I may be racist, but lolis being the superior race is a fact.
About me:
Hi, I'm Reel (disclaimer: that's not my actual name) and I'm a Polish otaku/weeb. I don't have life per se, but I haven't caught all Pokemon yet, so I might get it at some point hopefully. I study IT, work as a webdev and spend majority of my free time fapping away to cute anime girls... I mean admiring the beauty of Japanese animation. My other interests consist of losing games of League, reading fantasy literature and other forms of procrastination. Oh, and sometimes I write my own stuff. My big dream, that I'll probably never make into reality, is to complete a larger writing project (either a book, script or something else entirely) that I'll be sorta proud of.
300 anime -
Sakasama no Patema
Rating system:
10 - GOD (Genuine Orgasm Delivery) - when it's so good, you wonder why your dealer doesn't sell that shit
9 - FAP (Freakin' Amazing Performance) - when the show is so great that a bunch of cons doesn't even matter at this point
8 - AWW (Anime Worth Watching) - when the show is really great to watch, even if it's not perfect
7 - YES (Yep, Entertaining Show) - when the show is fairly enjoyable despite some noticeable shortcomings
6 - AAH (Above Average Honestly) - when you can say some good things about the show, but it's still far from great
5 - PASS (Pretty Average Show, Seriously) - when the show's pros and cons balance out, so it's pretty meh
4 - NAH (Not Amazing, Honestly) - when the show has some positives, but not as much as negatives
3 - PMS (Pretty Much Shit) - when the show isn't complete garbage, but pretty close to that
2 - SHIT (Super Honest - It's Trash) - when the show is so bad it's basically insulting to its audience
1 - AIDS (Anime Is Dying Slowly) - when the show is so bad it's both sad and funny
Disclaimer: my rating system is constantly evolving as I watch more anime. Therefore, even though I try to update them from time to time, some of the ratings on my list, especially the older ones, might not be accurate anymore.
All Comments (19) Comments
I can suggest reading the Type-Moon stuff. Tsukihime, Kagetsu Tohya, Fate/Stay Night etc... Epic stuff.