Yes, I know what you meant, but I´d like not to think about the time as long as we spent it together I don´t really need to know how long it was in my opinion to know how long is only a trivial fact.
I´m pretty much talkative just dunno what to talk about at the moment since I don´t really like to opne up private things to other people and it´s pretty late so my brain ain´t working as good as at morning xD
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Well if my laziness wouldnt be then I would have programmed something already =-=
Yea, I´m 19 Years old and my dream job would be Programmer.
I´d like to create something own, something that people can enjoy over a long time.
Anyway I´ll go offline now, need some sleep.
Good Night ^^
I´m pretty much talkative just dunno what to talk about at the moment since I don´t really like to opne up private things to other people and it´s pretty late so my brain ain´t working as good as at morning xD
As long as we´re together I´m fine :3
Guess we have ^^
beside my girlfriend no one is allowed to touch me.
Yea, I´ve noticed I usually reply fast too when I´m not busy xD
Please don´t touch me, oke? > >
How are you?