All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 266.1
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed664
- On-Hold16
- Dropped27
- Plan to Watch674
- Total Entries1,405
- Rewatched60
- Episodes15,806
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 216.2
Mean Score:
- Reading20
- Completed178
- On-Hold73
- Dropped17
- Plan to Read259
- Total Entries547
- Reread17
- Chapters26,551
- Volumes3,026
All Comments (282) Comments
I'm also watching Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai suru now, it was seasonal not long ago, but I didn't have the time to complete it then. It's kinda good, but kinda meh, I love seeing fights in anime, but the story is getting nowhere, so dunno how it'll end.
Do you like watching seasonal anime, or you're the type to wait until it finishes airing?
Also, sorry for the late reply, I'm really busy now with all the assignments that needs to be done!
Are you perhaps watching or reading anything interesting now?
How are you doing?