That's why I do email notification for mal message nowadays xD
It's all good man, real life > internet life always ;)
Yeah watching it together with my girlfriend now. Watched it just the right moment, was only a short wait for Season 2 ^^
Blaine is indeed a cool dude, also I don't retract my Liv is hawt statement but do have to note that Peyton IS hotTER :p DAYUM son, mm mm mm :p
Aaaand that was Izombie first season :p
Thanks for the recommendation man, very fun to watch show, likeable characters mostly. Also, liv's pretty hawt :p
Hey sorry about radio silence, was a week out camping :)
Hmmmm okay, maybe if I got more time on my hands again I'll give it a second go.
Hmmm haven't actually watched Veronica Mars, heard good things about it though. Only things I know about it are that it's a crime solving series and that Kristen Bell is hawt xD
I'm not opposed to the case of the week genre though, as long as the characters are interesting. I love Castle for example. Only started watching it because I'm a big Nathan Fillion fan (mostly from having watched Firefly), but rest of the crew also grew on me.
You been away on holiday this summer or still going somewhere :) ?
Hmmm gave that a try some while ago, Person of Interest... seeing as it's still airing even with quite a lot of seasons. Didn't really get far though , only watched 6 episodes or so of season 1, was too episodic for me and probably was busy with work and looking for a new place to live and such at the time.
Hmmm haven't heard of iZombie. Brooklyn nine-nine you mean? Jake Peralta shenanigans xD? If you mean that one I love it xD
Orphan Black I'm also watching, liked first season best still but it's still okay
Thanks, all good so far ^^
Okay okay, then I hope your ''what have you been up toO'' in your first message was just a lazy typo, also because you did write it correctly in your 2nd comment ^^
Then again, I really can't bitch because I know 0 portugese and only really little spanish ^^
Why not do both :p? I still watch average amount of anime next to my shitload of television series and movies ^^ What's your fav television series at the moment that you follow/recently watched :) ?
Oh and I do have a girlfriend :p We just moved in together for like 2 1/2 weeks now :)
Cool cool cool. Translating which language to which though?
Andei a trabalhar mas foi no ano passado. Vim para a faculdade este ano, já vou no segundo semestre.
Preguiça é awesome, não nos deixam é abusar dela senão eu usava e abusava mas pronto.
Pff...espera até chegares à universidade e depois vais ver o que é doer. Eu fiz um teste sobre isso sem ter lido nenhum e tive 16, HURR DURR.
Pois, eu sofro do mesmo, preguicite aguda, é grave.
Tenho andado na universidade a trabalhar que nem um animal. Basicamente é isso lol.
Ya, uma coisa levou à outra e tau, as pessoas deixam-se de falar. Então e tu, que tens feito?
Ya, já há uns tempos que andava para pegar de novo nisto mas não encontrava para sacar. Depois falei com um leet de One Piece que conheço e pronto, arranjei os episódios.
All Comments (1349) Comments
It's all good man, real life > internet life always ;)
Yeah watching it together with my girlfriend now. Watched it just the right moment, was only a short wait for Season 2 ^^
Blaine is indeed a cool dude, also I don't retract my Liv is hawt statement but do have to note that Peyton IS hotTER :p DAYUM son, mm mm mm :p
Thanks for the recommendation man, very fun to watch show, likeable characters mostly. Also, liv's pretty hawt :p
Hmmmm okay, maybe if I got more time on my hands again I'll give it a second go.
Hmmm haven't actually watched Veronica Mars, heard good things about it though. Only things I know about it are that it's a crime solving series and that Kristen Bell is hawt xD
I'm not opposed to the case of the week genre though, as long as the characters are interesting. I love Castle for example. Only started watching it because I'm a big Nathan Fillion fan (mostly from having watched Firefly), but rest of the crew also grew on me.
You been away on holiday this summer or still going somewhere :) ?
Hmmm haven't heard of iZombie. Brooklyn nine-nine you mean? Jake Peralta shenanigans xD? If you mean that one I love it xD
Orphan Black I'm also watching, liked first season best still but it's still okay
Thanks, all good so far ^^
Okay okay, then I hope your ''what have you been up toO'' in your first message was just a lazy typo, also because you did write it correctly in your 2nd comment ^^
Then again, I really can't bitch because I know 0 portugese and only really little spanish ^^
Oh and I do have a girlfriend :p We just moved in together for like 2 1/2 weeks now :)
Cool cool cool. Translating which language to which though?
Living life man, to the fullest. What brings you back into the commenting business, I see your last on wall was also 2012.
I only react so fast because I have email notification for comment on here now, else I will not see it for months :p
Preguiça é awesome, não nos deixam é abusar dela senão eu usava e abusava mas pronto.
Pois, eu sofro do mesmo, preguicite aguda, é grave.
Ya, uma coisa levou à outra e tau, as pessoas deixam-se de falar. Então e tu, que tens feito?