Hi Instigator! I've noticed you're in the Another FC club. Would you want to celebrate the studio behind this title joining PA Works too? Have a nice day! (^_^)
This is the first newsletter from Another FC! The club now offers Official Member Cards, so get them while you can. The first 25 members will also receive a Bonus Member Card as well. Until next time, take care!
---Click the banner to request your Official Member Card---
Yesterday, Opera brought to us two presents: The Opera 11.62 (stable version, security and stability update) and the Opera Next 12 build 1351 (test version).
That Opera Next, for who is not following it, has brought an addressbar improvement for favorites and history, the so requested Hardware Acceleration, and for that build has two "big ones":
1- Windows 64-bits version
2- OOPP (Out of Process Plugins) Now Opera has two processes: one for browser and the other for plugins (flash, for example). So If you have any problem on Youtube, you can "kill" the plugin process, raising the stability browser and reducing the possiblity of "crash" on Opera.
Both feature were on two last Opera Labs (are test versions with any feature which can appears in a future Opera version)
Hehe, skjønner den. Er viktig å være fornøyd med det. Selv om det skal mye til for å få ett man er 100% fornøyd med :P
Jepp, det hadde vært rimelig kult. Kanskje sett det litt fra andre karakterers synsvinkel. Eventuellt helt nye, ubrukte karakterer. Mye som Soul Eater NOT! Om du har lest den? Ganske morsomt å se Soul Eater universet fra andre karakterers synsvinkel egentlig. Har sett det, ja. Skal leses før eller siden, men har mye å gjøre for tiden, så den må desverre vente.
Haha, kanskje. Men siden vi er omtrent like flinke, kan vi vel strengt tatt si at ingen av oss bryr oss særlig. Man kan vel si jeg er Yellow Flash, og du er Raikage x)
Går greit det vettu. Men hvor har du vært? I alle fall ikke på MAL/GR xD.
Som du sier så er det HERLIG at One Piece er tilbake. Fire uker uten var nesten for mye :p. Blir litt skuffa når man ser at Chopper fremdeles er like dum. Likte "oppdateringene" hos karatkerene, litt skeptisk til Zoro da. Håper bare ikke det hemmer ham, altså å kun ha et øye!
Hehe, vel. Du får sikkert en mulighet til å bytte du også. Kan ikke akkurat si det navnet jeg har nå var det jeg ville ha mest, men det er ivertfall bedre enn det forrige :P
Ah, så flott! Som du sier, så knasker mangaen av FMA på epic-piller siden volum 7 og utover. Elsker måten serien slutter på, veldig åpen for en videre historie egentlig.
Beklager tregt svar, btw. Det ser ut til at vi er like flinke på det punktet xD
Yeah, I too was hoping for Gally's past to be explained and granted, it didn't come right away but they do explain it.
-BlackRabbit- said: it lost all the cyber punk atmosphere to become an interstellar sci-fi.
I don't think they do explain the Panzer Kunst much more than it already has been. Maybe a line or two about where she learned it but not more than that. It's been a long time, I don't remember a lot of Last Order. But yeah, inter stellar sci-fi is much closer than cyber punk...
As per the stupid freakin move, let's just say I feel the author wanted to try and gather a larger public (maybe people were loosing interest in the serie) and so he went for ''something'' that has no business beeing in a cyber punk serie.
Anyway, let me know when you do read it, I'm sure I'll be able to converse in a less cryptic way ;)
And Vagabond is so far one of the best manga I've read. So totally with you on that one.
Hi there, sorry for the late reply!
I agree that the ending of Gunnm felt rushed a little but yeah, the rest was so awesome that I didn't mind either. I did find that a lot of things were left uneplained though and that got me curious for the follow up serie Last Order. It's a follow up but it could very well stand on it's on without the Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm serie.
I was going for a 7/10 since it's still has a bit of flaws and I find myself not that entertained after all. Plus it lost all the cyber punk atmosphere to become an interstellar sci-fi. But I gave it a 6 because in the ... 8th or 9th book, something is introduced that TOTALLY TICKED ME OFF! D:<
I won't say anymore then that though ;)
I see you're also a Vagabond fan; I love that serie!! ^///^
All Comments (107) Comments
New 12.10 OPERA!
- More Site Compatility
- More speed with the SPDY Protocol
- For MAC users: Notification Center and Sharing Button
more info and download
New Opera Mini for mobiles, now with Smart Page. Do you know what it is? See!
Themes, 64-bits version, own process in Task Manager for plugins (less browser crash), camera access
This is the first newsletter from Another FC! The club now offers Official Member Cards, so get them while you can. The first 25 members will also receive a Bonus Member Card as well. Until next time, take care!
---Click the banner to request your Official Member Card---
Opera 11.62 (update) and Opera Next 12 build 1351 (64 bits + OOPP)
Yesterday, Opera brought to us two presents: The Opera 11.62 (stable version, security and stability update) and the Opera Next 12 build 1351 (test version).
Update your stable version
(Download link and Changelog)
Opera Next
That Opera Next, for who is not following it, has brought an addressbar improvement for favorites and history, the so requested Hardware Acceleration, and for that build has two "big ones":
1- Windows 64-bits version
2- OOPP (Out of Process Plugins) Now Opera has two processes: one for browser and the other for plugins (flash, for example). So If you have any problem on Youtube, you can "kill" the plugin process, raising the stability browser and reducing the possiblity of "crash" on Opera.
Both feature were on two last Opera Labs (are test versions with any feature which can appears in a future Opera version)
Download and details: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/2012/03/26/html5-css-64bit
(Windows 32/64, Linux and Mac)
Jepp, det hadde vært rimelig kult. Kanskje sett det litt fra andre karakterers synsvinkel. Eventuellt helt nye, ubrukte karakterer. Mye som Soul Eater NOT! Om du har lest den? Ganske morsomt å se Soul Eater universet fra andre karakterers synsvinkel egentlig. Har sett det, ja. Skal leses før eller siden, men har mye å gjøre for tiden, så den må desverre vente.
Haha, kanskje. Men siden vi er omtrent like flinke, kan vi vel strengt tatt si at ingen av oss bryr oss særlig. Man kan vel si jeg er Yellow Flash, og du er Raikage x)
Som du sier så er det HERLIG at One Piece er tilbake. Fire uker uten var nesten for mye :p. Blir litt skuffa når man ser at Chopper fremdeles er like dum. Likte "oppdateringene" hos karatkerene, litt skeptisk til Zoro da. Håper bare ikke det hemmer ham, altså å kun ha et øye!
Ah, så flott! Som du sier, så knasker mangaen av FMA på epic-piller siden volum 7 og utover. Elsker måten serien slutter på, veldig åpen for en videre historie egentlig.
Beklager tregt svar, btw. Det ser ut til at vi er like flinke på det punktet xD
it lost all the cyber punk atmosphere to become an interstellar sci-fi.
I don't think they do explain the Panzer Kunst much more than it already has been. Maybe a line or two about where she learned it but not more than that. It's been a long time, I don't remember a lot of Last Order. But yeah, inter stellar sci-fi is much closer than cyber punk...
As per the stupid freakin move, let's just say I feel the author wanted to try and gather a larger public (maybe people were loosing interest in the serie) and so he went for ''something'' that has no business beeing in a cyber punk serie.
Anyway, let me know when you do read it, I'm sure I'll be able to converse in a less cryptic way ;)
And Vagabond is so far one of the best manga I've read. So totally with you on that one.
Till next time Instigator -.^
I agree that the ending of Gunnm felt rushed a little but yeah, the rest was so awesome that I didn't mind either. I did find that a lot of things were left uneplained though and that got me curious for the follow up serie Last Order. It's a follow up but it could very well stand on it's on without the Battle Angel Alita/Gunnm serie.
I was going for a 7/10 since it's still has a bit of flaws and I find myself not that entertained after all. Plus it lost all the cyber punk atmosphere to become an interstellar sci-fi. But I gave it a 6 because in the ... 8th or 9th book, something is introduced that TOTALLY TICKED ME OFF! D:<
I won't say anymore then that though ;)
I see you're also a Vagabond fan; I love that serie!! ^///^