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Shingeki no Kyojin Movie: Kanketsu-hen - The Last Attack
Shingeki no Kyojin Movie: Kanketsu-hen - The Last Attack
Yesterday, 8:04 AM
Completed 1/1 · Scored 9
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Jan 28, 9:25 AM
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Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season
Boku no Hero Academia 7th Season
Jul 29, 2024 5:11 PM
Watching 10/21 · Scored -
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Tower of God
Tower of God
Sep 4, 2024 6:42 AM
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Boku no Hero Academia
Boku no Hero Academia
Sep 4, 2024 6:40 AM
Completed 430/432 · Scored 8
Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man
Sep 4, 2024 6:39 AM
Reading 176/? · Scored 9

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jaymanic Feb 3, 2018 2:10 AM
Yeah i watched it and omg IT WAS INSANE, Nagase SNAPPED and WENT CRAZY but she gucci now. Inaba Main Waifu ez <3
raegazel May 10, 2017 10:51 PM
Disappearance is anime's crown jewel of epic storytelling the same way Gone with the Wind is for Hollywood blockbusters and Ulysses is for 20th-century literature. There are a number of anime films I personally like better than Disappearance but I have no problem with someone saying it's the greatest anime film ever made.

What I love about Disappearance is that even though it is an epic film (it's the second-longest animated film ever made), the core of the movie is a character study of Kyon rather than some over-the-top adventure full of action and setpiece moments. It's some of the most mature storytelling in the industry and the fact that they sustained a relatively subdued character drama for two hours and forty minutes of screentime is one of the most impressive things I've ever seen put on film.

There are a lot of ridiculous things that film and music buffs do, but the way a lot of anime buffs dismiss Haruhi due purely to the moe aesthetic is one of the most absurd things I've ever seen.

EDIT: Just saw Shinsekai Yori on your Favorites *tips glass*. One of the most underrated anime shows of all time.
raegazel May 10, 2017 9:33 AM
My version of that is probably Haruhi. Haruhi's my third favorite show of all time but I gave it an 8, and to be honest that's generous in many respects (despite the issues the show has, it got points for some solid directing and also some strange experimental elements that made it a bit more interesting than other mainstream shows). The 8 I gave Haruhi is probably straining the upper limit of how high I'll score something when the enjoyment factor by itself is a 10.

By the way let me know what you think of 2199 when you finish it. I had issues with the show obviously but it certainly has its strong points. I don't begrudge anyone liking it a lot more than I did.
raegazel May 10, 2017 12:09 AM
If the plot hadn't had so many issues then I probably would've scored it a 7 or an 8. I enjoyed almost everything that wasn't the plot, but the plot is such a major thing to mess up on, that it ended up losing a lot of points despite the fact that many of the other elements of the show were quite strong.

In general, there are shows that I rate 5 that I enjoy. I try to use the whole ten-point scale so it's not until the 4s that I start to actually dislike a show. A 5 just means that I thought it had a LOT of problematic issues, I might have still enjoyed it overall though, as a sort of guilty pleasure if anything. Some 5s on my list that I also enjoyed were Full Metal Panic, Gundam Wing, Sailor Moon R, Diebuster, Megazone 23, and Dragon Ball Kai. I actually just started watching season 2 of another 5/10 show that I enjoyed, Hidamari Sketch.

As for 2199 being a good remake - yes, it definitely is. The problems it has are from the source material, everything from 2199 that isn't the plot is a faithful modernization of the original and a drastic improvement as well.

All that being said, I score things in a combination of subjective "how I felt about it" and more objective "critically speaking, what flaws and merits did I think it had." Some people just score things off of personal enjoyment, and there's nothing wrong with that approach. If I used that approach, then theoretically yes 2199 probably would've gotten a 6 or a 7.
thebigbirdie Dec 18, 2016 4:47 PM
yeeee it good
Playcool Nov 20, 2016 3:53 PM
I finished SSY like yesterday.
Also yesterday just got all the english novels for Owari no Seraph, readed volume 2 in one day (today), so good.
Playcool Oct 20, 2016 8:09 PM
Nope, first I m finishing some worst anime on my watching list, only after will I continue with Shinsekali Yori.
Well I have had Sekirei on my PTW for a long time, so I will get to it eventually, but first watching list, then hold-on list.

BTW guess who is this child:

Playcool Oct 19, 2016 7:13 AM
Ah so you are reading the offical release? (I was talking about the fantranslation)

Team Shinoa here, the only ship for me tbh, she lost a bit of her playfullness after releasing her feelings for Yuu, so it is with joy I m glad to see her back to her older self!

I wont comment on later chapters other than saying, fast paced, thrilling.
Playcool Oct 18, 2016 10:20 PM
Damm Owari no Seraph is getting really good, I mean the story is suceeding in keeping you at the edge.

I see you started reading the LNs too, I have only started on the first pages, but I was also creating word files of the transaltions you see around the web.
Most stuff need proofreading, only volume 1 was checked. I have till volume 6 and also the 2 mikaela's stories, you interessed?
The more who read it, the better the material gets (editing errors while reading for the first time etc).
thebigbirdie Aug 11, 2016 1:16 AM
will eventually just rewatch all of it. maybe during fall season since it seems theres not that many hype shows coming out
Playcool May 4, 2016 11:07 AM
Episode 2 wasnt bad, just nothing really happen in terms of plot development. But it was needed.
Final was a kick in your ass, HARD. It gets you by surprise. Like being awakened up with a bucket of cold water!!
Playcool May 3, 2016 6:04 PM
Episode 1 ending was good UP, episode 2 kinda lacked on it, but episode 3 conclusion left a strong impression for sure. It is good to have something different once in awhile, for sure, but only once in a awhile, I dont wanna hang myself OK!! xD
Playcool Apr 30, 2016 10:09 AM
Hey jack, going good with ya??
I noticed you also seem to have strong feels about 5 Centimeters per Second, and since I just finished it, and am still left in all that drama and depression... I need to talk, you know.
Playcool Apr 1, 2016 12:26 PM
But if I end up liking it, then waiting week by week may make me go crazy since usually those anime love cliffhangers..
Playcool Mar 30, 2016 5:34 PM
You pointing out some stuff there, the thing is I dont like to follow airings unless the show is very important for me.
More Magi dunno, I have alot of stuff to complete in my backlog, will see, if the temptation is too great or not.

Funny you mention Mirai Nikki, lately I have been craving for something similiar in terms of uniqueness and thriller suspense moments.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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