I'd like to humbly apologize for the manga I use to read (manga list is now private), this is what happens when you had free range of the internet starting at 11 🙏
Also no I'm not a "fujoshi" or any of that shit anymore, in fact I ended up being a man 💀 suppressing my gender went wild
I also don't consider myself a "weeb" or "otaku", I'm now just a casual watcher.
I will not be using this account anymore, but I'll be checking in on rare occasions.
I'm not giving away my new acc here, but if you want it, ask :-)
Manga Stats
Days: 8.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries218
- Reread0
- Chapters1,156
- Volumes128
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All Comments (201) Comments
I see we have similar likes and interests too (´・ω・`)
I think the longest series I've watched are MHA, which I'm only at season 5 or 6, and attack on Titan, any other long series overwhelm me too much to start them. I'd like to watch Bleach because its such a classic anime, but obviously I'm going to have to motiviate myself for all the episodes.
I'll admit, one piece may be where I draw the line, but I can only imagine how happy I'd feel after completing it, so maybe when the series ends, which may not be for another few years because the manga creator is on an inhuman level of energy, already having a 1000 episode anime that's been going on for decades.
And thank you for saying that. :)
I know what you mean about long series, usually I watch longer series in order to just see what it was like, and showed I come back to are generally shorter. The only exception that for me is Re:Zero and death note because I love them. One of my friends is a big fan of one piece, so I started watching it, and I'm at episode 30, but I'm not invested yet.
I'm sorry about the crappy guy, it's good you blocked him, I think the best way to think about it is that if you feel you're forcing yourself to do it, youre not doing it because you want to and enjoy it, watching anime should be something you don't have to think about and find yourself just watching things. Sometimes it just takes time and eventually you'll get back into it.
Also I'm sorry if I take really long to respond, I've got a bit of college work going on so I'm a little frazzled. :)
Smile procure sounds really cool, the plot reminds me of Card Captor Sakura, which I'm trying to watch right now, but of course my brain is distracted with painting.
I kinda get what you mean with not being able to watch anime, I tend to go through periods of not watching any anime at all, then I'll suddenly really want to watch something and re-watch untill I don't want to again. And if it's any new show, I need to really want to watch it in order to to remember to try starting it. That being said, my brain is weird so it's hard to use other peoples experiences because we all see things differently.
I kinda consider Sk8 a bl as well, because although it's not obvious that Reki and Langa are in love, you can tell they really care about each other. And the scene when Langa is talking with his mum, and she says that the person he loves is a lucky girl, but he's confused why she said girl because he was thinking of Reki, it was adorable. 😊
I know what mean when you say you only like season 1 of Tokyo ghoul, the rest were not as well done, but I heard the manga is a lot better so I'm going to give it a go.
Attack on Titan was also one of the first anime I watched too, and its amazing, but while the after finishing season 4, I'm too scared to finish season 5 because I heard a spoiler from the manga readers that the ending is sad, and although the entire show is about titans eating people, I don't want the characters to have a sad ending.
I haven't heard if smile precure, but based on the name it sounds interesting. The first anime I watched was Kiss Him not Me when I was 11. And although I loved it when I was 11, re watching it now it a bit uncomfortable, because the main girl is very obsessed with pairing her classmates as boyfriends event though they have shown no interest in that, and all have a crush on her.
But after that I watched Ouran High School Host Club which is an amazing show, which I still love. Despite being made in 2006, Haruhi was written really well becuase they didn't care if people saw them as a boy or girl, and that it's what inside that counts. It was so nice to see gender non conforming character in a show. It's also really funny 😊
I guess on a less serious note, do you have a favourite anime genre, or do you like certain shows from every genre?
I was wondering what pronouns you go by, and if you feel comfortable telling me what your name is and how old you are. If you don't want to, that's completely fine. I'll admit you're the first online friend I've made, so I don't know if there's an online friends rulebook I should be aware of. 😂
If you'd like to, I'd like to be friends :)