well, since I'm lazy, I'll not do too much stuff here, but I'll put some random things at least XD
support ecchi
and also yuri XD
13 things you should do for to be a girl's prince
1. Hug her from behind.
2. Grab her hand when you guys walk next to each other.
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her.
4. Cuddle with her.
5. Don't force her to do ANYTHING!
6. Do everything she wants, even if it's something selfish or useless.
7. Write little notes.
8. Compliment her.
9. When you hug her, hold her in your arms as long as possible.
10. Say I love you.....and MEAN IT!
11. Brush the hair out of her eyes
12. Comfort her when she cries.
13. Love her with all your heart
All Comments (36) Comments
hope u hav too ^^
yeah...i'm ending some animes i started and trying some news too :D
i'm good too ^^
r u see any new anime? :3
this year i'll start the college...and i want to do this ^^
btw how r u? ^^
i know it, work is good, it's tiring, butit's really good :D
hmm...i want to work w/ games design or creation *w*
it's the best of the work XD
maybe next year i start to work too :3
but don't know well XP
it's totally true~
music is so nice *w*
u work?
the important is u having fun :D
it's really nice u'll see :D
yeah XD
i have more time o pc too \o/
how many star u hav? i'm w/ 9 \o/
it's good :D
but the important is u'll buy it ^^
yeah, ofc <3
i'm in vacation so i hav more time to play now \o/
kkkkkkkkkk don't kill yourself ^^'
it's hard but u can do it \o/
i'm good
n u? :3
XD u too ^^
about the daigasso dx after the 10th star don't hav others lvl...u only unlock a special music
hmm...if i was sure, it have...but don't remember...i'll ask ^^'