Anime enthusiast, started from around June/July 2020 yeah ik pretty late
200th anime completed(3/10/2021): To love ru darkness 2nd OVA(it's a fantastic show go check out the whole series, extremely underrated)(reason why it showed as 187 on the profile is because I can't care enough to submit hentai here but I am sure I have watched more than 200)
I like romance, isekai, comedy and harem, yes unbased ik but I like what I like
Favorite (romance) anime ever is plastic memories(rewatched 6 times yes it's that good)
Favorite romance anime actually (besides from plastic memories) is OreGairu, Tonikawa, Bunny Girl senpai and Chunnibyou
favorite isekai is probably tied between Re:zero, Tensura slime and Mushoku Tensei all of those are very good you should go check them out
favorite harem is probably to love ru, idk Date A Live, Quintessential Quintuplets and High school DXD was pretty close too all of these 3 are amazing
Favorite movie is Maquia, highly recommended, yeah it was better than Your Name and Koe no Katachi for me personally
Favorite comedy is konosuba like need I say more
Favorite manga is tied between Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet and To Love Ru Darkness they are actually all fucking amazing I cannot convey how much I enjoyed reading those, but well I have only read like 5 and plan to read more so this is bound to change although it's extremely unlikely I will find anything better than the 2 aforementioned
Also a visual novel enjoyer, Kiniro Loveriche is probably my favorite so far
Moto: "You don't watch harem for the plot, you watch it for the enjoyment, waifus and irrationality"
I rate anime mostly out of enjoyability, pretty much not give a fuck about ratings so don't question my 9s and 10s on supposed garbage such as SAO or High school DXD or any other ratings that unfortunately triggered you. Call me a casual but I started watching anime for the enjoyment I can't give less of a shit about the pacing or anything. If I enjoyed it, no matter how stupid the plot is, how poorly written the characters are, how garbage the ending or anything of the sort is, regardless it's getting an 8 or above no exceptions. That is what entertainment means isn't it
I don't use social media much but if you want to talk then shoot me a friend request on discord: InSanE#0919 or just a message down in the comments lol
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