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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka III
Nov 11, 2020 7:54 AM
Plan to Watch
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II
Nov 11, 2020 7:54 AM
Plan to Watch
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All Comments (93) Comments
No worries :)
Not everyone has as much time as I have xd
Hope you had fun on your birthday? ^^
And who knows, maybe it gets more active on your MAL profile in the future, letting you look at your comments more often ^^
Hey there! We recently started an Otaku group on Skype and are in need of more like minded members! We'll be talking about all things Otaku; from anime and manga, to Japanese music and Vocaloids, to Japanese culture and history... and most of the time it will just be random non-Otaku stuff anyway. So if you're looking for a place to find more like minded Otaku, come join!
If you're interested in joining you can join the club here on MAL and one of us will tell you how to join, or you can message/comment to me directly and I will bring you in!
Hope to see you there :3
Best Female Character of 2014 Nominations
En ja :D
Merry Christmas
Have a great one, and find some moments of relaxing rest ~
Happy Holidays Dutch Otaku :)
I just get them from everywhere :)
Sometimes Zerochan, but also sites with fanart where you may also find a bit lewder pics though. Or just via google :D
The Slice of Life Club now has Candy Cane Grams! What's a Candy Cane Gram you ask? A Candy Cane Gram is a Christmas card that you
can request to have sent to your friends on MAL along with a message. It's the season of giving, so why not send your friends a card?
Click here to visit the Candy Cane Gram request thread!
This is just a reminder to everyone who is participating in the Secret Santa Event to please have your gifts sent to toridoshi by the 23rd!
Also, please stop by our chat thread to meet new friends!