Ah yeah it will be much better.
But already giving these first Episodes 8/10 is pretty rare to see. Many give it 6 or 7 and then later the 10.
So yeah hope you will go on.
You have to pay attention to understand everything in Texhnolyze, don't force yourself to finish it if you don't enjoy it I know it's not an anime for everyone hehe
Ping pong is very interesting and original as well!
Well imo both are very good, I would say the 1st ep of Texhnolyze is slow and it does pick up later but all the episodes of Kino follow the same formula so you might not enjoy it if u disliked the 1st one
All Comments (14) Comments
right now i'm only watching serial experiments lain and kino no tabi
how about u?
Well you will see how Gintama will improve when you´ve reached the point
But already giving these first Episodes 8/10 is pretty rare to see. Many give it 6 or 7 and then later the 10.
So yeah hope you will go on.
So what are your thoughts?
Ping pong is very interesting and original as well!
Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
Imawa no Kuni no Alice (OVA)
Ping Pong The Animation