Heya! I'm just a girl whose been watching anime for as long as she can remember. I love books, music and animals. I'm a sucker for shonen, action and wholesome anime.
Random friend requests? Messages? Recommendations?
Throw 'em at me cause you can never get enough of them.
My rating system. Pretty similar to MAL's standard one, but a bit more personalized.
➢10 - Something that had a huge impact on me, and got me really invested in it. Doesn't have to be absolutely flawless or perfect (but usually pretty darn close to it), just something very dear to me.
➢9 - Something I enjoyed watching immensely. I'd remember it and obsess over it for quite a long time. Falls short of the 10 because maybe it doesn't quite connect to me as much, or has a broken plot point a little hard to ignore.
➢8 - A show which I really enjoyed while watching it, but didn't leave quite as much of a lasting impression on me. I'll tend to not really remember most of the details after a while, just the gist of the story.
I'll recommend anything I rate an 8 or above to others. These shows usually have great pacing, an interesting plot, likeable characters, and a remarkable execution.
➢7 - Rather average. Still enjoyable enough to keep watching. Might take a while to get into it, or might have to push through some pretty boring episodes. Execution might be on the weaker side.
➢6 - Wasted potential. Interesting premise, but a poor execution. Fails to achieve what it sets out to.
➢5, 4, 3 - Just bad. Keep away.
➢2 - Makes no sense and has absolutely no reason to exist. The trashiest shows I have ever watched. Hard to believe anything could be worse.
➢1 - I was wrong. Things could be worse. This shit is downright offensive. I came out a shell of my former self after watching these.
Eyo thanks, yours is too! <3 Especially anyone who has Chihayafuru in their favorites is an instant W for me.
Love your reply on the Blue Lock thread btw, always glad to know there's someone else who agrees and I hope the author doesn't disappoint on what he has planned for Reo and Nagi, cause I really do find their relationship interesting (and frustrating lol) and there's so much potential for further developments.
If I recall correctly, we both are in 12th grade; I chose this username in 8th grade with reference to some meme which was relevant at that time, but ended up liking it... I usually go by Holyboiledcabbages but MAL doesn't allow that many characters so yeah;
I'm doing well now, past 2 years have been a bit rough honestly
I came across your comment on kissanime while watching Haruhi recently and was happy to see you around, so I decided to message you; I lost my password for the Animefan12 account in TTT back in 2015 and couldn't recover; I remember we talked about how you walked into the wrong section of 8th grade in your new school and stuff... so yeah that's basically it
Hi, i sent a friend request because i love everything about you Platinum-san, from the morning when you wake up until the night when you go to sleep, you are always such a sweet and beautiful angel. I would really like to be friends with you if you want it as well, you deserve to have everything you want and be happy forever.
All Comments (33) Comments
Love your reply on the Blue Lock thread btw, always glad to know there's someone else who agrees and I hope the author doesn't disappoint on what he has planned for Reo and Nagi, cause I really do find their relationship interesting (and frustrating lol) and there's so much potential for further developments.
I'm doing well now, past 2 years have been a bit rough honestly
I came across your comment on kissanime while watching Haruhi recently and was happy to see you around, so I decided to message you; I lost my password for the Animefan12 account in TTT back in 2015 and couldn't recover; I remember we talked about how you walked into the wrong section of 8th grade in your new school and stuff... so yeah that's basically it
have you heard of this performer?
I just saw this in my FB Timeline posted by 9gag :D
i hope you enjoy