Hope you are enjoying your summer to the fullest, because July is already ending and it's time for another newsletter delivery!(why are you even reading them) The club streams every week on Saturdays (1 PM PST) so don't forget to vote for your preferable movie, blah blah blah - the usual stuff. Anyhow, most Summer 2017 anime came out, so how about a poll? Vote for your favorite seasonal on this forum post. Speaking of the forums, we got another new game!(pun not intended) Check it out here.
~~ Staff Changes ~~
As time passed by, we realized we should re-evaluate our staff, including discord moderators and admins.
Here are the results for new staff and moderators:
Tuna becomes a Discord Moderator, and has been a reliable addition. Mari and Pinkie become Recruiters, so look forward for new members. Taiyakies and Livid become Card Makers, and have already made some LE cards for the club.
Unfortunately, by gaining new staff we have lost some as well. Here are the results for admin and moderator demotions:
TheSlorrow and Kahn are demoted from Discord Moderator positions. Blixie is demoted from Admin position, but will remain as staff and will be helping out mostly with the newsletter.
This was done to keep you members in touch and things up to date. None of these people left against their own will.
~~ Staff Recruitment ~~
We are still looking for people to join us! Recruiter, Card Maker, and Game Maker roles are still vacant.
For more information, and to submit your application, click here. You'll gain a role on Discord if you are accepted.
~~ LE Cards ~~
Every while our card makers present limited edition cards, so make sure to watch out for them. Different card editions will be a available each month for a certain time period and can't be taken after that. You may look at our discord announcement channel to find out when they come out.
~~ Quote ~~
We are mostly active on our discord and during the last month we had many fun conversations. Here is a few of them!
~~ Quiz ~~
Congratulations to Flower_Hana7788(again?!) for being the first one to answer our previous quiz!
Test your knowledge in anime! Who is this character and from which anime?
Answers should be messaged to Sterps. First one to get it and the answer will be announced in next month's newspaper!
We have been improving considerably and would love to announce that we have surpassed 200 members during the previous month! Not only have we improved, but we have also changed; check out our new and awe-inspiring club background! Our merrymaking club, Anime Advocates, is a place for discussion and fellowship. Join us in discord or our forums for some lively conversations and fun. We stream movies every Saturday at 1 PM PST, so watch out and do not forget to vote for your preferable movie.
~~ New Discord Additions ~~
We have done a lot of changes on our Discord server throughout this month of June.
Here's a short summary of all the changes:
3 New Channels
Emoji Award for being in top 10 in Tatsumaki's leaderboards.
(The leaderboards will be switched to Mee6 at the beginning of July)
New music bot
Self-assignable roles
Here's a detailed version of all the changes:
#advice -channel added where people can share their troubles and such without worrying about people not taking you seriously. cough this hasn't been working that well so far :P
#vc-talk -channel added. You can only gain access to this channel whenever you join a voice channel. Access will be taken away once you leave a voice channel. The point of this channel is that people who don't want to talk or have a microphone can join people's talk by typing on this channel. This way you don't confuse people by talking about things happening in voice chat in #general. So, feel free to blast your memes or talk about things about your car or whatever in this channel, no one will be bothered.
#mal-identification -channel added. We added a verifying system that makes so you'll be able to gain normal member permissions after getting verified that you're in the club by a moderator or an admin after you've posted your MAL profile on this channel.
-We added a new reward system that rewards members for talking. Once a member is active and enters the top 10 leaderboards, they'll get to add their own emoji on the server. If you become inactive and drop out of the top 10, your emoji will be removed until you get to top 10 again.
Here are the current top 10 members (Creator and Admins don't count):
From now on score will be left as is for Tatsumaki bot leaderboards and we'll have the reward system based on Mee6 bot leaderboards.
New Music Bot
After having trouble with Ayana bot we decided to add a new music bot, FredBoat. FredBoat hasn't brought any issues so far and provides higher sound quality than Ayana bot. Ayana bot is still my waifu
Self-assignable roles
We added quite a lot of roles, especially colours for your names. This way you don't have to bother a staff member about asking for a role for yourself. You can assign a colour, access to a channel, or get a game role anytime you want. You can remove them too.
The roles for channels were made since the channels weren't necessary and not everyone is interested in them.
The point of game roles is you can mention that role if you want to talk about the specific game to another member with the role.
By typing ".iam role" you'll get the role for yourself.
By typing ".iamnot role" you'll remove the role from yourself.
Click the spoiler button below to see all currently available roles.
~~ New Staff ~~
Staff changes have actually happened, believe it or not. Shall we hold a shrimp banquet?
2 New Discord Moderatorsa
(for some reason these 2 are coincidentally Persona 5 nerds fans)
We held a moderator trial runs for these two and.. it actually went well for them.
Aerate- also knows as Ayush and Joker. woah he has a few nicknames hashigamon also known as Sarah, Sara, Sera, George, Hashi, Linda, Jasmine, Jessica, Veronica...ok... this gal has even more nicknames ...let's not do this. Y-you get the point. After a month of being completely away, this gal came back like nothing happened? AND even became a mod? Does she have something to do with the authorities behind the scenes?
2 New Admins
Do you remember that one guy from the previous newsletter? The one called Taiga? Yes, he became a moderator faster than anyone before.. yes... what? Excuse me? He's an admin now?
We are proud to announce our newest admin, Taiga who got promoted to admin from his hard work. Yes, it was short work, but very ..hard. He will be in charge of the rewards system in the discord server.
blixie rose from moderator to admin as well. She will act as an all-round admin. She is very busy at the moment, but we still have a lot of shrimps to spare.
New Game maker
A-OK became our first game maker for the club and has already created a few games! Feel free to check them out!
YourImoutoYuki is no longer a club officer.
~~ Forum Games ~~
With a new edition to our game maker team, we have provided even more games in order to have fun as a community. Click on any of the links to find out how to play these games!
Your newspaper has arrived! It's been a month hasn't it? In that short amount of time, we already surpassed the 150 members mark, and now we are brimming with even more members every day! Our club, Anime Advocates, is an outgoing enjoyable club, where you probably should not miss out on the fun at discord, and not to mention our forums! You could start out by introducing your self, or playing in one of our exclusive forum games. We have even more fun with streaming, as we stream movies every Saturday and possibly seasonal anime throughout the week!
~~ Club Banners ~~
Show your love for Anime Advocates by showing off these flashy banners made by Desu!
It really helps Anime Advocates as a club grow thanks to this potential exposure and it only takes a moment of your time to add it to your signature. (Stay tuned for more club banners in the future)
~~ Staff ~~
New Staff
We are proud to announce that we have gained 2 new Discord moderators.
TheSlorrow has been with us from the beginning. He knows how to keep things in order, but still likes to show us his "mature" side every now and then. Taiga is our new fellow who rose through the hierarchy faster than anyone ever before. He'll be our new temporary moderator, and might even become a permanent one in time.
Staff Changes
A ton of new staff changes are currently taking place within our club.
Retired Admin! Kahn, an honorable member who has been with us from the beginning, has stepped down from admin position. ;<
New admin! Florian Yuzuriha has stepped up to admin position and will act as our Forum Manager, Club Page Manager, and Anime Advocates Discord Server Moderator.
~~ Applications ~~
New Staff Roles:
We have made a new staff roles thread about specific tasks you can apply to in the club.
Approved applications:
CalmSun will be joining in the production of newsletters. He's actually the one who acted as the leader in making this newsletter. He will be appointed to Newsletter Chief who will be known as the one who overthrew Rystal from the leader position in Newsletter team. ;) YourImoutoYuki will act as our Graphical Designer along with Desu on making cards, layouts, newsletter and such. Florian Yuzuriha will act as forum manager along with our forum manager, Rystal. Feel free to ask any of them about creating forum topics, club related activities, etc.
~~ Steam Group ~~
We created a brand new Steam Group for the club! The group is called Anime Advocates in Steam and there are currently 14 members.
Feel free to join through the following link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/anime_advocates
~~ Know Your Memes ~~
These are for all you new members because there are a lot of inside jokes happening within our conversations which confuse the majority of you guys.
1. Shrimp Emoji
Desu told us about when he served some food which contained shrimp in it to this elderly couple at his family’s restaurant. This caused Blixie to announce her disgust of shrimp which in turn outraged Sir Desu. This ended up causing a split in the group. The Great Shrimp War of ’17. Arguments in favor and against the deliciousness that is shrimp were thrown back and forth. Thus the shrimp emoji of peace was made. Remember to use the shrimp emoji to commemorate those who fought bravely in The Great Shrimp War.
2. Serararararara
Also known as Sarah, Sara, Sera, George, Hashi, Linda, Jasmine, Jessica, Veronica, Sharon, Michael, Gerald, Ronaldo, Son of Sterps, Advocate of Shindou, etc. Spends time reading yaoi, looking up yaoi, buying yaoi, writing yaoi, and anything affiliated with yaoi.
3. Frants
An attempt of saying the word “France” by Serararararara while she was in the voice chat with us. Sample sentence: I went to Frants to buy frent fries.
4. Persona 5
A game which sucks the living soul out of you and destroys your will to stay active in our club discord. Make sure to hiss and screech at them each time you see one of these Persona freaks.
5. “Josh is Josh”
A phrase Sterps utters because of the curious people wondering who Josh is. I’m the only one who calls this person “Josh”, so most people still wonder to this very day who the hell Josh is as I whisper with my hair slicked back and shades on, “Josh is Josh.”
6. “1/10”
The universal Florian rating to all things anime and manga related. We see 2/10s once every blue moon though.
7. Shindou kunnnn
From KADO: The Right Answer. Our lord and savior Shindou kunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
8. Supermetaru
From KADO: The Right Answer. The best of the best materials forged into 1 whole SUPERMETARUUUU.
~~ Quiz ~~
Test your knowledge in anime! From which anime is this quote from?
"If I could sell boredom, I'd make a fortune out of it"
Answers should be messaged to Sterps. First one to get it and the answer will be announced in next month's newspaper!
Yeah the anime in pandora hearts was really great however it did not give much detailed. The manga is a favorite of mine and it explained a lot stuff however it is different from the anime so I highly recommend reading from the beginning O.O. Also one of those unanswered questions is about jack in the anime. Don't wanna say much but he isn't what he is shown to be that's all I'll say.
The anime was alright however it change things. For example when yuuki was a vampire in the anime she did not kiss zero T.T. He lets her bite her neck. Which I find the manga on that part better because the kiss *.*. My first manga was actually pandora hearts XD. But vampire Knight I'm re reading again becasue I forgot what happen D8. Have been away from anime and manga for a while >>.
Well pandora hearts the anime and manga were both my favorite However the anime left some unanswered things and the manga is pretty much detailed XD.
Akatsuki no yona's anime is a favorite of mine however it left a cliffhanger T.T. But pretty much the manga is pretty much detailed as well XD.
Yesh my poor dragons T.T. It's alright I already have those who stalk my profile XD. Doesn't bother me at all XD. I believe Vampire Knight's manga is much better than the anime. As I find the art style to be beautiful than the art style in the anime. Plus of course if there's manga with the anime than the manga is usually better than the anime however just depends though :O.
No problem ^.^. I hope we get to have conversations more now XD. Ah I remember the website my dragons kept dying no one will not click on my poor eggs T.T D8.
All Comments (75) Comments
And I'm not the Onii. ;)
True XD.
Well pandora hearts the anime and manga were both my favorite However the anime left some unanswered things and the manga is pretty much detailed XD.
Akatsuki no yona's anime is a favorite of mine however it left a cliffhanger T.T. But pretty much the manga is pretty much detailed as well XD.