Cleveland Indians and Green Bay Packers fan for life.
I'm generally an obstinate asshole, but feel free to comment, as I may decide to be nice.
Fifth manga spot is reserved for Tower of God, a Korean Webcomic, which is one of the best reads. You should definitely check it out.
Dub > Sub. Subs are for scrubs.
Persona 4 owns your soul and may be the greatest thing ever.
Tsundere is worst character type.
Only Battle Butler can handle the true terror that is Metallica Christmas.

All Comments (353) Comments
Hey man, everyone deserves to fun have on their vacation. And everyone deserves a vacation.
I see you live in Ohio, is there any chance you'd be interested in coming to PAX East? The group of gfaqers that still interact + me have been trying to set something up at PAX East for a year or two now... the only problem is acquiring tickets... it's stupidly difficult.
I'm really enjoying Akame Ga Kill right now. It's matured into a pretty entertaining battle shounen, although judging from what you and other people say, it probably evolves into something on a whole different scale.
I honestly haven't played much of Persona 3 since I got back. I am definitely going to try and finish it before Persona 4 though.
I see you've finished SNAFU... I wanted to give that another spin sometime, because of all the worship I see on /r/anime and among a few net friends for the main character, Hachiman. Am I safe in assuming that Hachiman is some idealized version of a passive aggressive snarky loner?
Still, I think that a manga adaptation is easier, because they have all the visual, and manga rely a lot on image, so an anime shouldn't be difficult to make, if only the studios wanted to make a decent adaptation of the manga...
I honestly think P4 anime was a great videogame adaptation to anime, and if you watch things like, for example, Danganronpa, you will know why. Seriously, I'm still upset, the anime for that game was so bad! Persona 4 the animation was very good, it's amazing.
I'm not the type of person who thinks that something is bad just because it's popular, in fact, for example, Madoka Magica is very popular and I think it's a really good anime, it's even in my favorites. The problem is not that something is popular, that doesn't means is worst, what I think is that there are some popular things and just do not understand why they're so popular, I can't see what's so interesting about it. And it's not something that just happens with anime, it's the same with books or films, sometimes I see the most popular books and I can hardly believe it. It is normal to start watching something because a friend recommended it to you, if not you wouldn't know of the existence of many things ...
You're right. Most of the time they don't want to create a deep character, just to make a character who has an appeal for watchers, and this is achieved by having a character stand out for something, no matter how stupid it is, and unfortunately, lately the fact that someone is in love with someone of their family is one of those things. And the truth is it's a little ... weird. That's not normal, no matter how you try to explain it, is not normal, and they don't even try to give a good explanation about why this is like that, they just pretend we see that a girl is in love with her brother and make us think it is normal and even nice D:
It is true that now there are many anime that resemble each other, like I said, sometimes you see two seasons of anime and you can see how they are the same type of anime, with the same story, even the same style of drawing, only with another name... But I don't think the anime now is worse than a few years ago. It may influence the fact that, while you watch more anime, the less it can surprise you, but in my case, I remember with great affection some anime I watched years ago, but I think it's due to nostalgia. For me, most of the anime I watched when I was a child were great, but I'm sure that if I watch them again, the truth is that probably they're not that good.
I also think the most important thing in an anime, or any kind of story, are the characters. In my case, if I don't like the characters no matter how good the plot is, I won't be much interested. In fact, at the end what you remember about an anime are the characters...
Baseball is not popular here, in fact I do not even know the rules, but one of my teachers was American and we learned to play a bit baseball with him. By the way, as I said, now it's the basketball world cup here, so you can see basketball on TV, that's not normal! But despite that, the football is still the most important, although I admit it's not the most exciting sport... I also like watching rugby. Is not a popular sport here, but occasionally you can see a game and it's great! Well, in my house people watch lot of sport, so I have no choice but to see it xD
Is it bad that your friends do not share your hobbies ... I hope you can play soon :)
I don't care if someone is a pervert and likes those things, but studios should consider all audiences, and in my case I prefer to watch anime without it ... And I hate when people think that everyone who likes anime see that kind of things. Exactly! I hate to watch something with a friend and suddenly a scene like that happens, I don't know where to look.
Yes, there are! But, for anime, since it's no too popular here they only dub the most popular anime (which are, like, two or three at year), last anime they dub was Attack on Titan. As for videogame, years ago most of the games was in Spanish, but now, it depends on the company. For example, Ace Attorney, which is one of my favourite games, the first games had Spanish subs, but the last ones don't, and believe me, those games are difficult to play in English. Fire Emblem Awakening has Spanish subs, but the dub is English. Professor Layton is completely in Spanish. As you can see, it depends on the game, so, when you buy a game you don't know what are you going to find :)
It's one of my favourites games too, it's so good! And Kanji is one of my most favourite characters not only from the videogame/anime, but one of my favourites character ever in any media. I can't imagine not knowing about Persona. Yes, there are Taco Bell here, but not in my city, so I can't go there...
Then I should watch it! It will be my next anime, once I update with the anime I'm watching now, since I didn't have my computer I haven't been able to watch a single episode in a month.
Your observations are so accurate! That describes the whole cast of almost every romance anime nowadays...
I know, but I'll always prefer a character who is too nice. Other kind of characters are unbelievable too and still people like them.
I still don't see why a person would be rude to another person, why doesn't they just correct them in a good way? Some people seems like they love to be rude to everyone.
I admire the fact that you try to write the best, it's something everyone should do. At least in English I can see people why could be confused with the spelling, but in Spanish? It's probably the easiest part in the language! But it seems that some people is too lazy even for that. Sometimes in text messages you have to guess what they're saying, like I always say, please, write the vowels, really, they're important.
English is like the second language here, and everyone learns it at school (as I said you, the level is not the best, but still). Well, where I live is a very turistic place, and is not unusual to hear people speaking English.
You didn't know I was a girl? Well, don't worry, I'm not going to think you're hitting on me, I'm not that conceited xD People has been always respectful to me, knowing I'm a girl or not, but I know some people are not like that...
No need to apologize, as I said, I love reading your comments. Sharing your opinions is always a problem, because people wants to avoid controversy, so I can understand them, but the most interesting part of speaking to another persona is to share opinions, at least I always want to know people's opinion on different subjects.
vacation is great. met up with some online friends and taking the trip really easy. going out to sightsee and stuff, but spending enough time inside so that I don't get worn out quickly before the three weeks is up. I'm second week in right now, and the plan is working.
yeah I remember the blog post where he was talking about how people called his sister and stuff...
yeah I'm just past the fuuka intro in persona 3. I watched the first movie and really, really enjoyed it. persona 4 is definitely gonna follow, although I'm getting attached to persona 3s cast so its going to be a sad goodbye. I'm on the last day of devil survivor and the bosses get kinda ridiculous... like, either be over leveled and stomp them or have the right skills and demons ridiculous.
Sometimes subs are bad but for the most part I try to get them because it's closest to what was originally intended.
mahou shoujo is a genre I wouldn't get into. I've seen madoka magics because its written by one of my favourite anime writers, and am watching the sailor moon reboot for nostalgia, but those are the only exceptions.
Do you remember when Lu faked his death? funny shit.
I've been playing through persona 3 and its pretty good. basically everything an otaku like me would eat up, and then some. almost done with overclocked on 3ds too - that game is fantastic
Yeah Rie Kugimiya's voice doesn't exactly fit Rise. I guess it's the one time I'd agree that dub > sub, but I do like certain other voices more in the sub.
Also I don't pay attention to baseball at all so I really don't know anything about that ^^;
pretty sure it's not because London is uptight though...