Welcome to ICenturyI's MAL Profile!
Just your standard anime enthusiast. Right now studying Physics at university. Also a huge fan of FromSoftware and DarkSouls-like games as well as sports mainly football (the right one, not the US nonsence) and NBA. I accept any request so don't hold back.
I might be a bit too harsh on some series and overall, but I put a lot of effort to be consistent comparing each show with the others and also leaving some opinions on what I though of the series.
The rated aspects / rating I normally use is as follows:
- Animation / Action Sequences
- Plot & Development / Genre & Type of show
- Personal enjoyment / Creativity
- World building / Character development
- Time it was made / Series improvement
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- 10/10 shows are a MUST watch but a bit PERSONAL biased.
- 9/10 deservedly TOP rated shows in general and GOD tier all aspects.
- 8/10 shows that I think STOOD OUT from the rest and are AMAZING in all aspects.
- 7/10 series that have VERY creative/nice aspects and/or have OUTSTANDING animation.
- 6/10 shows that are GOOD but not AS GOOD AS others, in certain topics.
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- 5/10 shows are the MAJORITY, statistically if you watch a lot, the AVERAGE show should be here.
- 4/10 shows that I typically didn't really enjoy that much.
- 3/10 had MAJOR flaws that made me not like the show (some were old with no place).
- 2/10 & 1/10 probably my journey through the WORST rated shows on MAL.
Feel free to review my anime/manga list and leave suggestions, I consider myself open-minded, so anything goes. Also check my Interest Stacks for shows with BANGER openings!!
Favourite Animes
My taste in anime varies a lot, since I enjoy shows that I don't really think are objectively good, and enjoy shows that I might not have liked based on the genre, due to being really good.
Despite that I tend to like more complex and chracters/world driven shows with action and powerful stories.
Not really a Shounen, Isekai or Romance guy in anime, but a bit of each can really make a show great in my opinion.
Favourite Characters
Characters are sometimes the main drive for me to watch or stick with a show.
Therefore, don't be surprised if you find characters from shows I didn't rate too high since I like the characters not always the show they are in.
I tend to like mainly flawed, funny and witted characters that always make the scenes they are in better.
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching11
- Completed738
- On-Hold41
- Dropped46
- Plan to Watch139
- Total Entries975
- Rewatched0
- Episodes13,368
Anime History Last Anime Updates
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries61
- Reread4
- Chapters6,081
- Volumes507
All Comments (48) Comments
Apologies for the late issuing!
Mushoku é jogado no lixo sempre que pode só para o autor colocar alguma safadezas, se não fosse pelas safadezas nojentas, seria um anime mid na minha opinião
Fmab é um anime bom, pessoalmente dou nota 8 mas como eu disse na tag, jurei dar 1 como forma de "protesto" contra a fandom
Platinum End me intriga mais pelo seu subtexto e eu reconheço os defeitos porém não acho que merece nem um pouco do hate que leva
Komi para mim é a prova que uma obra não precisa ser extremamente complexa e profunda. É o melhor alívio emocional que eu tenho, é tão meigo... Sempre que estou triste leio alguns capítulos para aquecer meu coração. Dos animes que você citou de romance, só vi Dress up darling e odeio pelo ecchi (eu tenho sérios problemas com ecchi, ainda mais quando deturpa a narrativa)
Enfim, entendo seus pontos de vista. Minha nota é bem rígida e eu não tenho muita piedade, se eu olho e não vejo substância/qualidade ou algo que me incomoda profundamente, não ligo de dar 1. Acho que sou meio chato lol
Youjo Senki (Tanya GOAT), Violet (Lindo), e Apothecary (Maomao é 10) são espetaculares
Eu não gosto de Mushoku por causa do erotismo que me enoja muito além da filosofia hedonista da obra
Death Note só o Light que funciona, todo o resto acho muito mal estruturado, mas gosto do universo CTW que é o das Novels
Shingeki eu vou ter que fazer um tcc para explicar bem o porquê não gosto.
Serei aquele que estará nas linhas de frente para defender Platinum End, Bastard e Oshi no Ko
A Komi não preciso desenvolver o porquê é bom, é só assistir e a pessoa entende
Sinta-se a vontade para puxar assunto comigo!
And wait for Jiji and Aira, specially Aira, IMO she's the best character in Dandadan.
[TLDR: Amazing adaptation]
The adaptation is going pretty well until now. I was expecting it to be this great in terms of action but I was a little worried about how the adaptation of the interactions between characters would turn out, which is the manga's greatest strength in my opinion, but they're doing great, so overall it's a great adaptation. Keep an eye on the characters and their interactions because it really is the best part of the story.
Welcome and the list is bit a bit, year a year!!
Your list it´s amazing too!!
it's a pleasure :>