Umineko is the best VN ever.
Reminder :
Akiha is the best.
Other favorite character no specific order :
Asuka Langley Souryuu (neon genesis evangelion)
Hisui (Tsukihime)
Archer (fsn)
Ryougi Shiki (Kara no kyoukai)
Kotomine Kirei (fsn)
Farnese (Berserk)
Furudo Erika (Umineko no naku koro ni chiru)
Jacopo Bearzatti (Fata morgana / requiem for innocence)
Kagami Sumika (Muv luv)
Shirogane Takeru (Muv luv)
Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
don't blame me there are more, and I forgot them :c.
Fav video games :
Nier Automata
Demon's souls
Drakengard 3
Starcraft (online)
Guild wars
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