» About Me «
I love being around animals. ◆
I hate going outside. ◆
I find online interaction easier than real life interaction. ◆
Big fan of biology. ◆
Avid wearer of glasses. ◆
I don't like most people. ◆
I think arguments and debates are extremely fun. ◆
INTJ personality type ◆
Did I already mention that I dislike most people? ◆
» Negative Qualities «
» Positive Qualities «
All Comments (78) Comments
Just a note that a new competition will be going on with the Best Female Competition. We are affiliating with another club - Snowy and Passi's Tearoom. The competition is very simple, please go here so that you can figure out what the competition is and get working!
If you still haven't given an introduction of yourselves then please do so in the Introductions thread
Tell us about yourselves so that we can get to know you and we wont need to ask unnecessary questions and can have lots of fun!
We are in serious need of staff! So if you would like to help out then please click here. It would be wonderful to have as many to help out with our growing club. xD
[b]Right now, we are having a Best Female Competition and it will continue untill the 30th at 6:00pm. If you still haven't nominated your nominees then what are you waiting for, hurry up and nominate your favorites right here!
Coming Soon would be an Anime Scavenger Hunt!. So wait tight for it!!
If you are bored and want to chat wit somebody whenever you and someone else is online, then go ahead and chat either Here or you can go on skype and chat, well here's the procedure link for you to follow.
Okay now the possible plans for the future are as follows:
1) An Anime Scavenger Hunt is coming up! (that is definite xD)
2) After the Scavenger Hunt, we might have a Best Male Competition
3) Have lots and lots of fun!!!
Well, this is the end of today`s letter if you do not want to continue receiving these letter then please sign up here!!! or just PM me.
If you haven't given an introduction of yourselves then please do so in the Introductions thread
Tell us about yourselves so that we can get to know you and we wont need to ask unnecessary questions and can have lots of fun!
We are in serious need of staff! So if you would like to help out then please click here. I would be wonderful to have as many to help out with our growing club. xD
Right now, we are having a Best Female Competition and it will continue till the 30th at 6:00pm. If you still haven't nominated your nominees then what are you waiting for, hurry up and nominate your favorites [url=http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=1427038]here![/URL]
Coming Soon would be an Anime Scavenger Hunt!
Well, this is the end of today`s letter if you do not want to continue receiving these letter then please PM me as quick as you can so that I dont make any mistakes.