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Days: 84.6
Mean Score:
- Watching28
- Completed178
- On-Hold12
- Dropped52
- Plan to Watch136
- Total Entries406
- Rewatched0
- Episodes4,969
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 14.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries15
- Reread0
- Chapters1,267
- Volumes292
All Comments (119) Comments
...and so on
Faut que tu mates les séries avant.
Um, sorry about the outburst (just had that awful flashback). Seriously though, you have a phenomenally well-written epic about the eternal struggle between two vastly different nations, with death as the war's overseer. And what do you do with this established concept at the very end of the series? You disregard the entire thing. From out of nowhere, there's this random idea being presented ("Earth existed all along and Prester is, well, just there") THAT WAS NEVER MENTIONED OR DISCUSSED BEFOREHAND!
To summarize, the characters DID return to Earth, everyone survived, happily ever after, yada yada yada. But, it's just that, again, the fact that they could just leave Prester and return to Earth was never mentioned before.
I'm just as baffled about all this as you are, trust me.