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Of course scoring is very much subjective, but I try to be objective as much as possible although this normally fails.
Here's how my scoring is worked out: (Score 5+ are normally shows that I have finished. Anything below is normally a drop)
10/10- A masterpiece. A score selected for the select few that are truly the pinnacle of anime in my eyes. An anime that has simply everything a beautiful OST, gorgeous visuals, believable dis/likeable characters and fluent, but not necessarily coherent story. Most of the time the show appeals to me on a deeper level and is something that warrants constant revisits.
9/10- Almost perfect. Shows that are exceptional in every category, but fail to imprint its mark internally. The show leaves enough of an impression that revisits are most probable.
8/10 The series it self is pretty damn good, but is not consistent and gets of track every now and again for an amount time that breaks up the flow. This can be obvious art issues to 'fan service' episodes. However during just casual viewing this is hardly an issue and most of the time the show is enjoyable enough to sit through and finish without much problem. Revisits are likely to occur.
7/10- The average score. Shows that show brilliants in areas, but fail miserably in others. These shows are at least decent in every category, but can be incoherent and confusing in parts. Nevertheless, the show is can be easy to watch through and have no significant out lying issues that can't be ignored. Some dropped shows will be in this category, due to them being shows that I do not enjoy and cannot hook me, but for others can be easily watchable and I can see that.
6/10- Shows that are 'good'. Good being watchable, but with obvious issues. While watching these shows you are never hooked and can your attention wonders off a lot of the time. There is always parts where there is potential for greatness, but never met and you are greeted with disappointment. Most generic shows (magic high schools etc.) fall into this category.
5/10- Bearable. There is obvious issues and enjoyment can be sparse, but there is something that makes you want to finish it. Whether there is an obligation after seeing half the series, or on hope that it will finish or end with a bang, however this is never the case. Normally a binge watch after the end of a season, thus shorts most of the time fit into this category. Most of the time my attention is else where and is there just for background noise.
4/10- Bad. Just plain bad. Constant issues throughout, not interesting to keep my attention for more than a few minutes at a time and are an embarrassment. Shows that are difficult to finish or leave such a bad taste that finishing seems like something that masochists would do. Finishing is unlikely and improbable.
3/10- Awful. You can never get past the first episode or minutes and see your self finishing such a series. Dropping the show is going to be the likely course of action.
2/10- Very bad. Luckily very few show get this score due to me deleting the entry to save myself the embarrassment of other viewing the list.
1/10- An insult to the viewer. Something that should never be viewed, except for torture. Releasing such a show is an insult to anime and to them selves. Nothing should ever be this bad and hopefully nothing will.
Thanks reading I guess. Have an Emilia-tan.
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