here some animes you might like as well
Aishiteruze Baby
angelic layer
bamboo blade
Hatsukoi Limited
Kaleido Star
Kamisama Kazoku
last exile
Mahoraba: Heartful days
Oban Star-Racers
true tears
I loved speical a to be honest i did not watch it when it originally came out i was watching other animes at the time so i caught it later and it was just awesome. i loved everyone but i think like the most sakura but i loved everyone everyone was crazy and funny thats why i loved all of them. i like the show the same reasons as you for the most part
May i ask you a question what are you thoughts on the anime named Special A.
how did you like and why or why not. no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok. also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want
All Comments (28) Comments
Aishiteruze Baby
angelic layer
bamboo blade
Hatsukoi Limited
Kaleido Star
Kamisama Kazoku
last exile
Mahoraba: Heartful days
Oban Star-Racers
true tears
i like you would like these animes
how did you like and why or why not. no reason for asking this just curious about how you feel please respond if you want ok. also if you want to ask me a question look at my anime list and ask about one i am watching or have already seen and ask about if i like one or not if you want
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