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Welcome To My Profile My Top 100 Favourite Animanga: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/106j9EgXC-PmUcvkSJwgPbyqcYFYNyuUJJ-ay4xHzAf8/edit?usp=sharing My Taste Top 10's Anime 1. One Piece 2. Attack on Titan 3. Texhnolyze 4. Neon Genesis Evangelion 5. Legend of the Galactic Heroes 6. Serial Experiments Lain 7. Gankutsuou 8. Hunter x Hunter 9. Your Lie in April 10. Vinland Saga Manga 1. One Piece 2. Berserk 3. Vagabond 4. Goodnight PunPun 5. Homunculus 6. Vinland Saga 7. Monster 8. 20th Century Boys 9. Pluto 10. Slam Dunk Movie 1. Neon Genesis Evangelion: End of Evangelion 2. Angel's Egg 3. Perfect Blue 4. A Silent Voice 5. 5 Centimeters Per Second 6. Akira 7. Princess Mononoke 8. Your Name 9. Ghost in the Shell 10. Castle in the Sky Film 1. The Lord of the Rings (trilogy) 2. Memories of Murder 3. 2001: A Space Odyssey 4. The Thing (1982) 5. The Godfather 6. Shutter Island 7. Oldboy 8. Whiplash 9. Come and See 10. Inception Hot Takes One Piece is the GOAT. For someone who hasn't gotten into One Piece, the idea of a pirate finding a treasure for over a quarter century spanning well over 1000 episodes/chapters can be hard to grasp. How can something this simple be dragged out for so long and be as good as everything says it is? Well, One Piece is far from simple, and it is actually way better than what you think. In fact, One Piece contains in my opinion the most intricately constructed and fleshed-out story that I have ever experienced. It is an adventure epic for the ages that tackles every theme imaginable with the greatest feat of world-building in any media. On top of this, you have constant mysteries that are introduced early on and then expanded upon hundreds of chapters later in the story, which is a testament to Oda's incredible foreshadowing. The cast of characters is massive with some of the most unique designs and personalities that bring life to every inch of the world. It also contains some of the greatest peaks and sequences that I have seen in any media, and these come by way too often in the story. The best thing about One Piece is that it has something for everyone. If you love classic battle shonens with amazing power systems and constant hype fights, then One Piece has that. If you love intricate stories with layers upon layers of depth and mystery, then One Piece has that. If you love emotional stories that constantly pull at your heartstrings, then One Piece has that. If you love great comedy and dialogue in your series, then One Piece has that. If you love thrilling plot twists and exceptionally written characters then One Piece has that. Heck! If you love your shitty fan service anime then One Piece has you covered as well. I have never connected myself to a group of characters and learned more things from a fictional story than I have in One Piece. And I'm not claiming that it's a perfect experience. The earlier animation is a hit or miss, most if not all of the films are a disgrace to the franchise, the pacing in the anime can be excruciating at times, and the quality of arcs seems to fluctuate way too often. However, given all these problems, the number of amazing things this series is able to accomplish completely trumps every negative it has. Imagine your favorite series and all its incredible characters, stories, messages, and moments. Now imagine if that series were to be 1000+ chapters long with incredible scale while continuously breaking new barriers every single time you read it, the length wouldn't be an issue right? Of course it wouldn't. In fact, it would be the greatest possible outcome for that story that you love so dear. The length of One Piece should be the last thing stopping you from giving it a chance. The episodes and length of each chapter are the same as any other anime or manga, so why not just start? If you love it, your life's going to change, if you don't, well then that's okay. There is so much more to cover about this story but I feel like I've said enough. I mean, there's a reason why it's going to be the most-sold piece of fiction ever made because frankly, it's the best piece of fiction ever made. The end of Attack on Titan is disappointing. The number of people who disregard any negative comments towards the ending by claiming that we just "don't understand it" needs to stfu. The pacing was horrendous, it was a blatant copy of Code Geass but worse, Eren turned into a crybaby out of nowhere (I know it makes sense but still), and the compensation chapter after the initial ending like...wtf was that? So Eren killed 80% of humanity (a majority being innocent) to save a couple of his friends and ymir, never stoping the conflict between marleyans and eldians in the long run, while also never really getting rid of titans because they allude to it at the end. There were some great parts but overall it was a 6/10 ending for what up to that point was a near-perfect series. Lelouch did it better. (edit: after seeing the anime adaptation I will say I enjoyed the episode a lot and it was not as bad as I thought it would be, my sentiments for the manga still stand...the ending works better in anime. My overall opinions on the series has changed because of this, and looking back at just how good the series was and still is...yea its one of the greatest works in fiction lol) Attack on Titan also does have one of the best ost and overall music in any anime tho. IF I LOSE IT ALLLLL!!! The Golden Age arc from Berserk is the greatest fictional story arc written by man. Perfection from start to finish AND ITS THE LITERAL PROLOGUE TO THE ACTUAL STORY!! The Chimera Ant arc from Hunter × Hunter is the greatest shonen anime arc of all time. It is not dragged too long or stale like I see so many people saying. It is honestly the closest thing to perfection I have ever seen from a shonen anime arc, and I'm a OP glazer. "Hunting For Your Dream" (ed 2) from HxH is also the best anime ed. Watching Yorknew for the first time and hearing this song play after every episode was some of the most hype shit ever. Prolly not a hot take but Hikaru Nara is the best anime op, hits different. 99.9% of dub is so much fucking worse than sub. The only expectations I can think of is Cowboy Bebop and Ghost Stories, everything else...the sub wipes because no other translation could be as authentic as it is. If you watch dub because you want to then somethings seriously wrong with you. Texhnolyze > any other psychological anime. Has personally my favorite ending in any anime. There is no isekai made after the 2000's better than a 7/10. Re:Zero is the most overrated one, shits mid. Manga is a better medium than anime. It is way easier to consume and for the majority of the time it delivers the purest form of a story compared to an adaptation from a studio that's likely giving it the short end of the stick. Also, you can collect manga too which is dope. The greatest manga are also better than the greatest anime. Oshi No Ko is a horrendous fucking show, how in the living fuck did it shoot up all the way up to #1 on the top anime list. I just can't get behind a grown-ass man (the protagonist btw) obsessing over a literal child idol star and then suddenly becoming her baby with the same obsessive mind, shits uncomfortable. Also, the way it dealt with suicide was so utterly frustrating and downright nonsensical. I felt so offended watching that shit unfold, If you are going to introduce suicide into an anime, at least flesh it out a bit and have the residual effects from it actually make sense. It's like no one understands the magnitude of what happened (EVEN THE BITCH WHO TRIED KILLING HERSELF), and the show just swiftly moves on as if nothing happened. The characters have 0 humanizing qualities to them, they feel like fucking robots pandering to gen z with all their social media ooo look at how they mentioned youtube and twitter bullshit. I swear, as long as you make a show with a cute chick and posterize her ass in all of your marketing even tho she has zero character development and is the literal plot/emotional drive of this basic ass revenge show then its bound to be loved by brain dead anime fans. Kaguya-sama is one of the most overrated anime ever, it is just fine. No season has been greater than a 6/10. It has its cute moments but overall the show is just so repetitive and dragged out for no reason. Nothing significant happens for about 90% of the show and the humor is unfunny and annoying. If Kaguya-sama were condensed into a 24 or so episode anime from start to finish then It would be so much better imo because there comes a point where you just stop caring abt these damn characters. I also can't fucking stand Chika. A Silent Voice is astronomically clear of Your Name why was this even a debate? Your name does have the best ost out of any anime movie tho shits straight heat. 5 Centimeters Per Second is Makoto Shinkai's best work and is my favorite display of relationships, and the reality of relationships in any anime ever. Shinkai's films also get carried by gorgeous animation and scores, 5 centimeters per second and Your Name are his only good films, everything else is mid. Golden Time is the worst romance anime I've ever seen. Seeing this show in people's top 5 romance is baffling to me. Romance is the worst genre in anime. It's just the same regurgitated love triangles with the same plot points, characters (even down to design), and stories. They'll have one unique quality to them that won't even be all that interesting then have everything else be the same shit all over again. Also just the dumbest characters imaginable for the most part. Btw my first experience with anime was from a romance (Toradora) and they were my favorite to watch for a while. It's just that when looking at it from the perspective I have now, I can confidently say that romance has the worst shows compared to any other genre. Tsubaki is the best girl in Your Lie in April. Your Lie in April is also the only good, in fact great romance anime that I have seen (excluding movies). It's a fantastic show with a heartwrenching and bittersweet ending. Although, I don't really view it as a romance story...it's more of a coming of age with romance woven into it. Scum's Wish lowkey underrated. It's an utterly shit show to the core that makes me cringe when thinking about it but...the ending is perfect, definitely recommend. 80's & 90's animation > current animation. Cel animation hits different. Without the animation, Demon Slayer would be unbearable to watch. It lowkey already is. Mid ass story, mid ass characters, mid ass plot, with god-tier animation. Bruh. The dark trio is comfortably, JJK >> CSM > HP The big three is comfortably, Op >>> Bleach > Naruto Op is levels above Bleach and Naruto its not even close. The Seinen big three is comfortably, Berserk > Vagabond > Vinland Saga (although they're all masterpieces) Vinland Saga season 2 > Vinland Saga season 1 If you don't like season 2 because of the lack of violence/action compared to season 1 then you completely missed the whole point of the story. The slave arc is possibly the greatest display of character development in any anime ever. It is legitimately one of the greatest anime seasons I've ever seen with some of the best individual episodes and peaks. Seinen > Shonen Better overall characters, series, themes, and messages. Blue Lock is a disgrace to the game of football. Don't get me wrong, Blue Lock as a show is enjoyable. However, if you know anything about football then you would know just how distasteful the show is towards the fundamentals of the sport. It completely devalues the idea of teamwork, and makes it seem like strikers are the only important position in the sport. They also act like having a gigantic narcissistic ego is the only way to be successful as a player, it's truly horrendous. But then again its just an anime. Nisekoi is the best harem anime. Best girl actually won fuck Onodera and her indecisive ass I can't stand her and every other character that has the same obnoxiously anxious traits as her. This show's also unironically entertaining af while simultaneously being mid for what it is. One of the best anime confessions ever tho shit was beautiful. Asuka vs Rei is the stupidest shit ever Misato clears. Also, Shinji is an amazing character. Asuka's last stand is the greatest scene in anime. Also, the original ending to the anime is perfect and the last two episodes are the best in the whole show. End of Eva just elevates the series to a whole other level. The bunny girl senpai movie was atrocious and one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The whole series is just a collection of plagiarized concepts from far better series (monogatari, steins gate, suzumiya) with the most uninteresting characters ever. If Code Geass's ending wasn't as perfect as it was then the show would be forgettable. It is really only carried by Lelouch and maybe Suzaku because of their duality. Everyone else has no depth whatsoever and some can be utterly infuriating to watch cough* cough* Nina. There are also some plot holes and inconsistencies within the writing. However, despite all of this...the ending makes up for most of its faults, highly recommend. Beastars cannot be real. The stupid romance subplot ruined this whole show for me. Can't believe this retard legoshi was simping for this obnoxious bunny bop who is the literal school slut while he rejects Juno, the wayyyy better option idgaf. Oh and by the way, she's also another wolf like you...tryna mingle with a lil ass bunny you weird fuck. Anohana is an overdramatized weird mess of a show that relies so much on forced emotional impact. The characters suck, every single one of them...and like...the guy who cosplayed as Menma and started running around in the woods and shit...wtf was that. Horimiya might just be the cringiest show of all time. Yea it is. FMAB is one of the most disrespected shows of all time and it's the perfect anime to have at that top spot on MAL. (Guess not anymore lol) FMAB is a pretty perfect show and I have no complaints with it. Do I think it's the best anime ever? Nah...but the animes I have above it are polarizing so It would be unrealistic for me to want them to have extremely high ratings (and that's the same scenario with most peoples favorites). FMAB fits so well in that top spot bexacuse you really can't complain that it's there, it just makes sense and if you don't think so then idk what to tell you. It's just a phenomenal show from start to finish and I have no problems with it being the "best" (one piece wipes). Gear 5 > Zoro vs King. Gear 5 was the best fight of 2023. Only people who hate on it are people who don't watch the show and just tuned in to see what was up...of course you're not gonna get it. The Made in Abyss movies are atrocious garbage. The first 2 are recaps of the series (useless) and the last one is so mediocre. These are cannon and mandatory to see too smh. Erased had the potential to be an amazing show. The last 3 episodes killed the whole series...biggest flop of the century...everything that could of went wrong, went wrong. I'm not even mad at the Kayo stuff, that part makes sense. But everything else, especially the "twist" and the whole hospital shenanigans - garbage - the shows ass. Mirai Nikki is dog water piss cum. The Anthem of the Heart... I can't remember anything about this mid, I just remember the movie building up the main lead to end up with this girl the whole time and suddenly he rejects her but not on some good writting type shit, off some wtf is that type shit...and like everyone suddenly ends up with the person not meant for them at the end and that the whole fucking movies just shit. Fire Force is garbageoooo! Most mediocre boring fucking shonen ever. The animation and music is peak, everything fucking else...appalling. Also just the most corny and random fan service ever such a stupid show. My Hero Academia is shit. The tournament arc in season 2...entertaining. Everything else...fucking ass, even all might vs all for one was AIGHT! Season 4-5 especially are some all time garbage dropped that show so quick man. Haikyuu!! season 3 was really entertaining and probably the best sports anime season I've seen. The previous two seasons were a nice build up but after season 3 the shit just got hella boring and my attachment to the series died off immediately. To Your Eternity was a phenomenal show up until the third arc where it killed my enjoyment entirely. Tonari was obnoxious, the villain was obnoxious, and the plot was horrendous. Such a shame because I literally teared up at the ending of the second arc. Frieren: Beyond Journey's End - mid. (i've seen 3 episodes) |
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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
Feb 26, 9:41 PM
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Days: 58.7
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- Total Entries98
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- Chapters9,246
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Anime (10)
Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni
Serial Experiments Lain
Tenshi no Tamago
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Shingeki no Kyojin Season 3 Part 2
Hunter x Hunter (2011)
One Piece
All Comments (4) Comments
One Piece is the greatest shonen of all time. I ain't gonna babble on talking about why this is because It’d take way too long. However, I can honestly say that One Piece is something that truly exceeds anime, and any other media that I have ever consumed. It’s a one in a lifetime phenomenon that has connected with me which no other series has come close to doing. The anime pacing can be annoying at certain points of story, but beyond that its a near perfect series. Rename this shit Goat Piece because it's seriously the greatest to ever do it.