Unless I linked you here, don't add me. For real.
I don't care how many Japanese words you know or how much Naruto merch you own or how hot you think YuGiOh characters are or that you want to marry them. I just use this website as a way of keeping track of what I have and haven't seen. Fandom is creepy and I want no part of it.
Use my MSN to get a hold of me; I'm really bad about checking threads for replies, or responding to profile comments or whatever. Unless I get an e-mail notification, I just post and move on 'n forget about it.
All Comments (39) Comments
Yeah I'm not that crazy about it these days... But u gotta watch out for some people here, some are just total attn. whores, who only use this site coz they prolly got drama on facebook! hehehe (^.^(
how are you?
Harro!!! (^.^(
Just thought i would say that, welcome to MAL.
I see your a OP fan as well, your about at the same area where i am in the series.
... I can transform ya
I can trans, I can trans, I can transform ya, ...
im greg cho and hows it going
i see u like to draw to (>_o)Y