Ok so I have a lot of low scores which a lot of people on this website take personally and view as "elitist." In actuality, everything that scored at least a 3 had *something* that I liked about it, and everything that scored at least a 4 I overall enjoyed to some extent. As for a few more messages for the people of this site:
-Having a low mean score does not make you an elitist. Disliking popular anime does mean you are an elitist, nor does it mean that you are retarded. It is okay for people to have opinions that diverge from yours.
-Enjoying philosophical or avant-garde anime does not mean you are pretentious. Yes, there are *plenty* of pretentious people on this site, but the word is vastly overused.
-Insulting someone's personality and/or something that they enjoy is not an argument.
That is all.
10= i connected with this on a personal level
9= nearly flawless
8= typically has an issue that holds it back
7= overall great, though it has some small problems
6= things I dislike but mostly good
5= good cancels out bad, right in the middle//m i d
4= has qualities that i like, but more bad than good imo
3= mostly pretty bad but has some sort of outstanding redeeming quality(s)
2= almost entirely terrible
1= i personally despise it
unrated= need to rewatch it bc idfk i thought abt it too much
10 and 1 are almost always subjective scores, so i decided to treat them as such here. Typically, every time i score something as a 1, it eventually becomes a 2 as i forget what made me despise it so much. As such, you can think of a 2 as a pseudo 1, and a 9 as a pseudo 10. Also, my favourites do not in any way reflect score-they merely are the shows i enjoy watching more than any other.
Notes about my favourites:
-Only one character per series. Honorable mentions are as follows:
--Deishuu Kaiki, from the monogatari series. Everyone who has seen it already knows how fascinating this guy is, so instead I'll just quickly mention that he was competing with my by and far favourite anime character, and would've taken the spot on my list very easily otherwise.
--Misato Katsuragi and Shinji Ikari. Evangelion has the closest thing to what I'd consider a flawless cast in anime, with every member having a justifiable reason to take the winning spot. Misato and Shinji, though, would be my picks for the best (other than Gendou, obviously). While eva integrates a very diverse set of genres into its plot, at its core, it's a story about depressed people, and this pair carries that theme to the end. They are worse than fucking terrible for each other, and make each others' lives significantly more stressful, but stick together through thick and thin throughout the entire story when nobody else does. If there's one thing these two can always rely on, it's seeing the most negative aspects of themselves in their counterpart. The hate the last 2 episodes of the anime as they completely sell out its thoughtful and subtle use of characterisation the entire anime faithfully committed to, but we can ignore them as they're low-budget non-canonical fodder anyways.
-Haruhi suzumiya series is scored based on a viewing in chronological orders, with episodes from the first season viewed in chronological order, followed by the second season. Broadcast order is considered, though, as it greatly affects the presentation of each episode.
-Shows split into multiple seasons or parts ideally possess self-contained scores, however, factoring in future seasons absolutely matters for a number of series (i.e., setup for themes and plot elements. usually, the way it does this doesn't matter, but the way the story is told may be affected.) Afflicted series are as follows:
>All of Attack on Titan
>Both parts of Re:Zero season 2
>Kaguya-sama after season 2
>Jojo part 6
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