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Gsarthotegga 6 hours ago
I assumed Eggbeater wrote that before becoming established as a critic, but I don't know the timeline. I remember it being pretty bad. Kind of like a Mario Bava film in a way, but more shitty because of Russ Meyer. It just kind of reminds me of Lisa and the Devil, in retrospect. I'm not sure if I ever watched anything by Rivette. Too froggy, I guess. XD
Gsarthotegga Yesterday, 1:41 PM
Elephant Man is something my parents could probably get around to liking, so that's not saying much. XD

Inland Empire must have been rough for him. Or was that after Ebert died? Did you happen to try that film Ebert scripted? It, uh, kind of sucks, tbh. I'd have to check the title. It was with that guy who has lots of tits in his films. I forgot his name. XD

My brother told me details and plot developments about The Substance and that it was rather disgusting. Interesting to see a horror film doing well, given that that scene is so snobbish. Blah... gotta make Dead Man's Letters my first return to non-weeaboo stuff. :S

Don't like the sound of Anora's story. It's like watching a crisis about a woman trying to get an abortion or whatever that one darling was a few years ago from Europe. XD

musical transgender mexican drug dealer? :O

I'm not too familiar with musicals. Tsai Ming-liang and Takashi Miike have the most interesting ones, I think.
Gsarthotegga Jan 21, 1:24 PM
Can't imagine it being any good. Not going to even look at a trailer. :S

Did Ebert ever come around to those other movies? Kind of weird he finally clicks with Mulholland. But it seems like he would give them a reevaluation after Mulholland. I honestly don't like any professional critics. Didn't understand the appeal of Siskel, Roeper, Anthony Lane, or Pauline Kael. I especially hate Kael. Susan Sontag was also an awful wicked witch of film criticism, even if she didn't consider herself one. Can't even remember the other ones that are commonly referenced.
Gsarthotegga Jan 21, 3:56 AM
Didn't really have the time for it, and you need more time if you don't have dialogue. About the only thing I can think of is to show tribal artwork to express the idea. As an example, in Angel's Egg, there is that one vertical tracking shot of the stone emblems that depicted the tree of life (lifted from Yggdrasil, I'd assert...) and some other stuff. Or, you could think of how Midsommar uses heavy amounts of foreshadowing in the tapestries upon the walls. Honestly, Midsommar seems like it goes way too hard on the foreshadowing, and I mostly despise the film as badly disguised political propaganda and being somewhat inept when it comes to repetitious horror film cliches, though it's still a very interesting film to watch for the foreshadowing being some of the heaviest and least subtle I've ever seen, and it does have nice art direction for the most part; the wall art functions like a blueprint for not only all of the tribes' traditions but also the entire script! Although certain things may still be too difficult to express without a minimal amount of dialogue in Shishigari.
Gsarthotegga Jan 21, 3:19 AM
Uh... I find the Flip Flappers comparison to GL kind of weird. Not sure what to think of that. That might partly be because I despise GL, though. XD

I kind of doubt there will be much depth to that because it appeared to be hallucinations, likely based on folkloric beliefs, which we don't have any context for. The reason I say hallucinations is because the MC was in a pretty bad state when they first appeared. Was even the big man ever real? I'd guess not.
Gsarthotegga Jan 20, 10:34 PM
They should probably be compared more so to a squid or octopus then. Last Bible games I remember looking like nothing special, but I don't know. Yeah, seemed like an okay short to me. I'm not sure it's so much of an improvement with the director as it is a bigger production with a larger staff. Flip Flappers is undoubtedly his best directing credit. I'm dragging my feet on Look Back because I already don't care for the manga much.
Gsarthotegga Jan 20, 8:40 AM
I always yearned for some kind of sequel to GL, as I thought it had far more potential as a franchise than I guess the creators did... Caverns 3 sounds a lot like the Mother series. I'm afraid my memory prevents me from commenting on too much of that, and I never had a chance to play MII. Maybe it's the only one I'm interested in completing on that blasted handheld other than the Zelda game. But I guess they were focused on the environment back then, if the idea is that killing the metroids results in the flourishing of hostile parasites. I guess I didn't realize that because I skipped MII.
Gsarthotegga Jan 19, 12:01 PM
Pixelated bikini is titty enough back in the day, I imagine. M1 is alright. Somewhat challenging, good atmosphere and music, decent exploration, etc. Certainly more clunky and lacking the polish of later titles, but I think it's decent for the time. Guardian Legend feels like a very similar game in some ways and for the female protagonist, though I reckon I mostly prefer GL. tbh, I don't remember which handheld games I played and my preference for them, but i want to say that I didn't like Fusion or Zero Mission. Yeah, too linear and too easy was a problem for those games. Prime feels even more lonely than the rest because by this generation, you'd really expect them to make her into more of a character or have more interactions, but it's like an odd mixture of the old games and a modern gameplay style. lmao, sci-fi ends up feeling like a dumping ground for liberal artists a lot of the time, doesn't it? "Like, the environment, and we're all one, man."
Gsarthotegga Jan 19, 11:09 AM
lol, it's like that guy was cruising for a no. The electricity looks cool, and it reminds me of old sci-fi, like Frankenstein adaptations. Did I say I didn't like her as a character? Rather, she's not much of a character at all. The reveal at the end of the NES one is meant to provoke a response like, "Whoa, you were a girl all the time, and my reward for completing the game is that I get to see your tits (isn't she basically naked, lmao?)? Can't wait for the next game in the series! Hehehehe..." Was there ever anything else? I like the NES and SNES Metroid games, and what I played of the Prime series was fine. I think I remember not liking any of the handheld ones, but I didn't ever play the GB one. I guess I'd have to agree on Prime's infodump scans. Makes it kind of tedious. I remember Myst has some short books you can read for a similar purpose, but the tone and mood of that game supports something like that better. Gives kind of a battle archaeologist feel to Prime, though. XD
Gsarthotegga Jan 17, 9:57 AM
Yeah, that's true. It kind of reminds me of how old people will try to pull the "I'm hip with the kids" act, but he actually had a pretty funny bit poking fun at old people. XD

Film world sure feels a lot smaller when it comes to being of any interest to me now, especially with his passing. :(

I'll have to look into The Substance. Haven't paid any attention to Cronenberg lately, but I recall watching his son's Possession, or whatever it was called, years ago. A lot worse than senior's best films.
Gsarthotegga Jan 17, 8:32 AM
I started seeing a bunch of tribute articles sometime after your last message. Kind of forgot how old he was. Sort of a shame he made TP S3 and left it far from complete and don't think I'd have faith in anyone else taking the mantle.

Gsarthotegga Jan 16, 11:42 AM
Wow, damn, that's pretty gruesome. Fairly obvious it's Koike. Reminds me of his Ninja Scroll scene. lol, I forgot Anno even animated for that OVA. The main scenes I tend to remember are from Hontani, and the opening fight scene from Utsunomiya:

lol, there are some really bad errors on here that I don't remember from the cuts I watched (the guy flashing and then vanishing before he walks off screen). Wonder if this is a screwed up copy or if I just forgot about it...
Gsarthotegga Jan 16, 10:28 AM
Yeah, I think you're probably right with Gall Force. Scenes like that tend to remind me of the Hontani regeneration scene:

Wow, I didn't know there were any Lupin movies with body horror like this. :\

Nicely animated, and the imagery reminds of some of the more nasty OVAs of the 80s and 90s, just a lot smoother and more detailed. Hilarious with the butt part. XD
Gsarthotegga Jan 16, 7:00 AM
Kishida has a lot of good scenes. I really like this one action scene from Nadesico.

He animated a lot of stuff in Noein and Heat Guy J. Good Giant Robo too.

lol, I like the way they depict the android in this. I ended up trying this definitely pretty shitty but odd series because of one of his scenes:

Found it kind of intriguing and eerie the way she's slowly being destroyed and seemingly has no reaction, but there's hair movement and such. Made her feel very inhuman more than most takes on androids. Along with this, making it extra creepy by choosing the eye socket for the charge port:

No clue what the hell is going on based on the first ep and immediately dropped it. The director has a style that seems to not work half the time.

I think I played some of the original Fallout. Don't remember it well.
Gsarthotegga Jan 16, 2:34 AM
Huh, I could have sworn I already responded.

I wonder if they're lacking a lot of that animator's work on Sakugabooru. He seems to be crazy good for effects and background animation.

Love this one.

Frankly, I've always felt most Bethesda games are kind of meh, but they provide a great sandbox of sorts to mod the hell out of, and it's how modable their games are that really makes them good. Both the new Fallout games and Elder Scrolls.

I don't recall that cult either and am not sure what they're into. Those titles do look pretty okay, but I bet they're a dull slog. Maybe good Sakugabooru fodder, if anything is well animated.

Looks like so far so good with Juuni Kokuki. 7 at close to halfway, eh? :O
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