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Netoge no Yome ga Ninki Idol datta: Cool-kei no Kanojo wa Genjitsu demo Yome no Tsumori de Iru
Jul 27, 2024 9:58 PM
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Got the whole VN series, an Umineko. Since I have last updated, I've been accidently spoiling myself like CRAZY. However, the spoilers now really make me want to watch Gou after I finish this. So I'm roughly 24 hours into the VN, and not done with Watanagashi (I think I'm currently halfway?) But damn, the anime SPEEDRUNS THE HELL out of the VN. Everything flows so fast that it doesn't make sense. It makes sense to me because I read the full scene, but anime only this would kinda suck.
Finished the first 4 episodes of Higurashi. Here are my thoughts.
HOLY SHIT THEY BASICALLY SPEEDRUN THIS. The Visual Novel took me about 14 hours to finish. These episodes only take an hour and a half. Woah. There were so many scenes that didn't make sense because the anime never touched on the reasoning that was mentioned in the VN. For instance, it never showed or mentioned that the syringe was taped to the back of the clock. It was explicitly stated in the VN with him going on to say he added extra tape to prevent it from falling. These episodes basically comical to me, as the whole appeal of the VN is how it slips into a creepy atmosphere due to a build up of events. In the anime, stuff just... happens.
Tbh the anime does one thing better than the VN, and that's its ability to be funny and lighthearted at times. In the VN, the funny parts are really drawn out. In the anime, the characters get chibi (I think I'm using that right?) and have slapstick expressions/reactions. I liked it at times, but holy crap that's the only thing.
The first 3 hours of the VN are the first 6 minutes of the anime. There is no character development for Rika or Satoko. BUT REAL QUICK. I did like how Satoko physically reacted when she saw her brother's bat. This is only significant on a rewatch or reading the VN before.
Trust. The VN is free on Steam, read before watching the anime. The way Keiichi think's adds so much to the atmosphere.
Binged Madoka in 2 days. 4 Episodes day 1, 8 today. Boy that was a ride. This was very weird, and frankly not nearly as dark as I was expecting. To be frank, I expected them all to die in some brutal ways. The end was similarly "WTF" to Evangelion. The fight scenes made me feel as if I was on acid, but the twist that comes that is centralized on Homura was actually kind of heartbreaking. Overall, it was good. Not my normal genre, and was a little out there. But it was good.
Now is the movie... welp. Guess I'm gonna procrastinate that, too! Just like all the movies I have been putting off (I'm looking at you, Re:Zero Movie)
Look, I gotta clean up my "currently watching list" and create some kind of order here
Currently Watching:
Laid Back: Kobayashi
Story: (Gonna Start Magica Tbh, since only 12 episodes as opposed to Monogatari)
On The Side: SpyXFamily (Read ahead in the manga, but will try not to forget about it), Love After World Domination (TBH I really enjoy this one),
Dress Up Darling
Steins; Gate Movie
Re;Zero Movie
ToraDora Specials
Laid back
1. Yuru Camp
2. Devil Part Timer
3. Akebi
Story Intense
1. Madoko Magica
2. Sakura (Pet Girl of)
3. Golden Time
Finished Steins;Gate 0. It was good. Resumed on episode 20 after not watching for a month and a half. (Funny because there was a major cliffhanger on episode 19 that I guess I just forgot about. Show was good, but I gotta say Steins;Gate is good, but can be a bit much at time. Maybe I've just started to favor comedies more? I just felt so unmotivated to finish it, but the show was somewhat satisfying to finish (both story wise and to get it off my watch list).
Saw Pompo in theaters yesterday. It was the only showing on the one day and I went. In total there were like 5 people in the theater lmao. But the movie itself was enjoyable. I did cringe very hard at the outlandish reactionary moments were the characters go "waaaaahhhhh" for what felt like the longest 4 seconds. When in public you really feel awkward for watching at that moment. Otherwise I'd say the story was pretty enjoyable. The brown hair girl was cringey at times too, but I'm pretty sure that was intentional. Overall, the storytelling was pretty cool. I like how after brown hair girl and Gene meet, it rewinds and tells the story from her perspective. I also don't get why she was a construction worker????? OH an why it rained in "Nyallywood" so much. That bothered me that there was at least 2 instances of days of rain. Would watch again (probably at home, but subbed). OH LAST THING. Despite never seeing Boondocks, the grandfather visually reminded me of "Grandad" from Boondocks
I also started Dragon Maid earlier in the week, and so far I've enjoyed it. Very laid back comedy I can wind down the day with.
Current dilemma. Too much on the plan to watch, and too many "currently watching." Problem is, I need to finish Steins Gate (and now Nisemonogatari since I started that yesterday) but they're just so much work to get through before bed. They're too heavy. I need something fun like the Love after World Domination. In that case, I might finish Dress Up Darling (tbh I forgot about the show since I read the manga for the next few seasons). So idk. Thinking Dragon Maid, Yuru Camp, or even Golden Time
Started watching SpyXFamily and Love After World Domination. Started reading the manga for SpyXFamily.
Now, I still haven't finished past the first episode of SAO, still need to finish the last 4? episodes of Steins;Gate 0, and need to continue with Monogatari past Bake. Lmao, I still need to finish Dress Up Darling (even though I read ahead in the manga that I don't think they'll get to where I left off)
Basically, I can't watch shows as they're airing. I just hate waiting. Much rather prefer watching 1 or 2 episodes every couple of days then having to wait a week, watch an episode, then wait another week to continue (for 12 weeks). Does this mean I like bingeing? Idk
But since last update, I haven't said my thoughts from anything since PriCon. (Which after reviewing my list, has only been Bake, and the new ones). Gotta say, I like Bake. Very weird show, but very interesting premise. A "verbose version of Bunny Girl" as I heard it put is the best way to describe it. The art style gets hella werid and I kinda dig it.
Also, I think the "in your list" feature on MAL is broken, so that's cool.
Finished Princess Connect
God those first 4 episodes were hella weird and I almost stopped watching. Then episode 5 was like a shot in the arm and showed the series was going to take a turn. Then episode 6- 13 went an entirely different direction from the earlier episodes (including episode 5 which I enjoyed). By episode 10 I needed to finish it all in one night. Overall, not bad. And weirdly detailed for some scenes
Started Princess Connect
I have 2 more episodes of Snafu but Idk if I want to cry rn. Maybe I'll finish it this weekend now that I finished my Calc test
1. Eva (a classic, and my first anime I ever watched. So I guess it holds a soft spot in my heart. Hard to recommend to a
first time viewer though)
2. Bunny Girl Senpai ** (hits right in the feels)
3. Re:Zero ** (VERY interesting world building and character development)
4. Snafu (First season was fun and lighthearted, Second season got (good) dramatic, Third Season is just your feelings getting kicked over and over :(
5. Toradora (fun and sad, ending got me sad because of how much Minori was willing to sacrifice)
6. Quintessential Quintuplets⬇ (Re:Zero was just better imo)
7. Love is War * (I really did enjoy this series)
8. KonoSuba * (might be since I haven't seen in a while)
9. Steins; Gate * (Don't get me wrong, got really interesting. But 10 episodes is 5 hours until it gets good)
10. My Senpai is Annoying (A lot more fun than Komi and Nagatoro
11. Komi Can't Communicate (more wholesome that Nagatoro)
12. Nagatoro (read the manga too. I enjoyed)
13. Darling in the Franxx (was cool at first, but the end was a dumpster fire)
14. Irina: The Vampire Cosmonaut (was fun, but ending was set up for a sequel, will be good when we get that)
15. Umaru (felt painful to watch. Very slow, but was fine)
16. Magical Senpai (funny af, but the lewd stuff kinda detracts. That and the non existent plot)
17. Actually, I am (fun show, not bad. But loses out)
18. Monster Musume. Was hella weird and borderline porn. It was funny though
*= Recommendations
**= REALLY Recommend
What I'd watch again
-Re: Zero
Currently "Watching" (since when I'm actively watching it I finish it in like a week)
-Dress Up Darling'
What I want to watch
Long Ass Series
- Railgun Series*****
- Bakemonogatari
- Princess Connect; Re:Dive *****
-The Pet Girl of Sakurasou *****
- Your Lie in April
- Violet Evergarden
Eh Tier
- Shadows House
- Tsurezure Children
- Girls' Last Tour
Finished Steins Gate (just the first season)
It was good, but I gotta say I liked Re:Zero more. The pacing of S;G is painfully slow until episode 10, so consider about 5 hours wasted. I liked Suzuha the best, and I could kind of tell she was from the future. The long dead stares she gave at Red hair girl was worth it though. Very eerie.
The part that got me is Suzuha going back to '75 to get the computer only to say "see you in 35 years, but to you it'll only be a couple hours" just pains me. I don't know why, but it does. Something about that big sacrifice just to do one task is crazy. Like she was to live out the rest of her life just to do that one simple thing. And don't get me started on the part where she failed... sad stuff
Overall I did enjoy it, but it was painful through the first few episodes. Especially the main character. I was so happy when he dropped the act.
Finally starting Steins Gate after listening to the soundtrack in my homework playlist. Also hoping this is good based on the REALLY high rating here.
It was either this or the "Snafu" rom com one. Might start that one tomorrow
Finished Toradora. Started it on the 15th, and was originally planning on watching like one episode a night. Well... let's just say I got hooked and had to finish it. The red hair girl, Minorin was my favorite. And damn did I feel sad for her by the end. When she cheered on Takasu and then put her mouth to her hand (if you've seen you'll know why) really made me feel bad for her. Really tragic. When she cried, I teared up.
But that's with all the characters. They feel real, and all their actions they take make actual sense. Nobody acts because they're right, but because they think they're doing what's right. The key here is that they don't know and are often times wrong, which makes them human.
Beginning was a little slow, but episode 8 on had me feeling things (pool episode where Taiga says Takasu was "all hers") I'm sure if I pay more attention to Minorin in a rewatch, I cam see how this moment affects her.
Speaking of which, people says this show has rewatch potential, so maybe sometime in the future I'll circle back. If I do, here are some SPOILERS. Minorin likes Takasu the whole time. Wow, only one? Guess I can't think of any others at the moment.
This show got me crying, and the ending was actually pretty satisfying. Soundtrack grew on me. I hated the 1st intro, but I really liked it by the end. The 1st outro was always good, and actually made me cry. The 2nd intro and outro were meh for me. But the song in the aforementioned pool scene (and used in others, I just can't specifically name them) was hella sad and really fit the moment.
Definitely will need to update my list, this is going near the top
Finished Monster Musume. It was okay. Last episode was a fever dream fr. I like mermaid gril Mero the most. She was the only one who wasn't obsessively horny on main. Overall, I rate it under Actually, I am (which I put in a similar category/ genre despite it being less horny).