened was Berserk. :/ Heavy material, but it's the suspense of the show that draws me in.
I would also love Albedo to get more screen time. So far we've only seen bits and pieces of her... save for the first episode... which will probably be one of my overall fave Overlord eps of all time! I've enjoyed every arc in Overlord so far, and yes sometimes I feel like I wish they would put more story in or extend the number of eps... but if that ruins the high quality we have enjoyed so far, then I don't want it :P I enjoyed the first half with Nfirea and Enri being the focus. I like how they portrayed Enri as a strong leader-- not because she was physically super strong but rather being strong in character. Everyone likes and respects her, even the goblins would do anything for her and not just because of the magic horn. When her little sister was running around in Nazarick it was so sweet that Ainz was happy and pleased to show her around-- even adding her to Beta's list of people to save :PP I am glad that we see more of the Pleiades this season including Alpha and Beta. Even my fave Nabe received some more screen time :) Seems like Beta is very well liked in Nazerick as when she was at home all the maids wanted to be around her and Nabe was pleased to be called pretty "like Beta" by Enri :P
The only one we haven't seen much of is Delta... hopefully that will be rectified by the end of this season.. but if not, season 4 please!!! lol
I'd also like to see more of Shalltear, or Shalltear vs Albedo moments, hehe
Otherwise we have been lucky with two comedy gold shows this season, Chio and Asobi Asobase. The expressions these girls make are priceless!! I remember watching the first episode of Asobi Asobase, sitting through the OP and thinking it was going to be this slice of life/cute-sy show where the girls engage in traditional Japanese past times.... thinking, not sure if I will like this, maybe it will be too boring.... and then SHOCKURU!!!!!!!!!
Satsuriku no Tenshi's mystery has kept me interested. What is that place, why are they there... and is any of it real? The last episode made me question if each floor's boss was even really there or in her head? I started to think that maybe she was in hell or something... but then it wouldn't make sense for Zack to go with her if there was no "outside" after all. I'm curious to see where it will go, but I don't know how Zack is alive at all at this point :P He has been hurt quite badly on the way up in different levels... I also find it frustrating how she is so slow to make decisions or to act on anything. She has to literally say to herself that she has to be useful to Zack. Why waste time saying it and standing there for 10 secs?! lol
Oh, I've also been enjoying Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu. Funny, eh? because I wasn't sure about to due to the ecchi. I do find all the BOOBIES to be too much sometimes, but aside from that I have found the characters to be very endearing. As you see I added Diablo to my faves because he has to face all of the same problems as Ainz... except he doesn't get that automatic calming effect! He really does have to fake and pretend much more! I like Shera and Rem quite a bit, in fact I can't decide which one I like more... Shera is so sweet and kind and Rem is more tsundere but her dere side is adorable. The elf war arc ended in a pretty dark way... though I'm sure no one liked Shera's brother, but to see him be killed like that was very cold blooded. I also think it was OBVIOUS to everyone in the audience that Shera's bro was plotting something the minute he met with them, that "nice guy" act was VERY MUCH AN ACT. Why no one questioned why he would be so sure Shera would leave with him the next day was beyond me. Like, hmm.... why is he giving her this choice and so certain her mind would change after one night??? How could none of them see the blaring RED FLAGS!!!
And how far did he take it with the guild master at the end of last weeks episode o_O
Anywayyy going to go eat some breakfast :) Hope you enjoyed my post and sorry for the delay... will try to get it right next time :P
Take care and enjoy the long weekend!!! (You have Mon off in the States too right? )
"Sorry I'm late guys. Afraid I got lost on the path of life."
I have been taking my sweet time with this reply, haven't I? Lol. This week was a little hectic for me with a lot going on. I'll explain in PM. But overall life is good here, I definitely feel that my mood is overall more positive in this environment so I'm going in the right direction :)
I'm glad you didn't copy my profile pic idea, hahaha... Mine must be totally unique!! I'm kidding, I don't really mind if yours is similar, but I understand the need to be different. I love that Chio pic from that smoking episode... that whole episode was damnright hilarious!! The show does a great job of taking mundane everyday life and making it interesting. Well, it's not so ordinary... I don't think anyone could talk down a gang member the way she did... even calling herself Bloody Butterfly out loud... lmao
I'm guessing that Chio was the character that really impressed you from this season from the previous message? I liked her immediately, especially how they captured the realness of social anxiety in that first episode, and poked fun at it but not in a malicious way. Her thoughts when she was unsure if Hosokawa was waving at her or not were spot on... the overthinking and analyzing every possible scenario... been there, Chio... I been there too.
I'm actually terrible at remembering where I'm at with manga. Heck, sometimes I can't even remember what happened in the previous volume!!! That happens with me with Shingeki no Kyojin all the time... which is a manga that I am deeply invested in and concentrate on when I'm reading it.. but the releases are far between now (English translations... official :P) Anyway I get a new volume and start reading it... thinking WTF is going on?! What happened last volume... is this the right one?! I feel like an elderly person :P Luckily they are adapting it into anime... I feel like I remember it better in that form.
Hinamatsuri definitely had a lot of heartfelt moments – especially with Anzu. You know sometimes scenes like that can come off as really cliched or corny, but they did it so well that it tugged at my heartstrings .. (and I have a heart of STONE!! lol jk) My fave episode was also the one with Hitomi becoming a master of all jobs... and even when they tried to bully her she overcame it with such strength and love, they all realized she's a force to be reckoned with, and she's only in MIDDLE SCHOOL now! But in the last episode they imply that there's a time skip, does the manga continue from that time skip? If I remember right it was 2 years... ? So the girls would be in high school?
Yeah I am an anime master... I know all !!! I even know the general idea about anime I haven't seen. I wasn't going to watch Hanebado at first because I wasn't sure if I was that interested in an anime about badminton. But I'm glad I gave it a shot (although the melodrama really is a bit much... the mom, wtf is wrong with her?!! I have to catch up on a few episodes so I don't know what has been revealed, but so far I think she's really fucked up)
Banana Fish is something I thought I “should” like, because it's an action/adventure and”shoujo” show. I have also heard rumours that it's shounen-ai, but then there are people who say it's not??? I'm very confused. I am intrigued with the story and will probably keep watching, however the choppiness of the first episode turned me off. I don't know if others felt that way or not... maybe I was in an anxious state while watching and that influenced my perception?
Do you have friends in real life that refer to anime as Japanese cartoons? I ask because you mentioned it, and I imagine you don't have otaku friends in real life... because they are hard to come by! Most people don't advertise they are interested in these things... even though in general it seems that it's part of geek culture, and that is trendy these days...
The way Darlifra ended was too bad. I wish they had ended things on a high note, but it's like their creativity was sapped by the end! Lol
Yeah Hiro and Zero Two's love became very self centered... I was quite annoyed with how Hiro was just obsessed with Zero Two and ignoring all the problems around him while everyone else was trying so hard to figure out how to survive. Yes I understand it's difficult when your loved one's soul is in space and her body is an empty shell... but come on! I was actually glad when Goro punched him. Not because I believe in his reasoning, just because he needed to be punched haha.
I don't think they put as much thought into the ending... because it was very predictable and stale. Everyone's endings were tied up neatly into a nice bow, with everyone getting paired up and making babies...
The thing is, that Zero Two and Hiro's sacrifice didn't really end things with the VIRM. They are still there, recovering their forces and planning to attack again in another thousand years or so... at least that's how I interpreted it? I vaguely remember them talking to Zero Two and Hiro as their souls were floating back to earth. Humanity will probably fall for their lies all over again, and the cycle will continue. So... not sure what the overall message was? Love doesn't really conquer everything, does it?
I don't think they really knew what to do with Ikuno. They made her a lesbian to give her a small story arc and then suddenly she becomes a scientist and savior of their kind... because... why not? May have been interesting to have two lesbians that are in love with each other and want to pilot the FRAXX together... they could have explored that, because Ikuno did say that she was frustrated that the FRANXX was for male and females only. Didn't Mitsuru want to ride with Hiro when he was a kid? Speaking of Mitsuru... and Kokoro, I still didn't buy that Kokoro was with him out of love.. it was more like, to have a baby daddy hahah. She be like: well I'm preggers from this dude anyway... may as well stay with him and have more babies!!! because Kokoro's main character trait is that she wants babiesssssss. I feel that they added that Nana and Hachi scene to make things mysterious... like we don't have all the answers, but it just makes things more confusing overall.
I don't know what happened to the writers... maybe they got burnt out??? The pressure of writing such a highly popular show got to them?? But, I would imagine the plot would have been basically written way beforehand... although changes are made sporadically... wonder how that process went?
The Hiro x Zero Two scene would have made more sense if they had introduced the idea of reincarnation in this world. It's like... sure.. that works, because love makes everything work out perfectly!!
I'm clearly too old and jaded, hahah.
I loved how you described the anime “elitist.” I find it ridiculous that someone would watch an anime that's 24 eps long and TRULY thought it was worthy of “1.” Even if I feel like an anime is a 5-6 I might stop watching, but a 1? Uhhh not hanging around for that. I'm at an age now where I have to pick out which shows are worthy of a time investment :P I still might watch an anime to the end that I would rate a 6, but 1?! Are you kidding me?! The stupidity of that alone, just to write a pretentious review to show everyone how smart and enlightened one is about anime... -_- When I see reviews like that, I think how sad it is to waste so much time, just to complain!
Sadder to see people liking those reviews... don't elevate this poor souls tiny/fragile ego you guys!!
Sorry it took me a while to fully understand what you were saying re: BNHA girls. Only took like a few months after MAL went down while I was thinking of how to reply that I finally got what you were saying... hahah my brain doesn't feel as sharp these days :(
Kirishima rescuing Bakugo added some realness to their friendship. At least on Kirishima's end, he's willing to risk his life to save his friend. Until then, I didn't realize Kirishima thought of Bakugo as a seriously good friend, it was like they were just buddies, or he liked to be around him... Sadly, at this stage I don't think Bakugo would do the same, unless there were strong enemies that he could take down. As in, rescuing Kirishima wouldn't be the priority, it would be about who he could fight. Makes me wonder if Bakugo is suited to be a hero... something I am not sure of right now. Yes Eraser did say some very enlightening things about his character, but the Jean Machine hero (forget his name, lol) felt that Bakugo needed more guidance, that he was too close to the line of becoming a villain. Now, I don't think Bakugo would switch sides from someone else “persuading” him like Shigaraki was trying to do. Maybe if he was manipulated into thinking it was his own decision... it may happen. I worry that his competitive streak with Deku might lead to something bad... The OP seems to imply some division there... but I hope he doesn't go to the dark side and manages to be a great hero despite that hotheaded personality :P
I would like to see Bakugo go under some positive character development, because despite liking him I do agree that he's got “biggest dick in the room syndrome x1000000” lol The reason why I like him is that he is so honest and true to himself. There's no lying or deception, his feelings and thoughts come through, even though sometimes he should just keep his mouth shut :P
I liked how he told off that guy who was acting all “nicey-nice” from a competing high school because he could sense his true nature. Now if he could find a righteous reason for being a hero other than wanting to be the “strongest and best.” Btw the home visit with Eraser and his parents was hilarious... You know that villain that Deku fought when he was saving the kid during the training camp arc? People on crunchyroll thought that was Bakugo's dad... lmao! Evidence? His hair is similar and he's got a temper... It was pretty funny, because A) He was asking about “that kid” Bakugo, don't think he would refer to him that way if it was his kid, and B) If Bakugo had a villain for a dad, people would know about it... I'm sure it would have come up in the story. Anyway, it was lolz, and finally seeing the real dad was so underwhelming... but his mom makes up for it though! Haha
The only Yao Momo x Todoroki moment was when she said she trusts TODOROKI. ONLY HIM. I have hearts in my eyes right now! Lol Well it was implied in earlier episodes that she kinda likes him, but he will remain forever oblivious I'm sure.. just like Deku, even though he's so sharp and observant will be completely dense to Ochaco's feelings. In the last episode when
This show might be in my top 25, not sure yet... but not in my top 10. However who knows, if it keeps giving us engaging arcs and delivers meaningful character development it might change.
Suzuha is super awesome! Love when she is in badass combat mode, she's a formidable opponent for sure! I am one episode behind on Stein's Gate, but episode 15 was great. Lots of comedy there with the daughter shipping her parents, kinda Back to the Future-ish... but there was heart too. Heartbreaking to see how Suzuha lost her mom in the future :( I would love her to have a happy ending, but don't think that will come about in this story/world line. Am I the only one who thinks the professor is VERY suspicious? I don't have red flags but blaring sirens... any character that is kind of close to the main cast and has consistent appearances probably has something shady going on... that's usually the big hint for me :P And how he says “Lintahlo” … WHY? Isn't he American? Americans can pronounce “R” o_O
You know I didn't realize until this season that Mayushii was still in highschool. I thought she was in college like the others... yes she is so sweet/kind/caring... full of love. I'm beginning to think that an ending pairing her with LINTAHLO isn't so terrible. If there is no possible way to bring back Kurisu (like really, all options are exhausted....) then MAYBE I could see it. She definitely cares about Lintahlo a lot, and he is the same for her, but it could be more like sibling love... hmmm not sure.
Before talking about the anime's you mentioned... all I have to say about SnK s3 is:
I kinda already touched on Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro. The comedy is so fresh and unique... also educational! I have never heard of Kabaddi until this show. I am learning adjusts glasses heheh
Yes Manana is a great sidekick for Chio. The one where she was so cutthroat and wanted to raise her popularity was true to form :P Ahhh middle school years... everyone wants to be popular and liked! I certainly lied and pretended at times to be someone I wasn't.... I actually remember lying about being good at volleyball... such a dumb thing to lie about, and I can't remember why I did... maybe to “fit in” at a new school where the athletes were the ones running the show. Anywayyyyy the lie was exposed pretty fast in gym class, lmao. I can laugh about it now, but at the time I felt like my world was crumbling.
I sort of talked about Hanebado too... like I said it was the drama that was too much. A mother abandoning her daughter because she lost ONE game, when she was very ill? How about you be a better mother and take care of your daughter, and not allow her to play when she's that sick... seriously, wtf?!!! Then she raises a blonde girl to be her new “daughter” and badminton prodigy? NANI? Is she ok in the head? I am like 2-3 eps behind, so I hope there are some explanations for that, because right now I cannot fathom how a mother would make such stupid and narrow minded decisions- BADMINTON is all that matters, I MUST project my desires on my daughter or a replacement daughter... -_-
I only saw the first episode of Harukana Receive and I liked it. I have fallen a bit behind on my anime so maybe this weekend I can catch up a little. What caught my eye with this show is how lovely their EYES are colored in the animation... it's like they have different colors blended together..
But beach volleyball the sport... MEH is my feelings towards it. Sure it must be hard to play on the sandy beach with wind... but as you can imagine I have my issues with volleyball -scarred for life since middle school hahah
As for Satsuriku no Tenshi- Rachel not wanting to commit suicide because “it's wrong” needs more elaboration... does she have religious reasons or what? I think it's implied, but... not really sure. The show reminds me of a video game setup (because it is based on a real game, haha) but I can just imagine investigating and trying to figure out how to solve the puzzles of each floor and beating the boss. Zach does have that same angry/yelling Bakugo voice, lmao. When I watched the first episode of this on my computer, I had to adjust the speakers a few times because I was like, fuckkk why is he screaming so loud, will my neighbors hear? And OMG what if they realize I'm a dork watching anime?!!!!! the judgement... ahhhhhhhhh!!! (lmao) I do find his voice to be too much at times, but whatever.. it is what it is!
I haven't seen any more Isekai Maou since episode 1. I'll check out ep 2 and see if it's worth continuing for me. I can deal with ecchi, but I have to find the story and characters somewhat engaging (like I did Highschool DXD, though I didn't watch last season cos I have to see the one before that)
I saw the first episode of Grand Blue and it was a little over the top. I can deal with male nudity.. hey why do they blur out the bottom? Lol. Is there an uncensored version?!! I did think it was fun to watch though and will probably see more. I do find it weird that the main female leads are his cousins because it seems to imply some romance there with the younger one... and I'm sorry, that is still weird to me. I know it happens in a lot of Japanese anime, but it's at the same level as incest so.... not really going to be shipping them, but I'll watch and see what happens.
I haven't seen Hyakuren no Haou and I probably won't watch it because I have too much on my plate. However I did see the score, and I think people are being ridiculous. If you know the show's type as ecchi/harem, you can't go in there expecting a masterpiece, but whatever! I'm not saying it's worthy of an 8/9, having not even seen it... but it's 5.91... o_O
I did see the first ep of Shichisei no Subaru, and nope, not doing it! Not going through AnoHana again SAO version. I also found the main female off putting, and found myself rooting for the tsundere before they even established her character. I'm like, I see where this is going... not sure if I want to sit through this again :P Maybe it will be a great show, but I'm putting it to the side for now and will wait and see... if you think I am really missing out let me know.
I did see Island first ep, and I may keep watching it... I'll see ep 2 and decide how I feel about it overall.
Keep me posted on that Starlight show, again I already have too many that I'm following... but if it is Utena caliber I may have to give it a go!
I have Happy Sugar Life downloaded but I didn't watch it yet. I am interested to see if it's like a Mirai Nikki level of suspense/horror like it's been described. Another yandere pink haired female? Lol Actually I don't know if she is yandere, but I know she gets involved in messed up stuff so who knows!
Alright I'm glad I finally sat down and replied! It's always fun once I get to it :P I will reply in private over the next few days... Is it a long weekend in the U.S ? We have a holiday this Monday... I am planning to enjoy the events around the city... hopefully... I pushed myself really hard this week and I might just be crashing and recuperating... so we shall see!!
I hope you have an enjoyable weekend regardless of holiday Mon or not (but it would be sweet for you to have some time off for yourself :) )
Take care and talk to you soon!
How have you been? Have you been enjoying the summer weather? lol. It's awfully hot here and the "geothermal cooling system" is not really working in my new place so it's like 25 degrees C, 77 F. Sorry to start with small talk, but it's been so long since I wrote to you, its like... how do I start?! lol
The move went VERY WELL, so much better than expected. I was unpacked and settled in the apartment in one day... but of course there are little additions and revisions that I've been making and still settling into the area. I live in DOWNTOWN Toronto, WOOHOO!! Seriously DOWNTOWN, not just near it, but in the crux of the city which is really cool, but of course I am not paying market rent which would be around $2000! O_O I am extremely grateful to God and my family for making it happen. I wake up giving thanks everyday, because it's a beautiful space!!! Maybe I will send you some pics later if you're interested ;) I am not sure if private messaging is working yet or not... I haven't checked it out. How are you and your parents doing? If you'd rather write that in pvt I'm all good for it. I think of you often and hope that things are improving all around!
I'm glad you made your list public again! It was pvt initially and I was like... UGHHHH how can I stalk his list ?!! lol I was curious about the scores you gave to some shows, but I can see them now ;)
Yeah when MAL was down I felt like a part of my life was missing............. LOL Well, not that intense, but I would check it everyday and be disappointed... :P I could finally update my profile pic, YAYYYYY!
I also did keep track of my manga volumes and chapters on paper, since I was taking them out from the library. Those were hard times....
Is Canada a free country?! Honestly I don't know these days where we stand in the world.... :P One thing I have found out is that Canada doesn't have laws for free speech like the U.S, which I am not too happy about, but it is what it is....
OK to reply to your comments that you sent in MAY, omg! :P Sorry for the wait, geez... I know you were waiting with bated breathe to hear my response! haha When I watch anime though, I think of things I would like to comment on to you.. wish we lived closer together!
In Ancient Magus' Bride, I was glad that there were people looking out for Chise other than Elias, like Angelica and Renfred. Both were trying to help her realize her options with outside schooling, probably a way to connect her with others and let her have a life outside of Elias. Ultimately it's up to Chise to make those decisions and go forward despite whatever Elias says... in the beginning I found their relationship to be cute, but by the end he was smothering her and it was uncomfortable to watch. I also think it's drawing a parallel to mental abuse in relationships, and it's hard to watch since they are the main "couple" and we know Elias' background (somewhat, still lots of mystery there) and we want him to find love and acceptance... but not at the cost of Chise's independence and well-being! Thank God that wedding scene was anime original... because it was NOT the right timing for that kind of moment! I hope they do make a season 2 once the manga goes ahead... I might read the manga again online to see what the real resolution to that arc was.
I absolutely LOVED Hinamatsuri and was sad when it ended.... where am I going to get my weekly comedy fix now??? The show was so clever and had so many standout characters!! I may read the manga, but I don't think it will be the same because the voice acting was so superb. Hitomi was definitely a fave of mine and I loved when she was the focus of one part of the episode! The moments when she was found out to be a bartender and people were trying to rationalize it were hilarious!! Are you in denial too about Hitomi really being a middle school student mixing drinks... yeah I think they are in middle school and not high school... but I am not 100% sure. Not making any recommendations anymore because I am too slow to get to them??? :P :P I apologize for that... but if you come across something you genuinely think I would like, such as this show, but I am not watching it please let me know!!! :P
Hisone to Maso-tan had a very unique premise, if you ever watch it you'll see what I mean... but I won't spoil it! Overall it was an entertaining show to watch, but for me it fell short of an 8 and I gave it a 7. The characters are a lot of fun to watch though, especially the protagonist with her no filter!
Golden Kamuy was so much better than I thought it was going to be. I gave it an 8 because I was very engrossed in their adventure and the episodes were a lot of fun! However I did read a little bit of the manga and the anime seems to have omitted some parts... maybe they will show them later. I think you would enjoy both of these shows, but of course it depends if time allows!
Dorei-ku the Animation does have an interesting premise, but I had a feeling the anime would not be a great :P Somehow shows like that always get messed up and become a let down. The scene you described in that post does sound extremely dumb... was that anime original content or in the manga?
The one with the dog and human eating contest.... I still can't wrap my mind around that, lmao.
Mahou Shoujo Site is also one of those shows where I'm not sure it will deliver even though the premise sounds really good. I see you gave it a 6? :P Not sure if I want to watch it now! haha. But I will think about it if I am in the mood for something dark and psychological.
Shokugeki no Souma is another show I need to catch up on! I have been meaning to, but I keep putting it off because whenever I watch it I get hungry and want to eat whatever they are making!! The food looks soooooooo delicious, if only I could reach in through the screen and grab some! The orgasmic reactions don't help, lmao! I should probably watch it while eating, or after I eat and I am FULL :P I did hear there are a lot of developments in the latest season, especially pertaining to Erina, who I want to see fleshed out anyway.
Tokyo Ghoul:re was a great adaptation, I agree. It went past the last chapter I read in the manga, so I was surprised at that ending... Well, I figured we'd get emo Kaneki back eventually, but didn't expect it so soon. As you probably know, I liked Haise quite a bit... maybe because he was like a happy and more confident person compared to Kaneki... and didn't have that blood lust. What I don't understand was how was he able to survive? Did they give him human remains or was he suddenly able to eat normal food? He was cooking quite a bit, but I don't remember if he eat his cooking or not...?
Anyway I am psyched to see what will happen next season!!! I wonder if Urie is going to step up and be a better leader now that Shirazu is gone :( he seemed deeply affected by his death, despite being cold to him while he was alive. Urie was a pretty annoying character for me in the beginning... but I like to see developments and change... he seemed to begin to care more for Mutsuki more after he helped him. Not like in a "love" way, just looking out for him more. I just want to see how everything is going to change, because Kaneki is probably leaving :P :P But wow, what a finale! I think it ended really strong and the season was well adapted. People were probably worried we would get another Tokyo Ghoul √A, which I never saw myself but heard enough bad things about it :P I did want to see how things ended and that's why I picked up the manga which was FANTASTIC! It's really the manga that piqued my interest in the series, although the first season was pretty good... the manga just had more depth to it.
I actually did quite enjoy WotaKoi, although I did prefer the secondary couple. Even though they bicker A LOT, I like that they have sweet and tender moments. I don't think it's bad to bicker a little, to get little irritations out. I have been in relationships where I held everything in... so seeing this love/hate dynamic that actually works was refreshing to me. I don't know if you will agree with me, because it seems like many people didn't like them, but I thought they were cute. It also helped that my ALL TIME fave seiyuus were voicing each of them, Sawashiro Miyuki and Tomokazu Sugita. I can actually write their names without checking... hahaha
The main pair needs some work and development though. I don't know how far you have gone in the show because I don't see it on your lists.. but there is SOME development between the two, but I think it felt short. It was like... OK We need to squeeze some emotional development in.... lets do it now in episode 10-11!! The manga is ongoing, but I tell you... these two are have one of the slowest developments I have seen for some time in adult characters. Like holding hands was a big deal here... they are mid twenties, wtf?!!!!!! The girl has experience dating.. supposedly, but she's super shy with him... is it because she really does like him, or is there something else at play? I couldn't figure her out... but Hirotaka definitely does like her and wants to date her for realz... so at least they made that clear. I agree that just because two people are otaku, doesn't mean their relationship will automatically be rosy. They seem to try and distract themselves with otaku stuff to avoid having real discussions.... there is a genuine connection between them since they have known each other since childhood and he is the one who got her into that stuff.. but can that lead into something romantic? I am not sure... maybe I will read the manga and see how things develop between them, because overall I did enjoy the show mostly for the comedic aspect.
Yeah Darlifra was disappointing in the end for me. The ending seemed very cliched... yes Ichigo and Goro got together... but I would have liked to have seen hints that Ichigo was starting to like him before he kissed her. We didn't get any of that... so they pushed them together probably to satisfy shippers and yes I was happy they got together, but it felt forced. When they were all holding hands around the Zero Two statue and shouting that they were there and they care... I thought of Care Bears.... WE CARE!!! POWER OF LOVE!!! hahahah. It was kinda cringy, but they had to involve the whole cast in the ending, and I suppose that was the best idea....? I also don't understand how Hiro survived for that long in Strelizia/ZeroTwo? Yes he was becoming a klaxosaur, but does that mean he doesn't need any nourishment?!? I think it was like 2yrs after he left for space that he was still in there and they were facing the "final battle" ??? I also didn't understand why Ikuno suddenly became a scientist and saviour to their kind? I mean why did that suddenly happen?! Yes she was always bookish, but didn't seem like the scientific type... it's like, Dr. Franxx died, we need someone to solve this problem with the parasites... let's make it Ikuno so she has some purpose in the show, lmao. I also thought it was funny when they went to free Naomi and the others... they sure took their sweet time!! lmao. It was like a few months after they went into space I think... not high on the priority list ehhh? Also why were the "failures" just being kept there? I assumed they were killed...? What purpose were they serving since the VIRM were very efficient with everything and I'm sure if they were useless wastes of space they would be put down... Also there were two counsel members of VIRM that were human??? NANI?? And they didn't notice anything amiss with the others?? o_O
The most surprising thing about the ending was Futoshi's mustache.... lmao... I was like NANI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that he married and had kids.... hahaha
Did Mitsuru and Kokoro ever get their memories back, or did they just fall in love again? Not sure about that either...
I dunno, I suppose on one hand I am happy that the characters I have grown to care about all had happy endings... even Zero Two and Hiro were reincarnated together and reunited. However it felt sooo cliched. I know I complained to you a lot about cliches in the beginning, but this ending took the cake! OHHHHH I forgot, what about Nana and Hachi??? He mentions at the end that their bodies don't age... wtf?! But they were parasites before, and were adults after.....? But they were hinting that parasites don't live too long.... which is what Ikuno was researching, but Nana and Hachi don't age? Wtf?
In the end I feel like the show was aiming high, but fell short... I gave it an 8 because I did enjoy it overall and it was a pleasure to watch every week...
I had to laugh at the top reviews all being like 1-3.... lets rate it super low to be edgy and cool ;) The show definitely had issues and flaws, but a 1? Come on, this ain't no Dorei-ku haha
I was thinking a lot about what you said regarding female heroines in BNHA, and the thing is I don't think their reaching their full potential... yet. I would like to see the girls fight evenly toe to toe against the guys, but I am not sure if the mangaka is going in that direction. Will he keep them in a supporting role or will he expand their powers? During the Bakugo and Ochaco fight (the matching itself was surprising and scary) you're right I had no doubt that Bakugo would be victorious. The thing is he will fight any obstacle in his way, even it's a female... which is so feminist!! lol But it did make Ochaco realize she needs to develop herself in other areas in order to be more useful. She did a nice flip of Toga Himiko during the previous arc, but otherwise she was useless... so was Froppy :( I would like to see them more formidable, but like I said I am not sure of the mangaka's intentions and how the audience would respond to a serious fight between a male and female... because when I think back, many times females are faced with female opponents rather than male. It made me think that they don't want to show a male hitting a female, maybe that would be intense for some people??? Now it doesn't apply all over the board, I remember Sakura's fight with Satori in Naruto and Erza had fought some male opponents in Fairy Tail, but even there she was matched usually with female enemies. So thinking more about what you said, yes the show needs to step up it's game and appreciate strong females. It would be cool if Yao Momo could make different weapons and master them in a fight... that would be badass!! As for Ochaco, mixing martial arts and weightlessness would be very cool to see... there are options for the girls to become better... but Ochaco is also a "cutesy" character and maybe they want to make her seem harmless.... but that's wasting her potential. So to be clear I agree with you, and my point is that there is potential here but maybe the mangaka wants to keep them in support roles... which would be disappointing. Btw the last arc was VERY intense and awe-inspiring.... All Might :( *bows down*
I also like that the problems with overusing his powers would catch up to Deku. They tell him so many times not to hurt himself so badly, and of course it's not easy since he's still learning how to use his powers... but I thought it was clever and smart of them to have the group rescue Bakugo the way that they did. I also thought Ochaco did give a smart observation about Bakugo and his pride... so that's her input for that arc :P But she was dead on that if it was Deku rushing in there alone, Bakugo would be resentful and angry. But it also gave Kirishima and his friendship to Bakugo a serious development rather than just having them only being friends for comic relief... Also, any Yao-Momo/Todoroki moments, no matter how small are to die for (for me) lol.
Overall the mangaka's writing is very clever and smart, I like how things tie in and connect (if you see the latest episode you'll know what I mean) but I wish he would utilize his female characters more... since he did create some awesome heroes!!
As for Stein’s Gate 0, I've tried to let go of Kurisu and just see where this storyline takes us. I can always deny that it's real and the ending of the OG Steins;Gate is the real one... hahaha
I have to say with the absence of Kurisu, Suzuna and Mayushii have begun to shine for me. I always liked them before, but they've made the loss of Kurisu somewhat bearable :P Like I mentioned before, the dynamic between Suzuna and Daru otoo-san is too cute!!! He better work on the relationship with her future mother so the timeline isn't disrupted :P :P I like how she's pushing and shipping them hahah, and how she reacts when he says something pervy infront of her!! But there's also a tenderness and love in their relationship, I love when he was there for her when she was breaking down. So to save the fate of the world is a huge burden on ANYONE's shoulders!
Mayushii is just so cute and sweet, I can't help but love her... and Okabe was right, a world line where she's gone is unacceptable.
Soooo how are you enjoying the new season so far? Overall I feel it's mediocre, but there are some standout's like Overlord III and SnK when it starts this weekend (FINALLYYYYY)
What's surprising to me is how much I like Hanebado! so far. I wasn't even going to watch it, but then I read a few great reviews about the first episode... and wow the animation for badminton games are stunning!! The melodrama surrounding the game is a bit much for me at times, but I have grown to like a few of the characters already so I may stick to it.
Banana Fish is a show I feel like I "should" like, but the first episode seemed choppy to me, like the scene cuts and changes were done so fast and frequently my head was spinning. Maybe it was only me, but I was jarred by that and it impeded my enjoyment... I will try ep 2 and see how I feel.
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san was a surprise for me. I didn't think I would like it so much because it's "ecchi", but there's something charming about this show... it kinda reminds me of ecchi from the early 2000's, not sure why... it also reminds me of Love Hina with the setup, except there's a ghost and the other characters are probably very eccentric as well. At the same time I felt like Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu was TOO ecchi for me, when realistically they probably have the same amount!! I will probably keep watching this as well since I'm interested in how the protagonist fairs in the new world pretending to be an Overlord... (however this show ain't got nothing on Overlord III.... the first episode was COMEDY GOLD... so was the beginning of episode 2! I am just so happy to watch this again!)
Hataraku Saibou has been a fun watch.. I had read a bit of the manga but dropped it because it was way more technical than the anime is. I think I like seeing the action scenes play out along with the voices... the Platelets lines were too cute!!
I have yet to watch Grand Blue but the hype for that show is real... I hope it delivers :P too bad it's not on Crunchyroll... I'm always annoyed when I have to download a torrent when I pay for streaming services... but what can you do! One company can't license them all!
Anyway, I think I typed a whole lot! I was listening to a playlist that was 1hr and 30 mins, and it's been finished for like 20 mins now ... :P I hope you enjoy this message and hope to hear from ya soon!!!!
Take care~~ :D
I don't know if you know this but MAL has not been working properly for like a month, so thats why I haven't been able to work on your reply! :( They only recently restored profile pages alone, but still working on other features (like private messaging...)
I wanted to let you know that I am moving, NEXT WEEK into my new place! :O OMG!! So I am pretty busy this week and stressed out. I will be able to reply and write some end of season comments once I have moved in (I am actually moving in on July 4th, Happy Independence day me! which is really applicable when you think about it ;) )
Hope you enjoy your holidays!! What happens when Independence day lands on a Wed like it does this year? Its kinda weird to have a day off in the middle of the week, isn't it? But what can you do... it IS that day! Canada Day actually lands on a Sunday this year, so we have Monday off as well.
I hope to hear from you soon and to reply properly, until then take care!