I like slice of lifes and everything I have either read or watched on my list is a slice of life, but if you disagree please feel free to message me about any of the 100s of slice of life shows I've watched. All I want for my birthday is a big booty slice of life waifu.
I feel that there are certain people in general who feel their opinions or words matter more than others and it is funny to read these people's content. Your words and the way you string them are not more important or impactful than you think.
You're not brave or interesting if you think a show that most people like is bad (3/10, etc.), and shame on you to say, "are people even watching the same show as me," as an insult.
If you've watched hundreds of series and your MAL mean rating is below 6, I start to question why you are even watching a ton of shows, to begin with. I can understand after watching a few thousand plus your average would start to go towards 5 but if all you've watched are mostly shows rated 7+ and already think most are meh or slightly above average, I got some bad news for you, it doesn't get better dude
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