T'agrada l'Anime, Manga i Videojocs? Bé anem cap avall a la sala de te Tranquil·litat per xerrar! Som una bastant nou grup d'usuaris a Mal així que va decidir fer un club. Per descomptat que no estem forçant a que s'uneixin, ja que és la seva elecció no la nostra, però ens encantaria veure't a la pàgina del club un dia per venir tenir una xerrada! Gràcies pel seu temps i tenen un dia preciós!
Do you love Anime, Manga and Video Games? Well come on down to the Tranquility Tea Room for a chat! We are a fairly new group of users to MAL so we decided to make a club. Of course we are not forcing you to join as it is your choice not ours, but we would love to see you on the club page one day to come have a chat! Thanks for your time and have a lovely day!
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Do you love Anime, Manga and Video Games? Well come on down to the Tranquility Tea Room for a chat! We are a fairly new group of users to MAL so we decided to make a club. Of course we are not forcing you to join as it is your choice not ours, but we would love to see you on the club page one day to come have a chat! Thanks for your time and have a lovely day!