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  • Total Entries652
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eblf2013 Jan 31, 4:03 PM
I just based myself on the score, that's according to the website's statistics, no need to write me a whole bible for that like I was at fault. Feel free to promote them and tell each of them is legitimately good to anyone you feel like.

As for almost all the shows I don't know how bad or good they actually are. I did say that for many of these it's my first time knowing about them, so my opinion on most of those is neutral, in other words, the stack is merely based on statistics and my opinion wasn't involved at all. I'd like to note that the list is naturally biased since it's about original anime, and if an original anime doesn't get popular or acclaimed, it's nearly impossible to make them afloat, yes you noted that many of those are kids shows, old anime, and I do understand that, it's rare for either to get a high score anyway.

Also I watched THE REFLECTION as it was supposedly the second worst original anime. It wasn't bad but people felt offended by the artstyle which wasn't bad either imo, the pacing was somewhat dragged but that's my biggest criticism. It's worth a watch at least.

Anyway thanks for your insight and for having watched a few of the anime in the list. At least I have an idea what to expect.
Mina_Moon Jan 30, 4:43 AM
The Titans colony drop and several of the newtype focused scenes in Zeta Define are actually in Zeta Define, they just occur much later in the manga
MechaFanBoy1979 Dec 30, 2024 1:20 AM
Yo, check this out!!!! and i hope you have a happy New Year's!!!!!!!!

EretnaMan_1308 Dec 24, 2024 4:24 PM
Can I ask why Green Raker was added to your favorite character list?
Loudcsharp Dec 2, 2024 11:45 AM
I read your interest stack where you talk about overrated anime and compare Zambot 3 positively to Evangelion. It's cool to see another fan of Zambot 3. While I'd seen and enjoyed anime before, Zambot 3 was the first time I "got" into anime as a whole. I watched it at the beginning of the pandemic way back in 2020. It's such an underrated show.

Since I can't see your anime watchlist, I must ask, what's your opinion on Mighty Orbots? It's an 80s show that was episodic but had a short run of 13 episodes due to being sued. I admittedly wasn't the biggest fan of it but that's because I prefer serialized works to episodic works, along with finding the voice acting grating. That said, I appreciated the animation insofar as it was better than a lot of western animation at the time.

Also, it's kind of amusing that you have Vivaldi and Bach as your favorite people involved in anime. No hate. Bach and Vivaldi are amazing.
Sperginator_9000 Nov 20, 2024 4:28 PM
Guilstein has one of my favorite OST's, i have the cd for it.

I've been lazy with my watching but my plan for watching stuff involves seeing everything some directors were involved with.

there is obari, hiroshi negeshi(divergence eve, bounty dog), Yuji Moriyama(project ako) and Hiroki Hayashi(tokyo 2040, el hazard)

i sorta started a virus buster serge fan club with two other guys on discord, i found scans for a virus novel.
though i have been too lazy to start it yet. my discord is nathanhale3662, you may get along with them but if you don't like it there i don't mind.

edit: i mistook zaion for another anime called Voices of a distant star, they have a similar cover.
edit 2: also, i have seen the menu's for the Guilstein dvd, they have backgrounds of scenes from the movie in 4:3 and higher quality. i think the widescreen may have been a last minute decision.
Sperginator_9000 Nov 19, 2024 2:47 PM
nope, no OST was released for prayers or ICE. i heard prayers was supposed to be 4 episodes, sucks it didn't make it.

both prayers and 6 Angels had mutated goons with hoods and bandages, wonder if they shared people who worked on both.

edit: i will look into macross. feels strange having never seen a gundam or one of the big mecha's(beside eva).
Sperginator_9000 Nov 17, 2024 11:56 AM
ill check out webdiver.

gandalla has no English subs, i found french subs and put them through google translate.

there was a guy who said he was working on subs but it has been 10 years since he started.
Sperginator_9000 Nov 17, 2024 10:59 AM
don't know what you have or haven't seen but...

Divergence eve - inventing warp travel and then trying to keep out the warp demons trying to get through

Bounty Dog: Getsumen no Eve - my bitch ex wife is on the moon and i'm going to kill her

Eat-Man '97

that's all the scifi-focused ones i know

Key the metal idol - my favorite

Boogiepop phantom

Gilgamesh - like an older ergo proxy

Jikuu Tenshou Nazca

Kigyou Senshi Yamazaki: Long Distance Call

Neo Ranga - not really an action anime, more of a drama about how 3 sisters bringing a god to live with them affects the people who live around the for better and worse

Nessa no Haou Gandalla - you will hate this one, the plot doesn't actually start till 13 episodes in, but the idea behind it is really good. like Legend of Black Heaven.


Saint Luminous Jogakuin

not sure if the ones below might be considered experimental, but there isn't anything i can think like them

Kurogane Communication

Sci-Fi Harry

the anime original ending of Sorceror Hunters

battle programmer shirase

Sperginator_9000 Nov 17, 2024 10:19 AM
yet to see dancouga, i will now. i love ordian because of its atmosphere and all the surreal imagery that appears in the second half.

i uploaded a few anime on to my channel, 6 Angels from Kobayashi and the AKB48 producer. and Prayers, the only other anime the studio behind ICE made. check them out some time.

though the subs for 6 Angels are really bad, at least they exist.
Sperginator_9000 Nov 17, 2024 5:59 AM
also i found out Makoto Kobayashi was the mechanical designer for the SiN movie, that's why ICE and SiN can feel pretty similar at times.

Sperginator_9000 Nov 17, 2024 5:30 AM
yes, gundress is a good film.

Ordian goes much farther in being weird and cryptic towards the end than virus did, bad subs didn't help me a lot.
UgurAdam Nov 3, 2024 10:39 AM
Thank you for your additions to the Ishinomori anime stack!
Hichikarah Sep 30, 2024 3:16 AM
Your Gundam F90/Crossbone reading order list is very incorrect. I am worried that you are spreading to people a false and incorrect reading order that will leave them confused and questioning. I think you should update.
literaturenerd Sep 19, 2024 9:57 AM
lol, thank you so much for bringing that old shitty review to my attention! I thought I had deleted it ages ago. I was spamming low effort reviews (often while drunk) around 10 years ago that don’t even live up to my low standards. Most of the really bad ones have been deleted but every now and then I’ll find one that I somehow forgot about. Honestly, I haven’t seen Kite 2 since 2008 and I might actually appreciate it more now. As for Geist, I own the special edition DVD for 1 and 2. I don’t know if I could call it “good” by any objective metric beyond its OST, but I do have fun watching it! Thanks for the comment!
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