The PIEL PROJECT is a set of pixel art made by me, although im not very skilleed at it i have been practicing, THE PIEL PROJECT will be availible for download soon so keep looking out for it
Which Chobits Character Am I?
You are most like Hideki! Hideki is one of the two main characters of Chobits; the other being Chi, the persocom! Hideki is the kind of guy that is extremly nice, however, he hardly gets the girl at the end of the day. However you cant help but root for him.
This is what the name "Josh" looks like in Japanese:
It is pronounced "JOSHU". (Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. "U" sounds like oo in hook, but with less rounding of the lips. "O" sounds like o in old.)
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i also need to change my image.. but just can't think of something very good =(