Stolen from 3mil :D
It's not a comic book, it's "Manga"
It's not a cartoon, it's "Anime"
It's not homosexual, it's "Yaoi"
It's not lesbian, it's "Yuri"
It's not porn, it's "Hentai"
It's not erotic, it's "Ecchi"
It's not pedophile, it's "Lolicon"
It's not gay, it's "Shōnen-ai"
It's not slutty, it's "Fan Service"
It's not a costume, it's "Cosplay"
It's not a dating show, It's a "Harem"
It's not a fetish, it's "Moe"
It's not a bipolar girl, it's "Tsundere"
It's not a drawing, it's "Doujinshi"
It's not schizophrenic girl, it's "Yandere"
It's not sexual aberration, it's "Eroguro"
It's not a sex game, it's "Eroge"
It's not Chinese, it's "Japanese"
It's not Chinese animation, it's "Japanimation"
Most Importantly...
I'm not a geek, i'm an "Otaku."
~If you are a Proud Otaku, like this, and post it on your wall~
Click the banner above to join us at Emotionally Attached, where anime means so much more~♥
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Welcome to Card Dreamland's newsletter! (sorry for the weird heading, we'll be changing that) We will be sending out newsletters for new events, activities, goals that have been reached, and much more!
[u][i]Current Activities
Creation Card Contest
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Birthday List
Ideas for Future Card Themes
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Member Cards
Celebrating 500+ members
Tsundere LE
Who doesn't like that tsundere
[u][i]Current Events
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Thanks for taking the time for reading this!
Hello Fabulous member of RACE!!
Thank you so much to rinnie002 for helping me send this out x_x
i think i would seriously die if i did it myself ._.
I really wanted to send it out but omg 1631 people @_@
*bows deeply* please know i wanted to send this to you in person and its from my heart conveyed through this beautiful person
I'm really sorry to not be sending out individual messages to you all, but unfortunately I don't know all of you ... and im lazy x'D
BUT i made this Valentines Day Event in order to get the chance to tell people how much they mean to me :)
Every single person in RACE means so much to me, I'm so happy you joined the club even if you aren't active (though you should be :P)
It means so much that you've stuck with me even when the club died for a bit.
I never imagined that my club would get so big. When i first started it I was hoping to even get 10 people. 20 was beyond my wildest dreams xD Now I'm above 1600!! I opened it just because i had joined mal and seen cards and wanted to try.
I probably shouldn't have made the club as early as i did .... but now I am so glad that I did C: Thank you to everyone that has joined the club, it's been such a pleasure to me watching the club grow and seeing the new people join.
Especially thank you to the people that joined at the very beginning. I'm not giving you a special message because i dont have time but I know who you are and you mean the world to me <3
Thank you all for joining my family ^^ And I hope you'll stick with me for much longer ^^ You're all the best C:
And Happy Belated Valentines Day!!
Tell me if anything is wrong <3
P.S. Due to the club having so many members, we aren't able to send out newsletters to all of our members. If you would like to receive newsletters from the Slice of Life Club, post here.
Our newsletters include notifications on when our competition rounds start, club event information, information on our monthly banner contest (new feature starting in September), news about updates and changes to the club, etc.
P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
We do a few monthly editions and we really need some more card makers to help out with those. If you are interested in applying, click here.
Hello members~
I have seen that the club seems a little down even if we are still active.
So I'm sending this newsletter to bump you up and invite you to pass by the club~
(He misses you ^.^)
There is gonna be a new change. It consist on opening a card theme ever WEEK. So go and pass by to ask for the card and not lose the change to collect it.
There is also the Creation Card Contest (C.C.C.), remember that if you win first or second place you are able to ask all the cards of an edition from linette (me ^^').
That's all, have a great summer and we wait for you in our club~
No, definitely, I talk to a lot of people and I've never met anyone who gets as excited as me about Anime, just everything makes me so happy, from the characters to the individual OST's.
I shall check out your Fanfiction accout in a minuet and tell you what I think in my next message:)
You live in America? Did you go to Comic-Con? If you did I am insanely jealous!
I have zero self confidence ahaha but I'm trying to get better, you ever need to talk to someone about yours, I'm always here and I'm the expert;)
England is no where near as cool as Tumblr and some media makes out, hardly anyone actually has that accent, not up North anyway, but we do all drink tea, including me:)