Hello! This is just a formal introduction, feel free to skip it and just read the other long paragraphs if you want to. Now that I've given you freedom to do what you wish, let me get started. The most obvious point here: I'm ImmortalZypther, nice to meet you. My interests involve games and anime, the classic combination of things for any introvert to love. Speaking of introvert, I'm in that category. In real life, I just don't like interacting with other people. It's something that's embarrassing when you have to consider how to segue yourself into the interaction. Online, that changes pretty sharply (So I've heard, anyways). When online, the screen in front of me helps me feel more secure about talking to anybody and interactions are just easier for me. In fact, lots of the friends I have in real life were made online in some form, be it a chat forum or a game. If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I'm always up for a chat!
Favorite game series?
My favorite game series is the entirety of the Monster Hunter series. First made by Capcom on the Playstation 2, it's a game where you do as the title says: you hunt monsters! The story isn't something to write about, it's usually something to segue you into a tutorial of the mechanics, leading to the gameplay soon afterwards. The game is mostly on portable consoles, showing up on other consoles from time to time. The game gives you a huge spread of unique weapon types, holding more options within those weapon types as well. You want to play more safe? Use the lance. You need ranged attacks as well? Hell, use the gunlance. Oh, you want just ranged attacks? A bow and the 2 bowgun types have you covered. You want a more aggressive melee weapon instead? Dual blades, greatsword, and the insect glaive. A single weapon is too boring? Try the switch axe and the charge blade. You just want to play music? Hunting horn. I haven't even listed them all yet. Once you've chosen a weapon, there are hunting styles that you can use for every weapon, changing the way you can play that weapon to suit your playstyle the best. If you think the greatsword is too slow, go aerial or adept. If you think you need to be more safe with a lance, you can use striker or adept. Once you've chosen all that, there's monsters upon monsters to hunt. They all have varying attack patterns and the best way to hunt each one is learned through hunting the monster and experiencing it's moveset. Monster Hunter is a game that relies on your skill to progress, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Favorite anime?
My favorite anime would probably be Log Horizon. There are many anime that I enjoy and would watch again, but Log Horizon is an anime that I've grown a fondness to after a single viewing. If you had asked me about a political anime before I watched Log Horizon, I wouldn't have been able to come up with any good reason for watching one or even a single example of one. Log Horizon isn't about real life politics, it's about the politics of an in game world where players are sent into the world. This plot is normal for lots of anime but Log Horizon focuses on what would happen if the game wasn't automatically on their side. I can't say too much without ruining a key plot point of the anime, but I highly recommend it to anybody who's interested in the concept of people being sent into a game. It'll give you a new perspective on that concept in anime and you might get a new favorite!
Likes and dislikes?
I like lots of things other than anime and games: sleep, technology, statistics, etc. Sleep is the most simple thing there. Everybody likes sleep, that's a fact proven by me using my 1 person sample size. Going into the other points is more elaborate, though I'll try to keep it short in order not to drag this on for too much longer than it's already gotten. I like technology due to the fact that I believe it is the next step in human evolution. In my opinion, humans can't evolve anything more than a bigger brain from now to the end of the human race. Evolution is driven by necessity; technology takes away from the "need" to do anything in particular and allows us to skip the evolution of something to solve a problem we have. Animals grew thicker armor and sharper fangs to live longer through the need to live against predators and the need to hunt prey. We made weapons and armor to fight and defend. A larger brain is the only evolutionary path that makes sense for nature. If we're smarter, we can make technology faster and better than anybody else, leaving nothing to stop us. Statistics are something I like for a simpler reason: I like knowing the chances of something. It might seem like a boring life, but I like to know exactly how everything will go before it happens. If you push a box near an edge, I want to know the chances of it possibly falling in order to decide my next action. I want to know the chances of people doing anything, it would make my life infinitely easier and statistics are a step in that direction.
I dislike one thing very seriously. A single thing that is capable of holding a bright flame against the glow of my likes. That thing would be when human ignorance. When people do not accept the facts and sources I give them and even consider the possibility of my opinion being valid, I swear that some amount of my brain is actively trying to kill itself. I'm not talking about when you don't believe a shady resource, I'm talking about when people don't accept solid facts. When people don't accept facts that are backed by a reliable resource and have hard science behind them, those people are the people that deserve to be sent into the next closest comet to our planet. When you are stuck in your own little bubble with your own opinion bouncing around inside of there, ignorant of anything else, I wonder the reasoning behind even talking to anybody else. Why talk to anybody else if you don't want your own opinion to be challenged? If you want your opinion never to be challenged, go write it into a notepad document and only write into that notepad document from now on. Nobody can challenge an opinion they never hear.
What's one of your favorite lines in an anime?
There are spoilers after this point, but this will be the last section in the profile, so you can skip elsewhere if you don't want to see them. The spoilers are for No Game No Life and Madoka Magica, with it spoiling one of the major twists in Madoka Magica and one of the important scenes in No Game No Life.
Let's get right to it then, in context, the following line from No Game No Life has some of the most impact in an anime I've ever seen. "Oppression. Rule by fear. Dictatorships. It's a strange thing. Throughout history, for some reason, the lives of such rulers have always ended in the same way: Assassination by someone who isn't even part of a combat unit". That's the line Sora says when he defeats Zell for rule of Imanity, beating her at her own game of magic chess. It's an amazing scene that hits you like a ball out of left field. It's the moment you realize that Sora isn't even showing the full extent of his skill yet, and that you're now set up for an amazing fantasy anime.
The second line is more thought provoking than anything, and that line is from Madoka Magica, where Kyubey says "Why do humans place so much value on where their soul is located?". It's one of those lines that reveals one of the major twists in the anime, though the twist was easy to see, when the question is brought up, people never seem to put much thought on it. It's one of those things, where the answer is "just because". Why does time exist? Just because it does. Why does the human soul belong in your body? Just because. To humans, the soul is not an object, it's a concept, it's our very existence in whatever shape we imagine it to be, so why do we care where it's placed? Isn't it good for a soul to be placed somewhere safer, and not a fleshy, weak, human body? So why care about where it's placed? Just because.
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