Hey guys,Im a casual anime fan from Sri lanka currently residing in melbourne, who watches anime whenever im free or for some entertainment.I love manga and i always like a good story.I am not much of a critique
if a certain manga/anime catches my interest ill watch it regardless of its flaws.
I however dont have a lot of anime/manga that i like.Series like bleach,one piece,dragonball Z,fairy tail and attack on titan are a few of the anime/manga that i like.
I like Shoujou manga as well as some shounen.
I only watch/read anime/manga that catch my interest but i am open to any suggestions and more than happy to check them out:)
I love disscusion forums and sites like these because i like too see everyone elses thoughts on their anime/manga.
In my spare time i watch tv shows,game on my laptop,watch movies and chill.
Well thats all about me and i hope ill get to talk to some new people since im new here:)
All Comments (108) Comments
I'm really sorry. I guess you've already found out about the second season haha ^.^'
I hope you've been well :)
Best wishes pal.
Wherever you may be.
for late accepting your request
i hope so we gonna be good frnds
If you like D Gray Man then there will be a second season coming out soon :D
Hope you're doing well.