All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 285.9
Mean Score:
- Watching171
- Completed651
- On-Hold15
- Dropped20
- Plan to Watch109
- Total Entries966
- Rewatched11
- Episodes17,074
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 37.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries84
- Reread0
- Chapters6,744
- Volumes215
All Comments (60) Comments
I reread part of the manga and yeah the anime does end at 82 some things were just a tiny bit different!
Anyways how have you been man?
Cause when I read from chapter 82, I didn't recognize the story...
I might have just forgotten what arc the anime stopped at...
I'll be sure to check it out!
It actually seems pretty damn good!
Oooh! That sounds really awesome actually man!
I know too many pre-med students... more than 50% of my school is in premed or nursing.
Whenever I look it up there are chapters that are not there's a gap from chapter 60-80 :(
I heard the anime for Gantz was pretty shitty compared to the manga.
Yeah that's true, I decided to read it before the anime cause it's pretty short and it's a monthly series so it's really easy to catch up on.
I'm actually a film major!
What are you doing with chem? pre-med?
I've just been sooo busy with projects and stuff.
I'm a 2nd year in college right now actually. What are you studying?
Have you read One Outs?
Also Gantz I heard is pretty good, Sun-Ken Rock is also a good one to check out!
And Gangsta is pretty good too.
Any manga that you can recommend for me?
I have finals coming up soon so...
I'm just literally stressing quite a bit... :/
So many projects to work on...
Are you a senior in college?
Oh nice!
I have a kindle app on my phone so I can use it to read it!
I'll let you know once I start it!
Monster is extremely good
Higurashi is a good horror/thriller manga (I haven't read much of it yet)
Death Note is always a good read
Gamble Fish is similar to Liar Game in some sense but not exactly the same thing
Most of them aren't exactly like Liar Game
But I did really enjoy them
Hope at least one of them matches your taste!
It's a lot older than I expected actually, it seems really interesting though.
I'll have to check it out once I find some time.
Do you have the pdfs for it?
How's everything been for you dude?
Sorry for the late reply, college has been killing me :P
It could have been a better game honestly :P
I feel you dude...
College has been kicking my ass hahaha
Literally lost my voice this weekend because of how stressed I was lol
I've actually never heard of it.
Is it any good?
Like the whole book thing was kind of lame...
What also bothered me was that in the end Akiyama or Nao didn't figure out the reason of the game. Like they foreshadowed it when they said that if someone figures it out they'll win 300 million yen but they didn't even figure it out :(
Are you reading anything else that's good after finishing Liar Game?
Thanks dude!
I love Onodera <3
I saw that you posted on the liar game forum that you gave the show an 8, and I agree with that score.
What are your reasons that you gave it an 8?