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Days: 78.6
Mean Score:
- Reading8
- Completed166
- On-Hold105
- Dropped85
- Plan to Read28
- Total Entries392
- Reread0
- Chapters13,366
- Volumes604
All Comments (17) Comments
Not really, everyone has their own opinion about it, and I respect that, but KLK is my favorite.
My Bride is a Mermaid has comedy for everybody in it. There's dark humor, there's slapstick, there's more parody than you can shake a stick at. It's just all around hilarious, with a really fresh concept. Try it out and let me know if you like it.
I like when the plot gets messy and in the end, we figure out everything, it's just an amazing feeling xD
There is a fair amount of politics which can be a bit boring but it does drive the story of what's going on between the different groups.
Yah i didn´t said that they were bad. In fact i said that they were good, not as much as Isaac and Miria but still good enough.
And ..i've seen better. The sadistic kid? What about it i've seen that shit 1000 times already.
Ennis .. yh the typical "father" that doesn´t care about his children ...
Firo was nice i agree, he just has to much swag.
Ladd Russo .. a weak version of all the psychopaths i've already seen. Jacuzzi pissed me off, i didn´t liked him.
About the mafia groups .. they barely had screen time..
The plot for being so complex/simple at the same time made me impressed. I loved the way that it was developed.
I hope you'll enjoy the second season as much as I am enjoying it! For some reason Juzo has become my favourite character of the show! He's so weird but so bad ass. His VA is doing an awesome job as well.
On TG's censorship:
YESHH!!! The censorship is killing a part of this show... T^T I hadn't noticed it much in season 1 tbh, but another MAL user pointed it out and then I really started to pay attention. Maaan, how blind was I not to notice that black censorship curtain...
On TG's pacing:
I thought it was pretty OK, but like you said, manga readers really said they rushed stuff and one even said they compressed a whole arc in like one and half episode...
On TG's wimpy MC:
YEaah, agree... He was super wimpy and I didn't like him that much as the MC. He's a bit better tho in season 2.
All in all, I hope you enjoy season 2 more. :)
I agree on Ao No Exorcist:
Could've been a great show tho... But the story just went awol. :S
Tokyo Ghoul:
Aww.... Sad to hear you didn't like it as much. What turned you off?
I know how you feel with fate/zero... But that show still scored high for me because it was one of the first shows I watched and I was blown away by the graphics and such. -shrugs-
On Stein's Gate:
I haven't watched that one yet... Hope it's not as bad as Higashi no Eden tho... the reviews are also something like this show is amazing and whatnot...