All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 102.9
Mean Score:
- Watching25
- Completed173
- On-Hold21
- Dropped30
- Plan to Watch43
- Total Entries292
- Rewatched72
- Episodes6,415
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 12.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries24
- Reread6
- Chapters1,099
- Volumes94
All Comments (16) Comments
Te envío este mensaje para informarte de nuestra presencia aquí en MyAnimeList, como un nuevo club para todo Hispano hablante fan del anime y manga, y para invitarte a hacer parte de nuestra acojedora comunidad, obviamente si se presenta de vuestro interés. Tenemos Juegos, Debates, Noticias, Proyectos, Member Cards y varias ediciones de cards para los miembros. Siéntase libre de pasar un rato con nosotros! Te estaremos esperando! ^O^
Federación Latino - Americana.[/b]
No pude evitar notar que tambien eres de Mty, es dificil encontrar gente aqui que hable español y más que sean de mty :3
Oh tienes que verlo es de wtf
Decidí por empezar a ver los OVAS de Kuroshitsuji para terminar con todo de animé de una vez por todas y maybe someday... leer el manga XD!
O.O ver anime mientras haces ejercicio podría ser una buena idea :P jajaja!
Me acabé de ver Kuroshitsuji II :3
o.o ahora terminaré de ver Chobits (claro, mañana)
Y continuaré con los de mi lista de espera
BTW Another la tienes que ver-leer esta chida asi de O.O WTF!
Yep, fly me to the moon, was great, it's the best version I heard so far ><. Ah.... waking up by his voice >//////////////<, oh I kinda do lol I have I Will Promise You from MSOAL as an alarm tone on my mobile phone nyahahahahaha XD
But it would be better if he'd be singing live ;__;
Oh really? I'm gonna watch it then XD. Kimi Ni Todoke is good but yeah it's slow. Too slow. But still cute... did you know that there's a live action of it?
Isn't he?!!! He was sexy even covered in blood (I know I already said this but he really was) *__________________*. And at the end, he had his looks just like his role in YB, Tae Kyung didn't he?
Yep, I think so too, I could understand what he was saying, yeah sure he didn't have an american accent but he is asian XD, he just needs a little bit more practice and he'll sound perfect XD. And in YB he sang Fly Me to the Moon in english really good *__*
Whatever he does he's sexy <3
Yep Nana is the best anime there is, even the manga XD, too bad Ai Yazawa had to put it on hold due to health reasons ;-;
MSOAL had awesome acting and a good plot, but they didn't handle the story quite well.
Yep he is =D, it's worth watched... some people nag about his english not having American accent but i think he did a well-done job
And in Beethoven Virus, he's really hot in short hair >< (though I prefer him in long hair XD)
You're re-watching Nana? *______*, I adore that anime XD
DoReMiFaSoLaSiDo I was watching but I kinda lost interest in it >< didn't like the female lead and One Missed Call I'm too scared to watch it >< haha
Did you watch Itaewon Murder Case? He acts as the villain and he acts his part all in english =D
He's sooo charming isn't he? XD it's impossible to take his eyes of him >///<
What dramas did you watch starring him?