I'm a gamer, a role player like role playing on clubs and stuff, and a good friend if you want me to be. I'm asian with black rim glass and short hair. I'm kinda lean and short(ish) if you want to call it like that. I'm very fun when you want me to play with you but never judge a book by its cover. Everyone has their dark sides. I just hide it ever well to the point where it looks like I'm happy. I'm shy when confronting people up front but the internet is where I'm really alive and social. I love anime and mangas and all that good stuff. I'm free to say that I'm bi or at least bi-curious. I don't mind getting dirty with my words of seduction in a club. By the way, I only joined because a website called "OtakuZone" was losing itself badly. Hope it's fun like that website. By the way, my username on "OtakuZone" is "JCLy123". Hope i get to see my old friends from there. That should be enough about me for now. Let's go shall we?
P.S. Friend me on here or on "OtakuWorld.me". Thanks!
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